Sermon Series

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  • 1. The Need For Spiritual Transformation

    Contributed on Feb 27, 2008
    based on 10 ratings

    Mark begins his book by revealing the start of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is about the transforming power of Jesus!

    The Need for Spiritual Transformation THE beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. As it is written in the Prophets: "Behold, I send My messenger before Your face, Who will prepare Your way before You." "The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ’Prepare the way of the more

  • 2. Jesus: Master Over Death

    Contributed on Jan 8, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    Jesus is Master of not only Demons and Disease but also Death. Here we find ANXIETY, ACTIVITY and AUTHORITY.

    Mark 5:21-24, 35-43 Jesus: Master Over Death Now when Jesus had crossed over again by boat to the other side, a great multitude gathered to Him; and He was by the sea. And behold, one of the rulers of the synagogue came, Jairus by name. And when he saw Him, he fell at His feet and begged Him more

  • 3. Building A Great Church

    Contributed on Jan 8, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    What are some thoughts on how to build a great church or a great life. It requires three things: A Great Commandment, A Great Commission and A Great Commitment.

    Mark 12:29-31 Building a Great Church Introduction – The Keys to Attracting the Unchurched (This article was written by Thom Ranier. I only quoted parts of this in the introduction.) We recently conducted a study of formerly unchurched Americans. What made them come to a church? What more

  • 4. The Sin Of Unbelief

    Contributed on Feb 9, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus could do no great work in Nazareth because of the sin of unbelief.

    Mark 6:1-6 The Sin of Unbelief (also found in Matthew 13:53-58) Then He went out from there and came to His own country, and His disciples followed Him. And when the Sabbath had come, He began to teach in the synagogue. And many hearing Him were astonished, saying, “Where did this Man get more

  • 5. Mission-Minded Living

    Contributed on Feb 9, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    Missions is the heartbeat of Christianity. Yet, where do missions begin?

    Mark 6:7-13 Mission-minded Living And He called the twelve to Himself, and began to send them out two by two, and gave them power over unclean spirits. 7 He commanded them to take nothing for the journey except a staff—no bag, no bread, no copper in their money belts— but to wear sandals, more

  • 6. The Death Of A Conscience

    Contributed on Mar 2, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Herod Antipas provides proof that death is not always physical. Life ends in death twice without Christ.

    Mark 6:14-29 The Death of a Conscience And King Herod heard of him; (for his name was spread abroad:) and he said, that John the Baptist was risen from the dead, and therefore mighty works do show forth themselves in him. Now King Herod heard of Him, for His name had become well known. And he more

  • 7. A Compassionate Ministry

    Contributed on Mar 10, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus celebrates with His disciples the victories won in His name. But another test challenges the disciples. Will they pass the test in showing compassion and faithfulness?

    Mark 6:30-44 This miracle is recorded in all 4 gospels. It is the only miracle reported outside of the resurrection by all 4 writers. Mt 14.13-21; Lk 9.10-17; Jn 6.1-13 Then the apostles gathered to Jesus and told Him all things, both what they had done and what they had taught. And He more

  • 8. Surviving The Storms

    Contributed on Mar 10, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus knows where you are. The best place to be is in the storm where He wants you. How do you respond?

    Mark 6:45-52 Immediately He made His disciples get into the boat and go before Him to the other side, to Bethsaida, while He sent the multitude away. And when He had sent them away, He departed to the mountain to pray. 45-46 Now when evening came, the boat was in the middle of the sea; and more

  • 9. Appreciating The Authentic Savior

    Contributed on Mar 10, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Are you looking for a hopeful rest? Consider a hurting people and a healing Savior. Even today we can appreciate an authentic Savior!

    Mark 6:53-56 When they had crossed over, they came to the land of Gennesaret and anchored there. 53 And when they came out of the boat, immediately the people recognized Him, ran through that whole surrounding region, and began to carry about on beds those who were sick to wherever they more

  • 10. Pollution In The Soul

    Contributed on Apr 27, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus is confronted by the religious elite that His disciples weren’t washing correctly. Jesus tells the Pharisical hypocrites they have more problems than that to worry about.

