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  • The Sovereignty Of God - Palm Sunday

    Contributed by Tim Melton on Mar 15, 2021

    He is our Sovereign God. His praises will continue for eternity and His children will experience His faithfulness forever. Today submit yourself to our Sovereign God and walk securely in His eternal embrace.

    At times in scripture we see that God instructed his prophets to speak his instructions to God’s people. At other times God instructed his prophet to present to his people an object lesson or living example of the idea that God was trying to communicate. We find an example of this in Luke more

  • At The Poverty Line Series

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Nov 24, 2022

    Being financially secure, being well educated, having the respect and admiration of your neighbors, none of those get you credit in God’s kingdom. We’re all charity cases there.

    Are you happy? If not, what would it take to make you happy? For most people, happiness seems to have something to do with our circumstances. In our youth-obsessed culture, perhaps we feel we have to look backward to imagine happiness. “What is happiness?” and “How can I get happiness?” are two more

  • I Have A God Problem

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Sep 1, 2024

    This sermon will explore how, in the face of "God problems"—situations without human solutions—the key to experiencing safety, security, and peace that transcends all understanding lies in faith in the risen Savior.

    I Have A God Problem Exodus 2:1-3:14 Online Sermon: Life is a journey that must be traveled, regardless of the condition of the roads. While a fortunate few may seem to glide through life with ease, most people encounter formidable challenges—whether more

  • Unshakeable Foundations Series

    Contributed by Apostle Dr. Ruben L. Broadnax Jr. on Oct 23, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    It’s easy to feel unstable like we’re standing on shifting sands. Yet, Jesus offers a way to live that is solid, secure, and enduring—a way to build a life that withstands the storms.

    In a fast-paced world, the ground beneath our feet can feel shaky. We see political upheavals, moral confusion, and social divisions, all swirling like a storm around us. It’s easy to feel unstable, like we’re standing on shifting sands. Yet, Jesus offers a way to live that is solid, secure, and more

  • Jehovah-Tsidkenu - The Lord Our Righteousness PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 27, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Our righteousness comes not from our own efforts, but from the Lord Himself, and we should look forward to His promise of safety, security, and a day when all will be made right with hope and joy.

    Good morning, family. Today, we're diving into a powerful, hope-filled promise from the book of Jeremiah, a promise of safety, security, and a day when all will be made right. We'll be focusing on Jeremiah 23:5-6, where it says, "The days are coming," declares the LORD, "when I will raise up for more

  • Church – The Essential Service Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Nov 22, 2018

    Sometimes Christians treat the church as an emergency service … a place to go when you need spiritual help and security, but to be avoided when all is well. But the church is the only institution which can stand against the gates of Hades. Therefore church is an essential service.

    Message Matthew 16:13-20 Church – The Essential Service What do we do when we have an emergency? When there is fire … we call the Fire Brigade When there is a street fight … we call the Police. When there is a car accident and people are injured … we call the Ambulance. That’s who we think of more

  • God's Top Ten Series

    Contributed by Roger Thomas on Feb 16, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    I want to call each of you to commit yourself to helping strengthen the foundations that make our families strong and secure. I know of no better way to do this than to return to the very beginning. Let’s review the Ten Commandments. I know I am preach

    Dr. Roger W. Thomas, Preaching Minister First Christian Church, Vandalia, MO Family Classics Series 2006 God’s Top Ten: Strengthening the Foundation Exodus 20:1-17 It happens unexpectedly. The process actually takes place slowly over weeks, and months, even years. On the surface, everything more

  • Grace We Struggle To Accept: The Embrace Of Grace Series

    Contributed by David Flowers on Apr 27, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    Grace is not only hard to understand, it is difficult to accept. While every human being has a deep need for acceptance, security, and significance, we tend to seek the meeting of those needs in other human beings, who can never really meet those needs.

