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  • Chinese New Year 2023

    Contributed by Benjamin Utomo on Jan 22, 2023

    Chinese New Year is the most important traditional Chinese holiday, and this sermon shares how we celebrate it as Christians.

    Opening: One Chinese person walks into a bar in America late one night, and he sees Steven Spielberg. As a great fan of his movies, he rushes over to him and asks for his autograph. Instead, Spielberg slaps him and says, "You, Chinese people bombed our Pearl Harbor, get out of more

  • Woke Culture And The Good Shepherd Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Apr 22, 2021
    based on 5 ratings

    The emergence of "woke" culture and personalities is a bigger threat to humanity than the Chinese coronavirus.

    4th Sunday of Easter 2021 There’s a long tradition of reading the Word of God centered around Jesus as a shepherd, especially this Sunday. Part of that is that sheep without a shepherd are pathetic. They fall into pits, are hunted down by wolves and coyotes and wail pathetically until someone more

  • From Chinese Whispers To A Whisper That A Different Way Might Be Possible

    Contributed by Fr Mund Cargill Thompson on Sep 14, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    From the fire that burnt down Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris to riots that spread across the Uk in the summer of 2024 as a result of a false rumour to the cruel words that echo around inside us and cause so much damage - and then a different way forwards.....

    This sermon was preached on 15th Septemeber 2024 - first in the morning at St Barnabas Church Northolt and then in the evening at All saints Church High Wycombe at their "Led by the Spirit" service. It is on the James 3 reading taken from the lectionary for 24th sunday in ordinary time more

  • Rev #55~16:12-19- Pt. 5 ~ Things Pertaining To The Euphrates River~ Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Jun 22, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    The Euphrates River will be supernaturally dried up for the sole purpose of making the way of the kings of the east to get to the valley of MEGIDDO, where the battle of Armageddon will take place, these are the people that we know as the Chinese, Japa

    Rev 16:12~19 #55-THINGS PERTAINING TO THE EUPHRATES RIVER~5-22-10 Last time we finished chapter 16: and was going to try and get into chapter 17: but I decided to talk some more about the GREAT EUPHRATES more

  • Is Religious Freedom In Jeopardy? A Look At The First Amendment And What The Bible Has To Say.

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Apr 1, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    During the current global viral Pandemic, it was apparent that some churches were not following government guidelines designed to help save the lives of its citizens.

    During the current global viral Pandemic, it is apparent that some church Pastors are not following government guidelines designed to help save the lives of its citizens, and some have even vowed not to permit "any dictator law" to stop services, and have encouraged worshippers to meet, more

  • "The Secret To Contentment" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Jan 30, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    An old Chinese Proverb says this…. If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap; if you want happiness for a day—go fishing, if you want happiness for a year, go inherit a fortune; but if you want happiness for a lifetime-go help someone.

    “The Secret to Contentment” Philippians 4: 8-13 An old Chinese Proverb says this…. If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap; if you want happiness for a day—go fishing, if you want happiness for a year, go inherit a fortune; but if you want happiness for a lifetime-go help someone. Whatever more

  • The Significance Of The Cross Series

    Contributed by Peter Ceccardi on Oct 19, 2024

    Sun Tzu, the renowned Chinese military strategist, once taught his troops the art of enforcing victory. "A victory," he said, "is not merely the winning of a battle, but the securing of its fruits. A general must not only defeat his enemy but also ensure that he cannot rise again.

    "Enforcing the Victory, Part 1: The Significance of the Cross" Introduction to the Series: A Tale of Two Victories Sun Tzu, the renowned Chinese military strategist, once taught his troops the art of enforcing victory. "A victory," he said, "is not merely the winning of more

  • Rise Of The Kings Of The East

    Contributed by John Gaston on Oct 9, 2024

    A huge sign that we’re in the End-times: Never has there been an Asian superpower who could field and move an army of 200 Million – until NOW! This an in-depth look at the rise of China as a superpower which fulfills Bible Prophecy.

    RISE OF THE KINGS OF THE EAST INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: 3 Wise Men B. CHINA & END TIME PROPHECY 1. What role does China, one of the world's great superpowers, play in end-time Bible prophecy? The word more

  • The Great Communicator

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Aug 26, 2012

    Tonight we are going to look and see the Word teaching the Word, so that not only would people hear the Word, but they would apply the Word. But before people can do that they must understand the Word, so we are going to hear from the great communicator.

    We first looked at in John that Jesus was Word and Word was with God and the Word was God. To reveal to us that now the Word is not only spoken but the Word is seen…In the flesh, He dwelt among us. Then we looked in John and found out that Jesus turned water into wine, so not only would He more

  • God's Global Purpose In The Back To Jerusalem Movement (Great Commission)

    Contributed by Ed Cheng on Dec 31, 2019

    John Stott says that Genesis 1-11 is really a preface to the rest of the bible in which we can see God´s plan and story enacted through a man named Abraham. Galatians 3:8 predicted that the gospel would be preached through Abraham to the entire world.

    The Back to Jerusalem Vision given to the China church in the 1940's is a movement to take the gospel from where you are across the nations that are still unreached all the way back to Jerusalem. The great commission in the bible or the Back to Jerusalem Movement did not start in the New more

  • Accepting The Different Part 5 Series

    Contributed by Eyriche Cortez on Oct 15, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    To accept one another, we are to think of God’s judgment.

    Someone wrote, “Everyone has the fingerprint of God on his or her soul. God has created each person, knows him or her inside out. God has created each person and has plans and dreams for each one. God has created each person and so each one has incredible value. When we realize this, it changes how more

  • The Feast Of Freedom Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on May 24, 2015
    based on 21 ratings

    150 years Memorial Day was initiated after the Civil War. But Americans have difficulty remembering when this special day began and why its important to our nation. But 3400 years ago, God initiated His own "Memorial Day". Do you know when & why it began?

    I’ve read that Memorial Day was originally begun by former slaves on May, 1, 1865. The ceremony was held in Charleston, SC to honor 257 dead Union Soldiers who had been buried in a mass grave in a Confederate prison camp. The former slaves dug up the bodies and worked for 2 weeks to give more

  • Yin And Yang - How To Deal With It As A Christian

    Contributed by Robert Sickler on Apr 28, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Americans may be infatuated with Yin and Yang but they neither understand its strengths nor its weakness; they certainly do not understand the hidden dangers.

    YINYANG – HOW TO DEAL WITH IT AS A CHRISTIAN INTRODUCTION I have a dozen unfinished writing tasks but I find myself chasing a topic through a maze of rabbit tunnels. I recon this is what I deserve for candidly commenting about a subject that is near and dear to the minds of so many people: more

  • Keeping Up Appearances Series

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Mar 9, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    Do we equate the things we love about our Churches with the authority of Scripture? You bet we do.

    What is the most authoritative part of the Bible? Is the New Testament the most authoritative part of the Bible? The New Testament is the New Covenant that Jesus Christ gave to us, that sure is a powerful thing. Could the Gospels be the most authoritative part of the Bible, because they are about more

  • What Really Matters Series

    Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Jan 21, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    James shows us how to see through the outer things in peoples in lives and focus on what really matters

    In his autobiography, Gandhi wrote that during his student days he read the Gospels seriously and considered converting to Christianity. He believed that in the teachings of Jesus he could find the solution to the caste system that was dividing the people of India. So one Sunday he decided to more

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