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Sermons on blasphemy of the holy spirit:

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  • The Holy Spirit - Part 7 Of 9 Series

    Contributed by Sam Mccormick on Jul 5, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Continuation of the ministries of the Holy Spirit, examination of the relationship of the Holy Spirit and the scriptures, and blasphemy against the Holy Spirit

    THE HOLY SPIRIT This nine-part series was originally developed for a class environment, and later adapted for use in a prison ministry conducted via correspondence. Because of that background, questions were developed for each lesson for participants to use in a setting conducive to discussion, or more

  • Is There A Sin God Will Not Forgive?

    Contributed by Jimmy Davis on May 9, 2001
    based on 80 ratings

    A fresh look at the sin of Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

    Sermon.964 “Is There A Sin God Will Not Forgive?” From the pulpit of Bayview Baptist Church. Matthew 12:31,32 One of the most difficult truths to come to grips with is that God’s Amazing Grace is big enough to extend to every single person. The Bible teaches that all who receive Jesus more

  • Have I Committed The Unforgivable Sin?

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on May 30, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Discussion about the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and how it happens.

    Have I Committed the Unforgivable Sin? Matthew 12:22-37 April 30, 2006 Introduction As we continue our walk through the gospel according to Matthew, we come to an episode in which Jesus offers some of his strongest words yet in this book of the Bible. But before we get into that, I just want to more

  • Blasphemy Of The Holy Spirit

    Contributed by Dale Miller on Jan 29, 2005
    based on 21 ratings

    Jesus is confronted by the Pharisees and is accused of casting out demons by Satan.

    MUB 1.30.2005 MATT 12;22-28 22Then they brought him a demon-possessed man who was blind and mute, and Jesus healed him, so that he could both talk and see. 23All the people were astonished and said, "Could this be the Son of David?" 24But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, "It is only by more

  • Blasphemy Of The Holy Spirit Series

    Contributed by Jason Smith on Sep 15, 2014

    What exactly is this sin? Can this sin be committed today? Is there really no hope of forgiveness for the one who commits this sin? Why can blaspheming Jesus be forgiven but not blaspheming the Spirit?

    INTRO This topic is indeed an interesting one that leaves us with many questions. • What exactly is this sin? • Can this sin be committed today? • Is there really no hope of forgiveness for the one who commits this sin? • Why can blaspheming Jesus be forgiven but not more

  • What Are The Sins That God Can’t Forgive? Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on May 18, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    There is only one sin that God cannot forgive, and that is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit .

    There is only one sin that God cannot forgive, and that is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (Mark 3:28-30, Matthew 12:31-32, Luke 12:10). This sin is considered unpardonable because it involves a deliberate and conscious rejection of God's mercy and grace, as manifested through the Holy more

  • Sin Against The Holy Spirit Series

    Contributed by Idowu Babalola on Aug 31, 2021

    Sin against the Holy spirit is real, yet people commit it.

    Many believers are confused about the exact interpretation of the scripture about blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, and so they live in fear of not sinning against the Holy Spirit. There are three (3) sins against the Holy Spirit: 1) Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit 2) Grieving the Holy Spirit 3) more

  • Is There A Sin God Will Not Forgive?

    Contributed by Dan Erickson on Nov 21, 2000
    based on 114 ratings

    What does Jesus means when He says blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the unforgivable sin?

    Max Lucado says that one of the most difficult truths he has had to come to grips with is that God's grace is big enough to extend to someone like Jeffery Dahmer. If you recall, Dahmer was the young murderer in Milwaukee a few years ago who cut up the bodies of his victims. While in prison, Dahmer more

  • Blaspheme Against The Holy Spirit Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on May 21, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon on blaspheme against the Holy Spirit based on Matthew 12:22-37 (Material taken from Dr. Jack Cottrell’s book, Power From On High, pages 228- 235 and Carl Ketcherside’s book, Heaven Help Us, chapter 7)

    HoHum: Nightmare, I have to preach a sermon, no preparation, lack of clothes, can’t speak. What is common about this nightmare is the sense of panic – and the lack of control. I realize I’ve done something, or should have done something – and it’s too late. I think more

  • The Blaspheme Of The Holy Spirit Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Dec 28, 2009
    based on 15 ratings

    Ever wonder what that really is - and worried you might have done it? Let’s spread some truth into this very misunderstood idea from Matthew 12:22-32

    The Blaspheme of the Holy Spirit is among the most feared and least understood concepts in the Bible. For many people they think if they accidently say something bad about the Holy Spirit God will damn them to hell for eternity with no possibility of repentance. Well, it’s not that easy. Today more

  • Sins Against The Holy Spirit: Blaspheming Series

    Contributed by Alvin Hathaway, Sr. on Jun 1, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    It is clear to me that when it comes to the Holy Spirit; you may resist, but give in; you may insult, but ask for forgiveness; but one thing you must never do is to blaspheme the Spirit of the Living God.

    March 15, 2009 “Joint Usher Board Anniversary Day” Sins against the Holy Spirit: Blaspheming Matthew 12: 31 – 37 We continue in our series with this third installment on Sins against the Holy Spirit: Blaspheming. You may remember that the blessedness of Jesus Christ is that more

  • The Blasphemy Against The Spirit Will Not Be Forgiven Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Aug 28, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    The “unforgiveable sin” is: • a deliberate rejection • of the deity of Jesus • when you know it is true

    We’ve been looking at the hard sayings of Jesus for the past five weeks now. For the most part, Jesus has been addressing those hard sayings to those who are not yet His disciples. He is pointing out to them that becoming His disciple requires more than just saying the right words or engaging more

  • Blasphemy Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Campbell on Jun 18, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    Third commandment. "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain".

    "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain". 1. THE SIN INVOLVED "Take the name of the LORD thy God in vain". Blasphemy. Using the name of Jesus as a swear word has become the norm in our society. Contrast this more

  • The Holy Spirit In The Gospels

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jul 9, 2015

    He filled a fetus, conceived Christ, fulfilled Messianic expectation, descended like a Dove, led to be tested, helps us worship, makes us born from above, teaches & reminds us, and fills us with power to witness & validate the Gospel.

    THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THE GOSPELS INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. Bill Gates died and went to heaven where Peter gave him a nice house with a pool. 2. One day, he bumped into another man and saw that the other guy had a lot nicer things than he had. 3. So Gates asked him, "Were you a minister or more

  • There Is One Spirit Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Jan 29, 2024

    This sermon addresses three questions: Who is the One Spirit?, What is the role of the One Spirit?, and How should we respond to the One Spirit?

    Introduction: A. The story is told about a Christian who arrived in Heaven and was excited to meet many people from Old Testament times and he had lots of questions for them. 1. To Noah, he asked what it was like to be in the ark with all those animals. 2. To Joseph, he asked what it was like to more

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