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Sermons on break the chains:

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  • Breaking The Regret Chain Series

    Contributed by Archie Norman on Feb 7, 2017

    Breaking Chains

    Regret: to feel sorrow or remorse for something in your past 1. What is the higher lesson you learned because of your past? 2. What is the fantasy world you live in because of your past? 3. What is the God-insult you believe because of your past? more

  • Breaking The Chain Of Unbelief Series

    Contributed by Archie Norman on Feb 7, 2017

    Chain Breaker

    1. The definition of stronghold "fortress" A. Originates in the mind B. Translates in our behavior 2. The demolition of strongholds A. Confront with truth B. Confess with faith more

  • Breaking The Pride Chain Series

    Contributed by Archie Norman on Feb 7, 2017

    Chain Breaker

    1. The frustrated confession of Jesus - v. 17 A. God is in control does not mean God is in agreement B. What frustrates Jesus should frustrate us 2. The frustrated question of the disciples A. The power of failure creates hunger and humility B. Prayer attaches us to God and fasting more

  • Breaking Christmas Chains

    Contributed by Don Hawks on Dec 14, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    Part 1 of a series based on Dickens’ "A Christmas Carol"

    Slide 1—Advent Candles Welcome, to the beginning of our Christmas Celebration here at Bethany. This is the first Sunday in Advent—which means we are begiining a look forward to clebrating both the first and seconding coming of Christ. I’m Pastor Don and I’m especially honored to have guests more

  • Breaking The Chains Of Bondage

    Contributed by Dennis Jones on May 7, 2003
    based on 55 ratings

    We have all been in bondage of some kind in our lives, some of us still are. We have become slaves of bondage to a variety of things in our everyday lives. It can be alcohol, drugs, hate, jealousy, or any other thing that keeps you separated from the lo

    BREAKING THE CHAINS OF BONDAGE The word bondage come from the Greek word “douleuo” doolyoo’-o which means to be a slave to (literal or figurative, involuntary or voluntary): KJV -- be in bondage, (do) serve(-ice). It comes from the word doulos -- pronounced: doo’-los, which means a more

  • Jesus Breaks The Chains

    Contributed by Bobby Cagle on Dec 12, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    This message powerfully describes how our Lord and Savior is in control, and how He longs to set people free from sin and bondage.

    Date: Jan 19, 2003 Title: Jesus the Great Chain Breaker 2 Samuel 6:12-16 John 8:31-36 I have GOOD NEWS To Bring to you today! ISAIAH 61:1 THE Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, more

  • Breaking The Chains Of Unforgiveness

    Contributed by David Scudder on Jul 19, 2007
    based on 23 ratings

    We need to know when we have forgiven others and how forgiveness is given.

    Breaking the Chains of Unforgiveness Luke 17:3-10 Philippians 3:7-14 Galatians 5:16 Romans 12:19 INTRODUCTION: There is much misunderstanding about what forgiveness really means. Like the story about a pastor who visited a man who had been active in the church, but, due to a dispute with a more

  • Breaking The Chains That Bind Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on May 27, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    We must first recognize the destruction of our lives before we can be delivered. Once we're delivered, Jesus deploys us to live on mission for Him.

    Breaking the Chains that Bind Mark 5:1-20 Rev. Brian Bill May 27-28, 2016 Nate Weaver Testimony – Part 1 My Name is Nate, I’m an unashamed believer in Jesus Christ and I struggle with sin. When I was 16-years-old, my worst nightmare and biggest fear came true. My parents announced more

  • Breaking The Chains Of Unforgiveness

    Contributed by Charles Jones on Dec 23, 2018

    When you don’t forgive someone your giving them power over you.

    Breaking The Chains Of Unforgiveness Scripture: Luke 17:3,4 Luke 17:3,4 There is much misunderstanding about what forgiveness really means. There's a story about a pastor who visited a man who had been active in the church, but, due to a dispute with a fellow member, he had stopped going to more

  • Breaking The Chains Of Debt

    Contributed by Dave Ramsey on May 13, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    What could the people of God do for the kingdom of God if we didn't have any payments?

    Sermon 2: Breaking the Chains of Debt Introduction: Consider the Source * If you tell a lie long enough and loud enough, it becomes "truth" Did you know that if you spread a myth loud enough, long enough and with enough repetition, eventually a bunch of people will think it's the truth? Did you more

  • Jesus Breaks The Chains

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Jul 14, 2024

    Sermon about how Jesus breaks the chains in people lives. The world does not know how to give life but Jesus does.

    Title: Breaking the Chains Theme: Jesus can break the chains the world tries to place on us. Text: Mark 4:35 – 41, 5:1 – 20 Note: Quotes are from J. Sidlow Baxter’s Awake My Heart devotional on July 10th Opening Scripture: Then they came to the other side of the sea, to the country of the more

  • Chains He Shall Break!

    Contributed by David Anderson on May 5, 2001
    based on 59 ratings

    Christ came to break the chains of sin and death!

    Sermon: "Chains Shall He Break" D Anderson Is. 9:2-7; Titus 2:11-14; Luke 2:1-20 + + + The Lord Jesus once proclaimed of Himself, "If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed." Titus picks up on this when He speaks of Christ’s journey to the Cradle, more

  • Broken Chains Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Oct 24, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    Jesus breaks the chains of sin and death for those who are baptized into Him

    INTRODUCTION • Over the past few weeks we have been looking at the life-changing book of Romans. Throughout the book thus far we have seen the connection of faith to salvation. In order for us to be justified (or declared innocent) before God, we must have faith in Jesus. We also have seen that more

  • Breaking Chains PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 3, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    To explore and understand the freedom we have in Christ and to live out this freedom in our daily lives.

    Good morning, brothers and sisters. We gather here today to explore a powerful message from the book of Galatians. As we dive deep into God's Word, we remember the profound words of renowned Christian author, Saint Augustine, who said, "It is through love that one application, we seek, we know. more

  • Chain Breaker Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on Jul 31, 2020

    A sermon explaining how Jesus can break the chains of sin in our lives

    Chain Breaker Romans Series CCCAG July 19th, 2020 Scripture- Romans 6 Rom 6 What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? 2 By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? 3 Or don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were more

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