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Sermons on 1 San Juan 3:15:

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  • Lavish Love Lavishly Shared Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Jul 9, 2024

    God’s unconditional, forgiving, accepting love has caused God to take responsibility to save us. We take this lavish love and lavish that love onto others.

    You can listen to this sermon at 1 John 3:1-24 “Lavish Love Lavishly Shared” Today our focus is on 1 John 3. We are not going to read the whole chapter because a lot of what John writes in chapter 3 is spoken about in other parts of the letter. Topics more

  • Love Is A Verb

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Aug 12, 2024

    Love is a verb. Love is an active word, and where there is love there will always be a response to the needs of other people.

    Alba 8-11-2024 LOVE IS A VERB I John 3:11-18 We are subjected to so much rhetoric these days, especially with the elections coming. But much of it is just empty words. There are politicians who just ramble on and on without seemingly saying a thing. Unfortunately that problem can happen within more

  • Loving Others Series

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Nov 2, 2022

    The life of grace is the start and first standard in the heart of a Believer. Those who have disdain in their hearts for their brother must be deprived of love.

    The life of grace is the start and first standard in the heart of a Believer. Those who have disdain in their hearts for their brother must be deprived of love. Jesus taught that hate is the same as murder. The life of Jesus, eternal life, cannot abide in us if we hate others. Do we detest any of more

  • Have We Had The Saint’s Test? Series

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Nov 3, 2022

    We must love others. We are to love in deed and in truth and not just in word.

    1 John 3:11-24 depicts the differentiation among love and hate, and how love should be found in the existence of every Christian believer. Evil has an envious scorn for goodness. For this reason, Cain killed Abel, and it is why hatred is viewed as murder’s spiritual identical. Christians are relied more

  • Genuine Love Seeks For The Good Of Neighbour Series

    Contributed by Eric Agyei Febiri on May 7, 2023

    Love builds up society and the ultimate goal is the common good of all.

    The ultimate goal of a society is the common good of the individuals in that society. However, we are living in a society whereby self-interest is now considered as the new normal. People of today have various definitions and reasons for loving, including you and myself. Some normally show concern more

  • 2nd Sunday Of Pentecost - Committing To An Invitation

    Contributed by Jeremy Di Salvo on Jun 11, 2023

    A sermon on why you should follow through with your commitments with grace and humility when God calls you to honor your commitments.

    Dominus vobiscum. Brothers and sisters, on this second Sunday after Pentecost, we are invited to hear from the First Epistle of Saint John as well as a brilliant parable from Gospel of Saint Luke. Before I begin, I would like to humbly ask you to do me a favor. Think of a time in your life where more

  • How Do You Know You Are In The Light?

    Contributed by Dr. Abraham Obadare on Jan 12, 2025

    Song: I have the light of God in me /2x; I have the spirit of the Son of God; I have the light of God in me. This is one of the choruses we sing as Christians. Let us think through this song and measure ourselves against the scale of the word of God.

    Song: I have the light of God in me /2x I have the spirit of the Son of God I have the light of God in me. This is one of the choruses we sing as Christians. Let us think through this song and measure ourselves against the scale of the word of God. Let us read 1 John 2:7-11 which says, “Brethren, more

  • Between Love And Hate Series

    Contributed by Darian Catron on Feb 8, 2025

    Sometimes to truly understand something, it’s easier to look at and compare it to its exact opposite. What would you say is the exact opposite of love? How about hate? In this Sermon we look at what 1 John says about love and hate.

    By a show of hands, who is going for the Chiefs tonight? Who is going for the Eagles? Who could care less? You know, it’s interesting how people can be so passionate for their favorite team in sports. But then I think about how passionate I can be for other things too. Like music. Like art. I more

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