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  • A Righteous Branch

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Nov 21, 2019

    God has sent John the Baptizer to point us to Christ, the King.

    A Righteous Branch Luke 1: 67 - 78 Intro: Thanksgiving is coming. It is that time of year when many people travel to be with family. These and many other questions prevail as weary parents travel being trapped in a car with their small children. “Are we there yet?” “How much longer?” “Can we more

  • Getting Caught Up Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 5 ratings

    When Jesus returns, we will be caught up with Him, giving us hope and anticipation for that great day.

    You know how we all love a good comeback story, right? Like when your favorite team is down by a lot, but they pull it together and win the game. Well, today we're talking about the ultimate comeback - Jesus' return. Imagine you're at a concert, and your favorite band has just finished their set. more

  • Living A G-Rated Life In An R-Rated World

    Contributed by Darryl Klassen on Oct 27, 2005
    based on 26 ratings

    I borrowed the title from a Sermoncentral contributor because it was so good. But the rest of this sermon deals with sexual immorality and how the Christian needs to walk in a sexually darkened world.

    LIVING A G-RATED LIFE IN AN R-RATED WORLD Let me tell you about a couple I have become familiar with, Josh and Jerusha. These two grew up together in the same neighborhood, you could say. Actually, Josh was a few years older than Jerusha and had the pleasure of watching Jerusha grow from an more

  • Grass Roots Rules About Looking For Greener Grass” A Simple Lesson About Contentment Series

    Contributed by Perry Fowler on May 11, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Thinking the grass is greener on the other side of the fence? Here's three grassroots rules about wealth that will help us find contentment:

    Have you ever heard the phrase, “The grass is greener on the other side of the fence?” It’s tempting to think that other people’s circumstances are better than yours isn’t it? When I was growing up, I would often go to church camp. If you’ve ever had camp food you’ve learned that it “Ain’t more

  • Man Of God, Man Of Heart

    Contributed by Créteur Fabien on Dec 2, 2003
    based on 1 rating

    All that God seeks: a heart... a heart of shepherd... such as him considers!

    L=Homme de Dieu, homme de Coeur. Lecture : 1 Rois 9/4 et 1 rois 11/4 et v.6; Chap. 14/8 ; 15/5. AJ’ai trouvé David, fils d’Isa, homme selon mon coeur, qui accomplira toutes mes volontés.@Actes 13/22. Introduction : La vie de David est l=une des plus illustre, intéressante, inspiré et more

  • Worship In Spirit And Truth Series

    Contributed by Ewen Huffman on Apr 5, 2004
    based on 21 ratings

    What worship is about, and how to worship in spirit and truth.

    Jesus’ words: worship in spirit and truth. WBC 4/4/4 am Jn 4:21f Reading: Jn 4:19-26 Intro/ Illustr: Black man’s prayer - hands up all of you who love true worship! (tee hee) - THAT was true worship of God, eh? o From the heart …and head….. and life SACRIFICE OF PRAISE And it’s something we more

  • Penecost

    Contributed by Matthew Eyerman on Oct 3, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    Pentecost -- 2004

    Matthew Eyerman May 30, 2004 Pentecost I. Introduction 1. what is the miracle in the first reading from Acts 2. tempted to say a. strong wind b. tongues as if of fire 3. certainly special effects capture our imagination 4. anyone see the new movie: The Day After Tomorrow a. more

  • The Angel Of Light: Satan's Strategy With The Saints Series

    Contributed by Ewen Huffman on Jul 1, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    How to spot Satan’s work in the church and strategy against Christians.

    The angel of light: Satan’s strategy with the saints. 2 Cor 11:1-15 WBC 3/7/5pm Well- having not preached on him for ages I find myself covering Satan twice within 2 months! - last time was 15th May am. That was Satan’s strategy with unbelievers. How he tries to blind them about the gospel and more

  • The Way To Life Series

    Contributed by Terry Blankenship on May 16, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Some save their lives only to lose it. Others lose their lives to save it. What a paradoxical message. Yet Jesus said it was necessary.

    Mark 8:31-38 The Way to Life Recent report from Vatican to priests: sermons must be short (10 min), pithy and topical. Aren’t you glad I’m not a Catholic because my sermons won’t be short nor topical! Introduction – Heaven An elderly couple passed away and found more

  • The Songs Of Ascent – Part 1 – The Introduction To These Psalms Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Jan 27, 2023

    We are going to take up a study of The Psalms of Ascent, the Psalms numbered 120 – 134. They are called by various names but they are a wonderful collection of Psalms sung by the pilgrims three times a year as they ascended to Jerusalem in pilgrimage. This is the Introduction.

    THE SONGS OF ASCENT – PART 1 – THE INTRODUCTION TO THESE PSALMS We are going to embark on a journey with the study of 15 Psalms that are called “The Songs of Degrees” in the AV, but “The Songs of Ascent” in most other versions. These Psalms go together and were sung on a pilgrimage as the Jews more

  • Who Is Really Number One

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Apr 27, 2001
    based on 64 ratings

    This sermon was written during African American History month and deals with the need to see ourselves as Christians before being anything else.

    Who’s Really Number One 2/27/2000 Joshua 5:13-15 John 17:6-18 Why do we celebrate African American History? Because it reveals the workings of God in a group of people whom God has loved and more

  • Prayer - If Two Agree

    Contributed by Eddie Snipes on Oct 23, 2002
    based on 58 ratings

    The importance of small group prayer

    Prayer – If Two Agree Prayer is one of the foundational practices in the Christian life, yet is probably the most neglected aspect of the Christian life. A Christian who has a weak prayer life has a weak spiritual life or will have a weakening spiritual life. There is no way to achieve the kind more

  • 5 Elements Of A Holy Life

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Oct 17, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    A Message on What God wants from the life a Christian

    5 ELEMENTS OF A HOLY LIFE Date: November 24,2001 AM Service Place: Allendale Baptist Text: I Peter 1:13-16. Introduction: When you think of a “holy person who do you think about? What makes that person stand out? Holy is defined as “Without sin” Story of disciple now; hearing Ryan’s choices of his more

  • In What Sense Is Mary The Mother Of God Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Dec 29, 2014

    We will understand better the term Mother of God if we realize that the January 1 feast is really a feast of Our Lord Jesus.

    Solemnity of Mary Mother of God–January 1 (Thirteen Days of Christmas) To begin every New Year, the Church gives us a great gift, the Solemnity of Mary in her title “Mother of God.” But even though the feast has Mary in the title, like every Marian celebration, it is really a more

  • Is The New Age, New? Series

    Contributed by Mark Jackson on Aug 22, 2002
    based on 67 ratings

    In this sermon you will learn about the background of the New Age Movement and how it began in America. You will also learn three distinct New Age doctrines and what the Bible says about them.

    Is The New Age New? Like the cults, the New Age Movement uses terms and phrases that Christians are familiar and comfortable with. Yet, these terms are vastly different in meaning. This is why many Christians are deceived into thinking that the New Age is simply another appeal for world peace. more

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