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  • Jesus, The Bread Of Life | The Prescription For Anorexic Christians

    Contributed by Thomas Clawser on Aug 12, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Is your spiritual appetite great enough to help you grow in Christ? Are you starving, or well fed?

    Pat Summerall, the well-known sports announcer, overcame alcoholism and became a follower of Christ in his late sixties. After his conversion and baptism, he immersed himself in God’s word through prayer meetings and Bible studies: "It's like an alcoholic looking for a drink,” Summerall says. If more

  • 2020 My Year Of Greatness

    Contributed by Pastor Amos Dele Dada on Jun 10, 2020

    The Lord says Y2020 is our year of Greatness!!!! I pray that this prophecy shall come to pass in your life. Let’s look at three bible characters Abraham, Moses and Joshua whom God promised greatness as we proceed in this message:

    The Lord says Y2020 is our year of Greatness!!!! I pray that this prophecy shall come to pass in your life. Let’s look at three bible characters Abraham, Moses and Joshua whom God promised greatness as we proceed in this message: How did Abraham become great? “Yes, think about Abraham, your more

  • True Christianity: Three Distortions In Christianity

    Contributed by Andy Payne on Apr 19, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    There are forces at work undermining the Christian faith. Paul suggests that the forces seemingly come from within our Christian faith.

    Body of Lies Director: Ridley Scott Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio and Russell Crowe Plot: A CIA operative, Roger Ferris, uncovers a lead on a major terrorist leader suspected to be operating out of Jordan. When Ferris devises a plan to infiltrate his network, he must first win the backing of cunning more

  • The Great Campaigner And Peoples’ Attitude Towards Him

    Contributed by Egerton Gbonda on Mar 26, 2011

    Jesus' desire to have a private and one-to-one chat with us

    The Great Campaigner and Peoples’ Attitude towards Him Introduction I am sure many of you have met a campaigner or a promoter either out there in the community as you go about your private or official business or you may have come their way on the phone- chatting with you; in a bid to more

  • More Great Reasons To Live With Godly Love Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jan 4, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    We should live with godly love... 1. Because it gives us more assurance of our salvation (vs. 18-21). 2. Because it gives us more confidence when we pray (vs. 21-22). 3. Because we are born again believers in Jesus Christ (vs. 23). 4. Because the Holy Spirit is living in our hearts (vs. 24).

    More Great Reasons to Live with Godly Love 1 John 3:16-24 Sermon by Rick Crandall Series: The First Epistle of John (Prepared January 4, 2024) BACKGROUND: *Most of us here know that the Apostle John was a very old man by the time he wrote this letter. Bible scholars estimate that it was written more

  • The Great Adventure: "Sound The Battle Cry!" Series

    Contributed by Jim Black on Jul 24, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    Just as God called Joshua to lead the nation of Israel into battle, Christians are called into a spiritual battle, not against the people of the world, but the spiritual forces of evil which control the world. Cf. Eph. 6

    Children sing—“I’m in the Lord’s Army!” Our children keep things exciting around here! We’re continuing what I hope is an exciting Bible study series, “The Great Adventure!” The Christian life ought to be a great adventure! • If you’re bored in your Christian walk… its NOT God’s fault! I more

  • Expectations – General And Specific – Great And Small Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Sep 16, 2022

    Expectations keep us hoping if they are good, and fearful if they are bad. There are many examples in the bible of expectations but I have selected only a few, then we look at Christian expectations. Even cricket is touched on.

    EXPECTATIONS – GENERAL AND SPECIFIC – GREAT AND SMALL I wonder how many are familiar with the novel “Great Expectations” by Charles Dickens. Pip the orphan boy relates his story that is based around what expectations wait for him, surprises, incorrect assumptions, tragedy and a lot more. Well as more

  • Dangerous Neglect

    Contributed by Jay Robison on Oct 11, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? God offers a great salvation, as individuals and churches we can neglect salvation.

    DANGEROUS NEGLECT October 8, 2006 Jay Davis Robison HEBREWS 2:1-4 An unthinkable case of neglect . . 8-4-06 Liz & David Carroll left their home East of Cincinnati For a 3-day family reunion in Grant County KY When they did left 3-year old Marcus Fiesel in a closet at home Marcus foster more

  • Getting Great Through God’s Great Love Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Nov 22, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    Why is John 3:16 such a powerful verse in Scripture - and what it say about who we are and what God thinks about us?

    I once read that the printing press was one of the greatest inventions ever. Up until that time, all books were painstakingly printed by hand - which made books very rare and very hard to find. But the Printing press changed all of that. Information was suddenly made available to 1000s of people. more

  • We Are His Hands

    Contributed by Tom Evans on Mar 28, 2001
    based on 855 ratings

    Greatness in the kingdom of heaven is recognized by simple acts of kindness.

    We Are His Hands Michael Jordan is considered by some to be the greatest athlete of all time. He finished his star-studded career with a stellar performance. Time was winding down on the NBA championship game. The Chicago Bulls were down by one basket. The ball was passed to Jordan. Jordan more

  • "How To Please God"

    Contributed by Blake Carroll on Aug 26, 2001
    based on 24 ratings

    Christians should have a great desire to please God.

    Title: “How To Please God” Scripture: Hebrews 13:20-21 Introduction: Living to please God should be the desire of every Christian individual. His Word challenges us to live lives that are pleasing unto Him. In order to do this; we must first understand “how to please God?” more

  • The Law Of Kindness

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Sep 23, 2006
    based on 15 ratings

    The need is great for a practical demonstration of the Law of Kindness in the church.

    THE LAW OF KINDNESS Ephesians 4:31 – 32 Let all bitterness and all passionate feeling, all anger and loud insulting language, be unknown among you—and also every kind of malice. On the contrary learn to be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ has also more

  • Because Of Sacrifice

    Contributed by Scott Carroll on Mar 11, 2008
    based on 1 rating


    BECAUSE OF SACRIFICE Rom 12:1-2 Gen 4:1-12 INTRO. A tragic event that occurred in the spring of 1931 when nine young black men were pulled off an Alabama freight train and accused of raping two young white women. A fight had broken out between blacks and whites in which, the whites were more

  • Does Anyone Care

    Contributed by Ronnie Knight on Jun 14, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon should challenge every Christian to share their faith intentionally by demonstrating that we need Christians who understand that he church is not functioning properly unless she is carrying the gospel to the lost.

    Subject: Evangelizing The Lost Scripture: Matthew 5.13-16/Psalm 126.5-6 Sermon: “Does Anyone Care?” Scope: This sermon should challenge every Christian to share their faith intentionally. Summary: We need Christians who understand that the Church is not functioning properly until she more

  • The First Christians Series

    Contributed by A. Todd Coget on Jun 28, 2002
    based on 31 ratings

    This sermon looks at three characteristics of the church in Antioch that teach us about church growth.

    The First Christians Acts 11:19-29 June 30, 2002 Intro: A. [illustration] John Bisagno former Pastor of Houston’s First Baptist Church tells the story of his coming there to candidate for the position of pastor many years ago. He said that as he entered the auditorium it was dimly lit, with more

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