
Summary: This is the second part of a two part message on the blessings and benifits we have in Christ. This second message is prmarily from 1 John.

In Christ, We have…. (2)

2 Peter 1:1-4

Intro: God has given us “exceeding great and precious


-Last week we look at some of the promises of God.

-These were based on the phrase “we have”

-This phrase is found 229 times in the KJV.

-God has abundantly blessed us through these promises.

-They are not things we must pray for…we have them

because God gave them to us.

-Not because we deserved them.

-Not because we earned them.

-But because of His grace, God gave them to us.

-Because He loves us.

-Because He wants to give us good things.

-I noticed especially that there were several of these in the little book of 1 John.

I. We have Fellowship. 1 John 1:1-7

A. We have fellowship with the Father.

1. Fellowship like Adam had in the garden.

2. Fellowship that was broken by sin.

3. Fellowship that was restored at the cross.

B. We have fellowship with the Son.

1. We can walk and talk with Jesus. (Emmaus)

a. He speaks through the Holy Spirit

b. We can talk to Him in prayer.

2. He is our Lord.

3. He is also our friend.

C. We have fellowship with each other.

1. Our fellowship is based one thing

a. not nationality. (like Polish club)

b. not race.

c. not some common activity.

d. not culture.

e. not religion.

2. Our fellowship is based on the fact that the shed

blood of Jesus Christ has cleansed us.

3. Our fellowship must be genuine. Vs 6

We have fellowship

II. We have and Advocate. 1 John. 2:1

A. Jesus Christ the Righteous.

B. An Advocate – Parakletos

1. Usually translated “comforter”

2. One who comes along side to aid or help.

3. When we sin, Jesus stands before the Father and

pleads His own righteousness.

4. We will sin….

a. We must confess our sin…not make excuses.

b. God forgives our sin, based on the righteousness of Christ.

c. He is “the propitiation for our sins:” vs 2

(payment that satisfies God’s judgment)

C. He intercedes for us.

We have an Advocate.

III. We have Eternal life. 1 John 5:12

A. We can KNOW that we have eternal life.


C. Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know

them, and they follow me: And I give unto them

eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither

shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

John 10:27 –28

D. You may KNOW. Vs 13

IV. We have answered Prayer. 1 John 5:15

A. Confidence WE HAVE in Him.

B. We ask according to His will

C. He hears us.

D.WE HAVE the petitions that are desired of Him.


We have Fellowship

We have an advocate

We have Eternal Life

We Have Answered Prayer

These are some of your “great and precious promises”.

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