    Pollution in the Soul Then the Pharisees and some of the scribes came together to Him, having come from Jerusalem. Now when they saw some of His disciples eat bread with defiled, that is, with unwashed hands, they found fault. For the Pharisees and all the Jews do not eat unless they wash more

  • 11. Living An Unwavering Faith

    Contributed on Apr 27, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    How desperate is your faith? Are you as committed to your faith in Christ as the Syro-Phoenician woman was?

    Living an Unwavering Faith From there He arose and went to the region of Tyre and Sidon. And He entered a house and wanted no one to know it, but He could not be hidden. For a woman whose young daughter had an unclean spirit heard about Him, and she came and fell at His feet. The woman was more

  • 12. Life's More Than A Coincidence

    Contributed on Feb 27, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Life seems to be full of coincidences. I really believe that life is really full of God-cidences. That is where God reveals Himself to us through His mighty works, marvelous wisdom and matchless ways.

    Life’s More Than a Coincidence It came to pass in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And immediately, coming up from the water, He saw the heavens parting and the Spirit descending upon Him like a dove. Then a voice came from heaven, "You more

  • 13. It's Time!

    Contributed on Sep 14, 2009
    based on 15 ratings

    It’s time for the church to wake up! Will we be faithful in following Christ in the last days?

    Mark 13:28-37 “Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender, and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, when you see these things happening, know that it is near—at the doors! Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means more

  • 14. Living For Those Divine Moments

    Contributed on Feb 5, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus continues to invest into His disciples. As they travel, they discover divine moments of God-cidents!

    God has His hand all over His children in everyday events. As we grow in the faith and in grace, we realize that we do have divine moments scheduled by God. We don’t always understand them or recognize them but they are there. Today, we look at a passage of scripture that by all more

  • 15. The Testing Of Jesus

    Contributed on Nov 30, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus was tested like no man has ever been tested. Led by the Spirit into the wilderness, He triumphed over Satan and every temptation thrown His way.

    Mark 1:12-13 The Testing of Jesus Immediately the Spirit drove Him into the wilderness. And He was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan, and was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered to Him. Introduction – Ornithology A college student wanted to take an more

  • 16. What Is The Message Of Today?

    Contributed on Nov 30, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus warned His disciples in Matthew 24 that the last days will bring a flood of deception. Has the message of Jesus Christ been compromised?

    Mark 1:14-15 What is the Message of Today’s Church? Introduction – Rethink Conference Schuller’s ‘Rethink’ Conference Exposed It’s an all-star heretic line-up set for the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, Calif., Jan. 17-19. Former President/CFR more

  • 17. Answering The Call

    Contributed on Dec 1, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus proclaimed a radical message, applied a reliable method and created a remarkable ministry. It requires commitment from His disciples.

    Mark 1:14-20 Answering the Call Believers are called to serve. Once our salvation is secure in Christ, we become His body on earth. We serve Him because of His grace which has been freely given. Occasionally, our messages are unclear. Consider the following: Introduction – Answer more

  • 18. An Impressionable Ministry

    Contributed on Feb 7, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus had an incredible ministry when he was in Capernaum. People were radically changed and brought their friends to Him.

    The next few weeks we will be examining the different types of ministries during Jesus life. Here is a list of those ministries: A Powerful Ministry, A Redeeming Ministry, A Remarkable Ministry, A Breath-taking Ministry and of course, A Rewarding Ministry. Introduction - Man Raised with more

  • 19. Igniting A Lifeless Church

    Contributed on Feb 8, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Have you ever wondered what it takes to ignite a dying church? Have you ever attended a dying church? No one wants to be in a dead, dull, dying church. What do you think it takes for a church to burn for Jesus?

    Have you ever wondered what it takes to ignite a dying church? Have you ever attended a dying church? Introduction - A Dying Church An artist was once asked to put on canvas what he considered to be the picture best symbolizing a decaying and dying church. After several months, he returned more

  • 20. A Powerful Ministry

    Contributed on Feb 8, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus' ministry was a powerful ministry. It was powerful in three things: Prayer, Priorities and Preaching.

    Now in the morning, having risen a long while (exceedingly, beyond measure; Aorist Act Participle) before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place (remote, desolate, uninhabited); and there He prayed. And Simon and those who were with Him searched (to hunt Him down) for Him. When more

  • 21. A Redeeming Ministry

    Contributed on Feb 8, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus redeems the unlovable, untouchable and unreachable in our society. He loves sinners but He does not want them to remain unclean like the leprous man.

