
Getting Caught Up

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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When Jesus returns, we will be caught up with Him, giving us hope and anticipation for that great day.

Getting Caught Up

Youth Group Plan: Getting Caught Up (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, 1 Corinthians 15:50-58, Revelation 20:4-5)

Youth Sermon: Getting Caught Up

The Ultimate Comeback - Jesus' Return

You know how we all love a good comeback story, right? Like when your favorite team is down by a lot, but they pull it together and win the game. Well, today we're talking about the ultimate comeback - Jesus' return.

Imagine you're at a concert, and your favorite band has just finished their set. The lights go out, and everyone starts chanting for an encore. Suddenly, the lights flash back on, and the band is back on stage. That's kind of what it's going to be like when Jesus returns.

Well, today we're talking about the ultimate comeback - Jesus' return.

The End of Days

The Bible talks about three big events at the end of days. First, there's a seven-year period called the tribulation. It's going to be a rough time, like when you're down by a lot in a game.

Then, Jesus comes back, and it's like the band coming back for an encore. He's going to rule on Earth for 1,000 years. That's called the Millennium.

Finally, after the Millennium, God's going to make everything new. It's like the after-party, but way better.

What's Going to Happen When Jesus Comes Back?

In 1 Thessalonians 4, Paul says that Jesus will come down from heaven, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then, those who are still alive will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. It's like the ultimate crowd surf.

In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul says that we'll all be changed in an instant. Our bodies will be transformed into glorious bodies like Jesus' resurrected body. It's like going from a beat-up old car to a brand new sports car.

Revelation 20 tells us that all believers who have died will be resurrected at Jesus' return. This is called the first resurrection.

Different Views on When Jesus Will Return

Now, there are different views on when Jesus will return. Some people think it'll be before the tribulation, some during, and some after. But no matter when it happens, we know that Jesus is coming back, and that's something to get excited about.

What Does This Mean for Us?

It means that no matter how tough life gets, we have hope. We know that Jesus is coming back, and that's something to look forward to. It's like knowing that no matter how bad the game is going, your team is going to pull off the comeback.


God, thank You for the hope we have in Jesus' return. Help us to keep our eyes on You, no matter what we're going through. We're excited for the ultimate comeback, and we can't wait to see You face to face. In Jesus' name, amen.


Remember, guys, no matter what you're going through, keep your eyes on the prize. Jesus is coming back, and that's something to get excited about. Keep the faith, and keep pushing forward. You've got this!

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. What does it mean to you that Jesus is coming back?

2. How does the hope of Jesus' return help you in difficult times?

3. Which view of the rapture do you find most compelling and why?

4. How can we live in anticipation of Jesus' return?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Cloud Catchers

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