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  • Questions Thinking People Ask Series

    Contributed by Don Hawks on Feb 3, 2004
    based on 35 ratings

    Part 1 of series of sermons on this topic--inspired by Adam Hamilton who did a similar series in his congregation, Church of the Resurrection

    (I have included web sites that I researched in the text of the sermon) (Graphic: ) SLIDE 1 Prayer Greeting, attendance pads, Class 101 Read gospel: SLIDE 2 Matthew 2:1-2 Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem in Judea, during the reign of more

  • Five Stones For Victory

    Contributed by Sheila Crowe on Jun 2, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    Putting on the armor of God

    By any earthy standard, the outcome of this battle would be "sure thing." However, when God enters the picture the entire outcome becomes quite different because of faith. It is interesting that David chose five smooth stones from the brook when only one was needed. Why did David do this? There is more

  • Five Stones For Victory

    Contributed by Sheila Crowe on Apr 15, 2009
    based on 16 ratings

    david and goliath

    By any earthy standard, the outcome of this battle would be "sure thing." However, when God enters the picture the entire outcome becomes quite different because of faith. It is interesting that David chose five smooth stones from the brook when only one was needed. Why did David do this? There is more

  • Can You Hear His Voice Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Sep 10, 2010

    As we hear the voice of God, we are to respond in worship through 1) Rejoicing (Psalm 95:1-5), 2) Reverence (Psalm 95:6-7b) & 3) Remembering (Psalm 95:7c-11)

    Physicist Stephen Hawking made headlines this past week for taking on arguably the most influential scientist in human history, Sir Isaac Newton. Newton, the 17th century scientist who left enduring legacies in mathematics and the natural sciences. Newton warned centuries ago against using the law more

  • Clamor Del Hombre, Respuesta De Dios Series

    Contributed by Kenton Wood on Jan 1, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Quien es el Esp Sto y cual es su tarea actual en los creyentes y en el mundo.

    16 Mayo 2010 Juan 16: 5-15 CLAMOR DEL HOMBRE, RESPUESTA DE DIOS ¿Quién es el Espíritu Santo? # 1 en serie: Poder Para Vivir TODA PERSONA EN EL MUNDO TIENE DOS GRANDES NECESIDADES ESPIRITUALES. ° La more

  • Five Stones For Victory

    Contributed by Sheila Crowe on Aug 6, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    david and the palistines

    By any earthy standard, the outcome of this battle would be "sure thing." However, when God enters the picture the entire outcome becomes quite different because of faith. It is interesting that David chose five smooth stones from the brook when only one was needed. Why did David do this? There is more

  • La Ley Entra Por Casa Series

    Contributed by Humberto Hilario on Jul 26, 2014

    Esta es una oportunidad que nos ha dado Dios para presentar una palabra que nos dio inicialmente para compartir con los maestros de Escuela Dominical orientada a los padres y madres así que vamos a estar ministrando esta vez nuestras propias vidas.

    Para que la Palabra haga lo que Dios quiere y sea prosperada en aquello para lo que la envió, primero tenemos que reconocer el ministerio que Dios puso en nuestras manos al permitirnos el privilegio de ser padres o madres. Dice la Palabra en el Salmo 127:3, “He aquí, herencia de Jehová son more

  • Preparing For The End Of The Age Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Apr 14, 2020

    Preparing for the End of the Age Series: Encountering Jesus (through the Gospel of Luke) February 23, 2020 – Brad Bailey

    Preparing for the End of the Age Series: Encountering Jesus (through the Gospel of Luke) February 23, 2020 – Brad Bailey Series #59 / Luke 21:5–38 Intro It’s been noted that when there is that which may be really hard ahead… most people tend to want to avoid it. The truth is that we waste more more

  • A Study Of The Letter Of First John – Personalities Of The Children Of God – Part Iii Series

    Contributed by Chuck Brooks on Aug 10, 2020

    John starts out in chapter four warning his readers not to believe every spirit but to test them.

    Today you will find many spiritually gullible and naïve people. We are shocked when we hear reports of religious groups creating pacts toward mass suicide. Someone has called them “Killer Cults.” Reverend Jim Jones & the People's Temple (900+died) Jim Jones, the son of a Klansman, more

  • Psalms 8 - A Psalm Of Christmas Series

    Contributed by Thomas Fortini on Dec 14, 2020

    A study of Psalm 8 will help to see what an “indescribable, unspeakable gift” God’s Son, Jesus really is!

    Intro: Gift giving is a big part of the Christmas celebration. Retailers are literally banking on it! The 5 week period between Thanksgiving Day and Christmas is the season where approximately 25% of their annual sales takes place! The Christian tradition of gift giving at Christmas has its more

  • The Revival Of Praise & Worship Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Jan 8, 2021

    In Psalm 145, we see The Revival of Praise & Worship through the adoration of three things: 1) God’s Greatness (Psalm 145:1–6) 2) God’s Goodness (Psalm 145:7–10) 3) God’s Government (Psalm 145:11–13) and 4) God’s Grace (Psalm 145:14–21).

    Psalm 145:1–21 I will extol you, my God and King, and bless your name forever and ever. 2 Every day I will bless you and praise your name forever and ever. 3 Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable. 4 One generation shall commend your works to another, and more

  • What The Stones Are Saying

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Jun 7, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    An examination of the importance of memorials conducted through studying the memorials Joshua erected at Gilgal.

    “Joshua called the twelve men from the people of Israel, whom he had appointed, a man from each tribe. And Joshua said to them, ‘Pass on before the ark of the LORD your God into the midst of the Jordan, and take up each of you a stone upon his shoulder, according to the number of the tribes of the more

  • The Story Of Creation Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Aug 23, 2022

    This summarizes the Biblical account of creation in the book of Genesis. The creation story begins before anything exists except for God Himself. Order of Creation: 1. Light, 2. Firmament, 3. Vegetation, 4. Sun, moon, and stars, 5. Water animals and fowls, 6. Land animals, men, women,

    The Story of Creation This summarizes the Biblical account of creation in the book of Genesis. The creation story begins before anything exists except for God Himself. In Genesis 1, the very first chapter of the Bible, we read how God created the earth in six days - light on the first Day, the sky more

  • Por Qué No Bebo Alcohol (Parte 1) Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Nov 9, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    ¿Debe un cristiano beber alcohol con moderación? ¿Cuál es “todo el consejo de Dios” sobre el vino y las bebidas alcohólicas? Este mensaje explora estas cuestiones.

    Esta mañana abordaremos un tema polémico. Para algunos, esto podría significar la diferencia entre una vida cristiana fructífera y una vida que termina en decepción, una vida de potencial insatisfecho. Incluso podría significar la diferencia entre la vida y la muerte more

  • Your First And Highest Calling

    Contributed by Curtis Kittrell on Oct 9, 2001
    based on 37 ratings

    God is faithful. That is, God is true, and constant, and will adhere to his promises. He will not deceive. He will not promise, and then fail to perform; he will not commence anything which he will not perfect and finish.

    Your First and Highest Calling "God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord." -- (1 Corinthians 1:9) God is faithful. That is, God is true, and constant, and will adhere to his promises. He will not deceive. He will not promise, and then fail to more

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