    Now a leper came to Him, imploring (ðáñáêáëÝù - continually calling for help) Him, kneeling down ( falling down on knees continually) to Him and saying to Him, "If You are willing, You can make me clean. (êáèáñßîù to make clean)" Then Jesus, moved with compassion, (óðëáã÷íßîïìáé to be moved more

  • 22. A Remarkable Ministry

    Contributed on Feb 8, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    What is the best day you have ever experienced? The day of your wedding or the birth of your first born? It ought to be the day you first met Jesus! It was with the paralytic!

    And again He entered Capernaum after some days, and it was heard that He was in the house. Immediately many gathered together, so that there was no longer room to receive them, not even near the door. And He preached (ëáëÝù-imp aor) the word to them. Then they came to Him, bringing a paralytic more

  • 23. Touching The Lame, Lepers And Legalists

    Contributed on Apr 2, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    Jesus changed the Lame, Lepers and Legalists. Well, almost. Here we find the Pharisees burden and the Lord’s blessings regarding the Sabbath.

    Now it happened that He went through the grain fields on the Sabbath; and as they went His disciples began to pluck the heads of grain. And the Pharisees said to Him, "Look, why do they do what is not lawful on the Sabbath?" But He said to them, "Have you never read what David did when he was in more

  • 24. A Breathtaking Ministry

    Contributed on Feb 9, 2011

    Jesus loves the nobodies of the world. And Levi was one of them. Detested, dishonest and despised Levi, Jesus loved him and welcomed him into the kingdom of God.

    Mark 2:13-17; Matthew 9:9-13; Luke 5:27-32 Then He went out again by the sea; and all the multitude came to Him, and He taught (äéäÜóêù – to teach, impart instruction) them. As He passed by, He saw Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax office (tax station on trade route or place for more

  • 25. An Irritating Ministry

    Contributed on Feb 9, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus had an irritating ministry to the Pharisees. He irritated them to no end. He didn't fit their ideas of a Messiah.

    The disciples of John and of the Pharisees were fasting. Then they came and said to Him, "Why do the disciples of John and of the Pharisees fast, but Your disciples do not fast?" And Jesus said to them, "Can the friends of the bridegroom fast while the bridegroom is with them? (No!) As long as more

  • 26. The Demands Of A Personal Ministry

    Contributed on Feb 10, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus experienced great demands on His time. He never forgot what His purpose was in coming here. He came to seek, serve and save mankind.

    Mark 3:7-12; Matthew 12:15-21 But Jesus withdrew with His disciples to the sea.7a And a great multitude from Galilee followed Him, and from Judea and Jerusalem and Idumea and beyond the Jordan; and those from Tyre and Sidon, a great multitude, when they heard how many things He was doing, more

  • 27. God, What On Earth Are You Doing?

    Contributed on Feb 21, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    God works in mysterious and majestic ways.

    Mark 3:13-19a/Luke 6:12-16 And He went up on the mountain to pray and He continued all night in prayer to God and when it was day He called to Him those He Himself wanted. And they came to Him. (There was separation from the crowds & time for prayer) Then He appointed twelve, and He named more

  • 28. Lighting The World

    Contributed on Feb 21, 2011

    Believers bear the Light of the World...Jesus! It's done through Expectations, Revelation and Anticipation.

    Secondary Draft Also He said to them, "Is a lamp brought to be put under a basket or under a bed? Is it not to be set on a lampstand? For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light. If anyone has ears to hear, let him more

  • 29. Kingdom Building God's Way

    Contributed on May 16, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus describes and defines the kingdom of God and how it is built. (Not so rough draft)

    And He said, "The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground, and should sleep by night and rise by day, and the seed should sprout and grow, he himself does not know how. For the earth yields crops by itself: first the blade, then the head, after that the full grain in the more

  • 30. Running And Serving With Passion

    Contributed on May 16, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    How passionate is your service to God? Have you grown cold and indifferent or are you HOT with passion for Him?

    Mark 8:1-9 Running and Serving with Passion In those days, the multitude being very great and having nothing to eat, Jesus called His disciples to Him and said to them, “I have compassion (óðëáã÷íίæïìáé the bowels or viscera to be the seat of love and pity; strong desire to more