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  • Looking For A City

    Contributed by James May on Jan 9, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    I’m looking for a city while I travel this life through wilderness experiences. There’s no place that I can call home but Heaven and that New Jerusalem.

    Looking for a City Hebrews 11:8-10, "By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went. By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles more

  • Looking For A City

    Contributed by Stephan Brown on Aug 26, 2002
    based on 153 ratings

    Shows how we who are called to follow Christ can and should treat this world as temporary. A lot of illustrations in this sermon.

    “Looking for a City…” Hebrews 11:8-10 Hebrews 11:8 It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going. God called Abraham to leave his home, to leave everything he knew, more

  • Abraham's Prayer: A Prayer For The City Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jan 21, 2015

    If you want God to answer your prayer listen to Him first; then ask for things in accordance with his character and with a humble confidence in Him

    In the movie, Bruce Almighty, Bruce (Jim Carey) is a reporter who made a fool of himself on national television, lost his job, was attacked on the street, and had an emotional blow-up with his girlfriend, Grace (Jennifer Aniston). With his world falling apart, Bruce takes a midnight ride to clear more

  • Abraham: A Final Look Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Feb 3, 2021

    The last years of Abraham's life have less coverage than his middle years, between leaving Ur and settling in Beersheba. Even so, several events happened, so let's take a last look at Abraham's live

    Introduction: Abraham, like most Bible characters, had his high and low points. The highest point, arguably, would be the episode where he was commanded to offer Isaac as a burnt offering but was stopped before he actually did so (Genesis 22). The last years of Abraham’s life don’t have much more

  • Looking Forward To The Eternal City Series

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Sep 7, 2014

    To show that we have an eternal city to live in for eternity whose Architect and Builder is GOD.

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you live in an eternal city? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that we have an eternal city to live in for eternity whose Architect and Builder is GOD. IV. TEXT: Hebrews 11:10 (Amplified Bible) 11:10 For he was [waiting expectantly and confidently] more

  • Pleading For The Perishing Cities

    Contributed by Meshak Dayanand on Jan 19, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    Jesus is looking for people to stand in the gap, who will go for him, let us pray for the Lord of the harvest, that the harvest is ready and plenty but the labourers are few

    Luke 19:41-44 Now as He drew near, He saw the city and wept over it, saying, “If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes.  For days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment around more

  • Death Of A City Series

    Contributed by Gregory Neill on Jan 17, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Part 1 in a series on Lamentations. This lesson looks at the causes of Jerusalem’s destruction.

    Death of a City Introduction to Lamentations I. Introduction A. Famous Funeral Speeches 1. Mark Anthony’s funeral speech for Caesar. a) “Friends, Romans, Countrymen lend me your ears…” b) “…ambition should be made of sterner stuff…” c) “…you all did love him once, not without cause…” 2. Ronald more

  • Heart For The City Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on May 12, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    This message looks at the heart of Jesus and what’s at the heart of the gospel: love and compassion.

    Heart for the City Luke 19:37-44 Today is Palm Sunday which celebrates Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. More than 200,000 people descended on Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover, the most important Jewish holiday of the year. Passover celebrates when God delivered the Israelites out of more

  • Abraham

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Apr 19, 2022

    Why was Abram’s name changed to Abraham? Why is he called father Abraham? Let’s look at Genesis 12-25 and the life of a patriarch of our faith.

    A study of the patriarchs and matriarchs reveals that they were very imperfect people, but blessed by God because of faith. This should be an encouragement to us who are likewise very imperfect, but trust in God. Why was Abram’s name changed to Abraham? Why is he called father Abraham? Let’s look more

  • The City Of God Series

    Contributed by Steven Dow on Jun 18, 2004
    based on 54 ratings

    Part 2 of 2 in "The Day After Tomorrow" series. This sermon takes a look at the present realities of the city of God as found in Revelation 21.

    THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW – PART TWO The City of God Revelation 21 June 20, 2004 Introduction: Last week we looked at The Day After Tomorrow in the context of the worries that we have about the future. Whether it be weather related worries like in the movie or family or finances or one of a more

  • What Faith Looks Like Series

    Contributed by James Wallace on May 11, 2021

    This is a reality check. When you're surprised by the challenges of the Christian life and even tempted to quit, consider how the people who are part of Faith's Hall of Fame lived.

    This past week we all heard about another horrific tragedy on the border. Three people died and 25 were injured as smugglers attempted to bring dozens of illegal immigrants into the U.S. via boat along the California Coast. The 40-foot boat broke up on a reef just west of Point Loma off the San more

  • Strong In The City

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Aug 18, 2023

    Never look at trials and sufferings as something that was sent to break you, instead God allows them to build, mould and construct us.

    Strong in the city???? 1 Samuel 2:9”For by strength shall no man prevail.” “My brother is very strong in this city” said a born-again believer, who attends church and reads the Bible. What does that mean? She meant that her brother had muscle-power in the city, men who were strong more

  • The Life Of Abraham, Part 17: The Lord's Final Words To Abraham Series

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Feb 18, 2014

    This is the conclusion to the series on Abraham called "The Life of Abraham". This sums the study up

    The Life of Abraham, Part 17: The LORD’s final Words to Abraham Genesis 22:15-19 Introduction In the last passage we were left on the mountaintop, spellbound by the rapid turn of events. What had looked like an awful death for Isaac turned out to be supreme joy when the LORD intervened with the more

  • Foward-Looking Faith Series

    Contributed by Roshelle Brenneise on Nov 7, 2024

    Faith is always looking forward and in the final events of Abraham’s life we see his forward-looking faith on full display.

    November 09, 2024 After the dramatic events on Mount Moriah, Abraham and Isaac returned home. Sarah lived for, approximately, another 20 years and died at Hebron age 127. Abraham was now 137 years old. He had been walking with God for a long time. Faith is always looking forward and in the more

  • Heaven: The Holy City

    Contributed by Joe Bedy on Oct 4, 2001
    based on 90 ratings

    Looks at a Holy place, created by a Holy God for His Holy people.

    October 3 2001 Central Christian Church St. Petersburg, Fl Heaven- The Holy City Revelation 21: 1-7 Song: Joe Bedy Ed Rogers’ duet We know very little about heaven, but I once heard a theologian describe it as "an unknown region with a well-know inhabitant," and there is not a better way to more

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