Sermon Series
  • 1. Accepting The Different Part 1

    Contributed on Apr 1, 2008
    based on 19 ratings

    We are to accept one another in Christ

    I believe most of us are young enough to remember Karen Carpenter. One of her well-loved songs is “Love Me For What I Am.” The chorus goes like this: “You’ve got to love me / For what I am / For simply being me / Don’t love me / For what you intend / Or hope that I will be.”[1] It seems to me more

  • 2. Accepting The Different Part 2

    Contributed on Apr 1, 2008
    based on 11 ratings

    To accept one another, we are to concentrate on the essentials.

    Last Good Friday, nineteen men were crucified in San Pedro Cutud, Pampanga. This Easter crucifixion tradition is “an extreme form of penance”[1] or trying to cleanse oneself from sin. It is good that the Roman Catholic Church expressed disapproval to the practice. According to a priest, “The church more

  • 3. Accepting The Different Part 3

    Contributed on Apr 1, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    To accept one another, we are to concede differences.

    Have you ever tried ordering water in the restaurant nowadays? First, the waiter asks, “Hot or cold water?” Let us say you chose cold water. He then asks, “Tap water or bottled water?” Okay, bottled water. “Mineral, alkaline, ionized, carbonated, flavored, purified or distilled?” So much to choose more

  • 4. Accepting The Different Part 4

    Contributed on Oct 15, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    To accept one another, we are to pass judgment on no one.

    Have we ever asked ourselves, “What would attract people to our church?” In his aptly titled book, “Saints and Snobs,” Marion Jacobsen wrote, “People are hungry for acceptance, love and friends, and unless they find them in the church they may not stay there long enough to become personally related more

  • 5. Accepting The Different Part 5

    Contributed on Oct 15, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    To accept one another, we are to think of God’s judgment.

    Someone wrote, “Everyone has the fingerprint of God on his or her soul. God has created each person, knows him or her inside out. God has created each person and has plans and dreams for each one. God has created each person and so each one has incredible value. When we realize this, it changes how more