    Grace We Struggle to Accept: The Embrace of Grace Grace, prt. 2 Wildwind Community Church David K. Flowers 3/20/05 I want to start today’s message on an uncharacteristically heavy note. I have a few questions for you, and they’re the kind of questions that may not be easy for you to answer. more

  • What To Do Until The Lord Comes Back - Part 3

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jun 2, 2013
    based on 15 ratings

    What should we do until the Lord comes back? 1. Rush toward righteousness (vs. 14). 2. Consider the longsuffering of the Lord (vs. 15). 3. Watch out where you walk (vs. 15-17). 4. Keep growing in the grace of Jesus Christ (vs. 18).

    What to Do Until the Lord Comes Back - Part 3 2 Peter 3:14-18 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - May 5, 2013 BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION: *Do you believe that Jesus Christ is coming again? If we believe what the Bible says about Jesus, then we know that the Lord is coming back. What more

  • Inseparable Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Aug 30, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    Because we are God’s elect, we have an impenetrable defense and we are secure in Christ. We cannot be separated from God’s love. This helps us to truly understand what Grace means.

    Inseparable (Romans 8:33-39) Intro 1. Separating Siamese Twins “Formerly Conjoined Twins See Each Other By KAREN MATTHEWS, Associated Press Writer NEW YORK - Six days after a delicate 17-hour operation that separated their joined heads, 2-year-old twins Carl and Clarence Aguirre were allowed more

  • Lost Sheep

    Contributed by Robert Laymance on Feb 21, 2001
    based on 50 ratings

    There are many Sheep out there today who have wandered away from the Fold. You and I as Preachers of the Gospel should cry loud and spare not the good news of safety, security, and the Shepherd who cares for us.

    Sheep have a Shepherd. Sheep have a Leader. Sheep need good grass and still waters to feed on. The Lord Jesus is and all they need to survive. The Prophet Isaiah said in chapter 53: ALL we LIKE SHEEP have gone astray. Peter said for ye were AS SHEEP going astry but are now returned unto the more

  • Be Shrewd!

    Contributed by David Trexler on Dec 1, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus is calling us to start using more of our wits, our brains, our craftiness, our shrewdness that we use to secure our position on earth, and start using these same gifts to the glory of God.

    Sermon for Luke 16:1-13 September 23rd 2007 What do you think guys and gals? Do you want to stick with the text we are dealt today, or maybe search through the Bible and pick one that perhaps is a little easier, at least not quite as challenging? Because, basically every single commentary, more

  • The Real Savers

    Contributed by Matthew Morine on Aug 16, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Two missionaries traveled to Iraq to attempt to establish a mission congregation. The area was dangerous so everything had to be done secretively. They were sent by a large congregation to secure a house to begin a congregation in. As they were traveli

    THE REAL SAVERS THEME: HELPING TO SAVE OTHERS WILL SAVE OURSELVES TEXT: JOSHUA 2 Two missionaries traveled to Iraq to attempt to establish a mission congregation. The area was dangerous so everything had to be done secretively. They were sent by a large congregation to secure a house to more

  • "A Father's Gift" Series

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on May 23, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    A father’s day sermon, stressing the importance of father’s being involved, so that their sons and daughters can find security, value and self esteem, and thus transfer love for their earthly father to their heavenly father.

    In Jesus Holy Name June 15th , 2008 Text: Luke 8:40-42,54-53 Redeemer “A Father’s Gift” The story of Jairus is a wonderful story about a father’s love for his daughter. His daughter was about 12 years old and she was dying. more

  • The Grain Offering Series

    Contributed by Todd Stiles on Jan 19, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    The grain offering appears to have followed the burnt offering and consisted of flour and oil. Though it too provided a "soothing aroma", it was not totally consumed in fire but shared with the priests. Thus its purpose was not to secure atonement. This o

    Offering: Living & Giving for the Glory of God Study of Leviticus The Grain Offering Leviticus 2:1-16 First Family Church 317 S.E. Magazine Rd. Ankeny, IA 50021 Transcript of Message by Todd Stiles January 16, 2011 Let’s continue in that course today as we see more

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