Sermon Series
  • 1. The Heart Of A Man Of God

    Contributed on Sep 5, 2003
    based on 164 ratings

    This is an introductory sermon for the book of Romans. I am looking at the heart of Paul

    INTRODUCTION • It has been said that the pen is mightier than the sword. In many cases that can be a true statement. A sword put in the hands of another person has the power to take life, but the sword does not have the power to truly change a life. • The pen put in the wrong hands can more

  • 2. Who Needs God Anyway?

    Contributed on Sep 17, 2003
    based on 19 ratings

    Who needs God? WHy do we need Him?

    INTRODUCTION • Last week we started our journey though the book of Romans by looking at why the gospel is something to be proud of. Remember it is the power of God for salvation. Lives and destinies can be changed through the Gospel! • Now that brings us to our text today. Please turn in more

  • 3. The Gift

    Contributed on Oct 17, 2003
    based on 84 ratings

    This is a contrast between the gift we received from Adam and the gift we received from Jesus

    INTRODUCTION • It will not be long before we get to Christmas. During the Christmas season, we receive and give gifts. • I am the type who has always appreciated any gifts I have received from people. I am touched that someone would consider me worthy of their time and efforts. • Throughout more

  • 4. Broken Chains

    Contributed on Oct 24, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    Jesus breaks the chains of sin and death for those who are baptized into Him

    INTRODUCTION • Over the past few weeks we have been looking at the life-changing book of Romans. Throughout the book thus far we have seen the connection of faith to salvation. In order for us to be justified (or declared innocent) before God, we must have faith in Jesus. We also have seen more

  • 5. Who Is Your Master?

    Contributed on Oct 31, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    The slavery to sin is broken, but now what? I want to thank Gareth Reese for his great commentary on Romans that was very helpful in this series!

    INTRODUCTION • Today our country is in the throws of a war to help free the nation of Iraq from the oppression of their FORMER dictator err “President” Saddam Hussein. I do not know if you have some of the torture that he subjected his people to, but it is horrible to think a person could have more

  • 6. No Condemnation

    Contributed on Nov 7, 2003
    based on 84 ratings

    One of the many freedoms we have in Christ is freedom from condemnation!

    INTRODUCTION • As we have been going through the life-changing book of Romans, there has been a lot of slavery language used thus far. • We have studied slavery to sin and being a slave to God. The idea of slavery implies no freedom. Last week in our text we saw that Paul used the more

  • 7. A Child Of The King

    Contributed on Nov 14, 2003
    based on 94 ratings

    We are adopted Children of God, we need to start acting like it. There are many benefits of belonging to Jesus

    INTRODUCTION • One of the great things that happens to us when we give our lives to Jesus is that we become a part of the family of God. We become an adopted child of God. • In the Romans world from which the letter to the Romans comes from, adoption totally changed a person’s life. • Many more

  • 8. Freedom From Discouragement 1

    Contributed on Nov 22, 2003
    based on 27 ratings

    Since we have better things waiting for us, we can have freedom from discouragement in Christ

    INTRODUCTION • How many of you have been discouraged about something in the last week? • How many of you loved to be discouraged? • Discouragement can be something that can stop us in our tracks. Many of us have experienced the pits of discouragement from broken dreams, unfulfilled promises, more

  • 9. Freedom From Discouragement 2

    Contributed on Dec 5, 2003
    based on 18 ratings

    Because of the work of the Holy Spirit we can have freedom from discouragement

    INTRODUCTION • A couple of weeks ago we started looking at the issue of discouragement. One of the freedoms we can enjoy as Christians is the freedom from discouragement. • One of the reasons we looked at as to why this is true is because of the hope of better things to come that we have in more

  • 10. God Is Bigger

    Contributed on Dec 12, 2003
    based on 230 ratings

    God is BIGGER than any problem we face in life!

    INTRODUCTION • Mark Smith in an article in Readers Digest said the following: Like many high school seniors, my son was filling out college-scholarship applications. One form asked for extracurricular activities. He answered: “wrestling.” The next question requested positions held. He entered: more

  • 11. Freedom From Fear

    Contributed on Jan 3, 2004
    based on 25 ratings

    In Christ, we can have no fear!

    INTRODUCTION • One summer night during a severe thunderstorm a mother was tucking her small son into bed. She was about to turn the light off when he asked in a trembling voice, "Mommy, will you stay with me all night?" Smiling, the mother gave him a warm, reassuring hug and said tenderly, "I more

  • 12. Working Together

    Contributed on Jan 9, 2004
    based on 37 ratings

    We are ALL called to work in God’s kingdom by using the gifts He has blessed ALL Christians with. ( I got the mainpoint titles from John MacAuthur’s NT Commentary)

    INTRODUCTION • In Romans 12:1-2 Paul tells us: READ ROMANS 12:1-2 • How does our faith affect our lives? • After World War II, a group of German students volunteered to help rebuild an English cathedral that had been severely damaged by German bombs. As work progressed, they became concerned more

  • 13. Loving One Another

    Contributed on Jan 16, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    Love requires some responsibility

    INTRODUCTION • Last week we looked at how important it is for all of us to find some area of service in the church. We looked at how important it is for all of us to work together in accomplishing the work that God has commissioned us with. • Today we are going to take things a step deeper. more

  • 14. Do I Have To Pay My Taxes?

    Contributed on Jan 23, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    What is our responsibilty towards Government? What is the governments responsibility to us?

    INTRODUCTION • How many of you love to pay your taxes? Some of the creative ways the government has learned to waste our hard-earned money makes it difficult to be a cheerful giver! • We have been looking at some various issues concerning the Christian and our conduct. We have looked our more