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Sermons on 2 Peter 1:2:

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    Preach confidently from 2 Peter 1:2

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  • Part 1: The Quest For Authentic Transformation Series

    Contributed by Tim Harrison on Apr 9, 2002
    based on 115 ratings

    In this passage, The Apostle Peter gives us seven Character Traits that we are to add to our faith, which God wants to use to progressively transform us into the likeness of Christ.

    A Portrait of Christ: The Quest for Authentic Transformation Did I tell you I have a son and daughter? It’s amazing how rapidly they are changing – as they move along the continuum from infancy to adulthood Physical, emotional, and intellectual growth is natural – It’s to be expected in every more

  • "A Genuine Faith" Part 1

    Contributed by Dave Martin on May 17, 2002
    based on 59 ratings

    Often we have misconceptions in what the Bible says concerning various topics. We will sometimes plug our own ideas, thoughts or solution to our everyday situations and really mess things up. We have to align our lives with the Word of God.

    “A Genuine Faith” Part 1of 2 2Peter 1:1-2 Selected Cross Creek Community Church Pastor Dave Martin May 19, 2002 Was that skit good or what? How well do we know the Bible? The older girls were Christians for 10 years yet ignorant when it comes to knowing the Word of God. Often we have more

  • Faith...takes A Licking And Keeps On Ticking

    Contributed by Jerry Vargo on Jun 6, 2002
    based on 450 ratings

    How to grow in Christlike Faith

    If you use any or all of this message--would you be willing to fire off a quick email I would like to have an idea of how often my sermons are actually being preached to strengthen the Body of Christ. Thanks! Faith…Takes A Licking And Keeps On Ticking! Pastor Jerry more

  • Habit Number One: Practicing Spiritual Diligence Series

    Contributed by Tom Dooley on May 14, 2001
    based on 161 ratings

    This is the first of eight messages that focus on the spiritual growth of the believer.

    January 4, 1998 Rev. Tom Dooley Eight Habits of Highly Effective Christians 2 Peter 1:1-10 Habit Number One: Practicing Spiritual Diligence Peter’s readers were living in an environment that was extremely hostile to cause of Jesus more

  • Habit Number Two: The Habit Of Cultivating Virtue Series

    Contributed by Tom Dooley on May 14, 2001
    based on 118 ratings

    This is the second of eight messages about the spritual growth of believers.

    January 4, 1998 Rev. Tom Dooley Eight Habits Of Highly Effective Christians 2 Peter 1:1-10 Habit Number Two: The Habit of Cultivating Virtue Someone has compared the Book of 2 Peter to a Spiritual pep talk. In a way that is a good more

  • Forgotten Forgiveness

    Contributed by Keith Linkous on Sep 5, 2001
    based on 76 ratings

    For believers, this is the sadest thing that could ever happen. This message causes a self evaluation as to how well we remember that we are saved by grace, and owe our lives to God.

    Psalms 32:1-2 and 2 Peter 1:2-9 It really shouldn’t surprise us at the great lengths the Bible speaks of forgiveness. Our entire message, faith, belief, and life is based on that one thing: forgiveness. And in the Bible, in all the various ways forgiveness is discussed, there stands out, more

  • Developing A Christian Mindset

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Oct 8, 2001
    based on 44 ratings

    Develop a Christian mindset: 1. Be nice. 2. Be positive. 3. Be thankful

    This will probably be the most basic sermon you have ever heard. Nothing I will say is new or profound. You have heard it all before, but it needs repeated because the very simplicity of what I will be saying is the reason it is so often overlooked and ignored. So many times we want to plunge more

  • The Duty And Blessedness Of Biblical Assurance

    Contributed by W. Bryan Wheeler on Dec 25, 2001
    based on 24 ratings

    There are fewer things so frequently neglected, or so often taken for granted, as the matter of MAKING SURE that we are in a state of grace and salvation.

    “The Duty and Blessedness of Biblical Assurance” Text: Read; 2 Peter 1:1-11 Intro: I think that it was Thomas Watson who once said, ‘There are two things that are very hard for the preacher to do; <1st> Make the godly glad; <2nd> Make the ungodly sad.’ I think that most of us would agree, more

  • Discovering Your Inheritance (Through Redemption) Series

    Contributed by Kevin Taylor on Jan 9, 2001
    based on 115 ratings

    Discover Your Inheritance Through the Redemptive Work of Jesus Christ!

    Introduction In this study, we will begin to recognize and realize our position within the body of Christ. We will also discover the treasures of authority and blessings paid for and afforded to us through the redemptive work of the cross. We will, specifically, focus on the promises given in the more

  • Everything We Need Series

    Contributed by James Buchanan on Mar 27, 2003
    based on 124 ratings

    The first in a series of 5 sermons dealing with abundant living from 2 Peter 1:3-11. We have everything we need for life and godliness!

    Two old friends met one day after many years. One attended college, and now was very successful. The other had not attended college and never had much ambition. The successful one said, "How has everything been going with you?" "Well, one day I opened the Bible at random, and dropped my more

  • Living In Faith Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on May 11, 2003
    based on 25 ratings

    This is the 11th study in the study "Hope In The Darkness". New life begins through Jesus Christ.

    LIVING IN FAITH 2 Peter 1:1-4 Peter had a tendency in his younger years to be overconfident and ignore Jesus’ warnings. He rushed ahead when he should have waited; he slept when he should have prayed; he talked when he should have listened. Peter was a courageous, but careless, Christian; more

  • Knowing God Series

    Contributed by Sheila Crowe on Sep 25, 2002
    based on 30 ratings

    Help on how to survive the spiritual and emotional droughts of life and keep on living in Christ

    SERMON: Surviving the Drought by Knowing God 1 Peter 1:1-9 Sept 8, 2002 (First in a series) I. The Droughts of Life – Introduction A. We are in a Drought 1. It began in May 1998. We are now in our fifth year of a drought. 2. Here in Carroll County we are in one of the most more

  • True Discipleship

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Sep 29, 2002
    based on 87 ratings

    True discipleship requires us to: 1. Be intentional. 2. Be Passionate. 3. Desire to be used by God.

    James Armour, my friend from England who preached here several months ago recently wrote me about a problem. One of his closest friends in the church was also the one who handled the church’s money. He was a trusted friend. They had vacationed together as families. But he embezzled the more

  • The Godly Life

    Contributed by Orvel Barker on Aug 2, 2003
    based on 26 ratings

    We must pursue godliness every day of our life in order to be all He wants us to be.

    Introduction: If our life is to truly have purpose as believers, we must always and in all ways strive to be like the Lord. Which means we must pursue godliness with all our might. I. We have been given all things pertaining to life and Godliness! A. He has chosen to give us His divine more

  • Spiritual Perspective Series

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Aug 3, 2003
    based on 30 ratings

    A heart in tune with the heart of God opens up our eyes to heavenly views and our ears to holy harmony in the Word of God. There’s a sure calling from the throne for you... are you listening?

    2 Pet 1:1 Simon Peter, a bond-servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have received a faith of the same kind as ours, by the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ: 2 Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord; 3 seeing that His divine more