Robbie Parsons
Contributing sermons since Jan 19, 2003
Newest Sermons
Contributed on Jan 16, 2025
If we want to live holy, it must also come through connection with God. This involves upping the game on our Bible study and prayer.
In order for a person to be holy, he or she must be connected to the Source of holiness—God Himself. Such a relationship begins at the moment of salvation. When a sinner repents of his sins, and places his faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ as the lamb of God which takes away the sin of the ...read more
Being Holy: Repentance
Contributed on Jan 7, 2025
In order to be holy in this world, the first step is having a true heart for repentance.
Last week, we talked a little about holiness, and the need to be holy as Christians, because we are under the watchful eye of the world. I have been inspired to speak for a few weeks about Being Holy, and how we can achieve it in this New Year. Holiness is not optional for a Christian. In the ...read more
Epiphany - A Bright Idea
Contributed on Dec 26, 2024
An examination of epiphany through the visit of the magi to the toddler Jesus. Their gifts stimulate us to living out our Christian lives in this new year by living holy lives that glorify God.
The earliest reference to Epiphany as a Christian feast was in AD 361, by Ammianus Marcellinus. The holiday is listed twice, which suggests a double feast of baptism and birth. The baptism of Jesus was originally assigned to the same date as the birth because Luke 3:23 was read to mean that Jesus ...read more
Contributed on Sep 9, 2021
Fear is a very real emotion that seems to be hitting us all around these days. People seem to be more prone to fear and anxiety with COVID and it's new Delta variant. We should not fear to freeze us in place, taking our focus off of God, but we should rely on Him to help us through our fear.
Fear is one of those words that we know what it is, but it would be hard to sit down and write a definition of it. Definition: An unpleasant, often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger; anxious concern; reason for alarm or danger. We have had a lot of fear in the last ...read more
God's Judgment With Water
Contributed on Sep 21, 2008
After expulsion from the Garden of Eden, man began to multiply greatly. So did his wickedness and evil. It was so bad, God decided to destroy the earth and every living thing on it. But in the middle of it all, there was still grace to be found. This
WICKEDNESS After the events in the garden, the Bible tells us Adam and Eve had three sons, one of which murdered his brother, as well as other sons and daughters. On writer has commented that with man’s extreme longevity of life, and with the population growth roughly the same as today’s ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Being Holy
Contributed on Jan 7, 2025
Seven Great Judgements
Contributed on Sep 14, 2008
Seven Great Judgments
Contributed on Sep 13, 2008
This Means War!
Contributed on Mar 17, 2003
Newest Sermon Illustrations
For My Next Point, I Need A Volunteer. I Need A ...
Contributed on Sep 14, 2008
For my next point, I need a volunteer. I need a young person who really likes bubble gum. (Get the volunteer and talk with him or her up front for a minute.) So you like chewing gum? What is your favorite kind? Really, that is nice. I’m sorry that I don’t have any of that king of bubble gum, ...read more
It Is Possible To Be A Follower Of Jesus ...
Contributed on Feb 17, 2008
It is possible to be a follower of Jesus without being a disciple; to be a camp follower without being a soldier of the king; to be a hanger-on in some great work without pulling one’s weight. Someone was talking to a great scholar about a younger man. He said, “So and so tells me that he was ...read more
A Little Hobby Of Mine Is Collecting Old ...
Contributed on Feb 17, 2008
A little hobby of mine is collecting old Coca-Cola memorabilia. One of my prized possessions is this old bottle from around 1910 to 1920. It was made at the Charleston Bottling Works in Charleston, WV. Many of you will doubtlessly remember when soda came in a glass bottle like this, not in ...read more
Abraham Clark Was A Patriot Who Signed The ...
Contributed on Feb 17, 2008
Abraham Clark was a patriot who signed the Declaration of Independence. When he signed that rebellious document, he knew and understood that it could mean his own death. One night, a British officer announced, “We have captured your sons!” He was staggered at the news. The officer continued, ...read more
Missionary Hudson Taylor Sailed To His Mission In ...
Contributed on Nov 6, 2006
Missionary Hudson Taylor sailed to his mission in China. Very close to the shore of cannibal islands the ship lost wind, and it was slowly drifting shoreward unable to go about. The savages were eagerly anticipating a feast. The captain came to Mr. Taylor and asked him to pray for the help of ...read more