  • Peter Ceccardi

    Contributing sermons since Jan 12, 2019
Peter's church

Peter Ceccardi
Elverta, California 95626

About Peter
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  • Counting Blessings Amid Trials

    Contributed on Dec 3, 2024

    Charles Dickens once said, “Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.”

    Introduction: Theme of Gratitude and Faith in Trials Brethren, as we gather to begin this series, Echoes of Christmas: God’s Unfolding Plan, our hearts are tuned to Thanksgiving. It is fitting that we turn our minds to the matter of gratitude—an act not for days of ease alone but for days of more

  • The Significance Of The Cross

    Contributed on Oct 19, 2024

    Sun Tzu, the renowned Chinese military strategist, once taught his troops the art of enforcing victory. "A victory," he said, "is not merely the winning of a battle, but the securing of its fruits. A general must not only defeat his enemy but also ensure that he cannot rise again.

    "Enforcing the Victory, Part 1: The Significance of the Cross" Introduction to the Series: A Tale of Two Victories Sun Tzu, the renowned Chinese military strategist, once taught his troops the art of enforcing victory. "A victory," he said, "is not merely the winning of more

  • Facing Persecution With Deepening Faith

    Contributed on Apr 25, 2024

    So, as we prepare for the possibility of persecution, let's not underestimate the challenges that believers face in today's society.

    Preparing for Persecution Friends, I want to share something personal with you today, something that's been weighing heavily on my heart. You see, I'm faced with a dilemma—a real moral quandary that's testing the very core of my faith. It's about my gym membership, of all things. more

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