Sermon Series
  • 1. John The Authoritative Apostle

    Contributed on Jun 10, 2024

    John starts his letter with a declaration of authority and an invitation to know you have eternal life because you have heard, seen, looked and felt the touch of the Word who was from the beginning.

    You can listen to this sermon here:- 1 John 1:1-4 “John the Authoritative Author” This morning is the first in a 12 week sermon series on John’s Epistles. At the beginning of a series like this it helps to have an understanding of the historical background more

  • 2. A Call To All Hypocrites

    Contributed on Jun 17, 2024

    God’s character is that He is light. This light calls all hypocrites to take off their masks and allow the light to reveal the truth.

    You can listen to this sermon at 1 John 1:5-2:2 “A Call To All Hypocrites” In this sermon series we will continually see how John is connecting his teaching to the main them found in 1 John 5:13 13 I write these things to you who believe in the name of the more

  • 3. How To Know I Know Jesus

    Contributed on Jun 24, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    John gives his readers a test which will visibly confirm whether they have come to know Jesus, or whether it is all just words.

    You can listen to this sermon at 1 John 2:3-11 “How To Know I Know Jesus” In the first century AD John writes to a group of believers with the purpose of equipping them to know they have eternal life. As part of that equipping John deals with the reality more

  • 4. Incompatible Identity And Actions

    Contributed on Jul 1, 2024

    In Jesus our identity is to that we are children, fathers, or young men. This identity means that we are incompatible with the world, therefore we cannot love the world.

    You can listen to this sermon at 1 John 2:12-17 “Incompatible Identity and Actions” A few years ago I brought a USB router off ebay – it was really cheap. I made sure it was being sold by a seller based in Australia. It turns out that sellers can pretend more

  • 5. The Nice Antichrists

    Contributed on Jul 15, 2024

    The antichrists are around all the time and many of them are very nice. If they are going to be saved our radically calling is not to be nice Christians, but sacrificially loving Christians. John teaches us how to do this.

    You can listen to this sermon at 1 John 2:18-29 “The Nice Antichrists” When John writes his Epistles it is very clear there has been a division within the church. The division has resulted in a “them” group and an “us” group. In 1 John 2:18-29 John tells us more

  • 6. Lavish Love Lavishly Shared

    Contributed on Jul 9, 2024

    God’s unconditional, forgiving, accepting love has caused God to take responsibility to save us. We take this lavish love and lavish that love onto others.

    You can listen to this sermon at 1 John 3:1-24 “Lavish Love Lavishly Shared” Today our focus is on 1 John 3. We are not going to read the whole chapter because a lot of what John writes in chapter 3 is spoken about in other parts of the letter. Topics more

  • 7. No Fear Fellowship

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2024

    When we know the love of God in our lives, that love will remove any punishment fear that we feel between ourselves and God.

    You can listen to this sermon at 1 John 4:1-21 “No Fear Fellowship” When you read John’s Epistles in one sitting what you will find is a lot of repetition. Especially when John writes chapter 4. Chapter 4:1-6 is about the false prophets and the antichrists more

  • 8. Being Overcomers

    Contributed on Jul 29, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    The struggles and hardships of life, and our sinful failures, can bring us to a point where we don't feel like overcomers. John calls us not to trust our feelings, but to trust Jesus who truly calls us overcomers.

    You can listen to this sermon at 1 John 5:1-12 “Being Overcomers” Through his Epistle John has gone to great lengths to ensure the readers understand who Jesus is … and the eternal security we can have when we put our faith in Jesus. John continues to have more

  • 9. Keep Yourself From Idols

    Contributed on Aug 13, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    In the first century idols were an all-pervasive and normal aspect of society which could be a spiritual distraction for Christians. Today we need to be just as much on our guard against the idols of this age.

    You can listen to this sermon at 1 John 5:21 “Keep Yourself From Idols” In the first century AD, when people wrote letters, there was a pretty standard approach in the way the letters were structured – including the structure you used to finish your letter. more

  • 10. Sometimes Be Inhospitable

    Contributed on Aug 20, 2024

    There are times when Christians can be inhospitable towards those who are seeking to deceive. Are we welcoming and giving credibility to those who are trying to make us question that Jesus is the Christ.

    You can listen to this sermon at 2 John 1-13 “Sometimes Be Inhospitable” A foundation interpretive principle of Scripture is that Scripture will never contradict Scripture. While this interpretive principle is always true … there are many occasions where more

  • 11. Disempowering Powerbrokers

    Contributed on Aug 27, 2024

    Through this letter we are being equipped to be those who have a biblical character and action - and warned against being a powerbroker.

    You can listen to this sermon at 3 John 1-14 “Disempowering Power-Brokers” John the Apostle is well into his 90’s – yet he hasn’t retired. John’s ministry is based in Ephesus from where he gives apostolic oversight, and pastoral leadership, to a group of more