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Sermons on Proverbs 23:4-5:

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  • Money Matters Series

    Contributed by James Westervelt on Mar 24, 2002
    based on 106 ratings

    Solomon, the richest man in the world, made this observation: "Will you set your eyes on that which is not? For riches certainly make themselves wings - they fly away as an eagle toward heaven." Prov. 23:5

    "MONEY MATTERS" MONEY - it is the most important value in American society, it is absolutely essential for existence, it is one thing almost everyone wishes they had more of, it is the subject which causes more family arguments than all others combined. Solomon, the richest more

  • Self Control In An Addicted World Series

    Contributed by Adrian Warnock on Feb 14, 2007
    based on 16 ratings

    How to break free form that which controls you.

    Prov 23, Jer 2:13, Prov 14:27, 1 Cor 6:9-20, Eph 5:15-18, John 7:37 Audio is available at This chapter is about discipline – children mentioned in there but we can only discipline our kids to the extent that we are more

  • The Deadly Sin Of Gluttony Series

    Contributed by R. David Reynolds on Feb 24, 2008
    based on 17 ratings

    Christians are often quick to condemn alcoholics and drug addicts for their sin, but the Bible also denounces gluttony as a dangerous sin against our bodies which are God’s temple.

    The Deadly Sin of Gluttony --Proverbs 23:1-3, 20-21; Deuteronomy 21:18-21; I Corinthians 6:15-20; John 4:27-34 A column entitled “Lite Fare” that appeared in The Christian Reader shares this story by Sherrie Murphree of Odessa, Texas: “My husband has an almost boundless appetite for ice cream, more

  • Old Fashioned Christianity [old Paths / Landmarks]

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Jan 6, 2004
    based on 237 ratings

    from old fashioned day--3 areas where we need more old fashioned preaching: AGAINST SIN, ABOUT HELL, ON SACRIFICE!

    Old Fashioned Christianity Prov. 22:28 Powerpoint for this and hundreds more free sermons at our website: Perhaps the most applicable verse to the 21st Century! We like to talk about the good ole’ days…and sometimes we long for them! Game: Remember when… Say more

  • Life Skills That Men Can Teach

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Jun 26, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    There are some skills that are talked about in Proverbs 23 that men can teach their children.

    Sermon for 6/20/2010 Father’s Day Proverbs 23 Introduction: A. My family attended a home school conference near Baton Rouge and one workshop from that really stuck with me. It was exclusively for fathers. The workshop leader is the father of a home school family. His wife teaches his more

  • Proverbs 23 - Godly Instructions Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Jun 14, 2014
    based on 5 ratings

    This is a verse by verse look at Proverbs chapter 23.

    Pearls From Proverbs – Chapter Twenty Three We will now look at chapter 23. 1 When you sit down to dine with a ruler, Consider carefully what is before you, Proverbs 23:1 (NASB) The point of this proverb is to be careful when eating with an important or influential person because he or she more

  • To Gain Real Wealth

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Nov 23, 2011

    I. EXORDIUM: Wealthy people are unapproachable, have problems in traveling alone. Conversations: Guy: I would like to invite you to our church to come. Rich Guy: Sorry I can't travel alone. Does you church entertain poor people? If so, I don't want to

    I. EXORDIUM: Wealthy people are unapproachable, have problems in traveling alone. Conversations: Guy: I would like to invite you to our church to come. Rich Guy: Sorry I can't travel alone. Does you church entertain poor people? If so, I don't want to come. Guy: I would like to invite you to come more

  • Thirty Wise Sayings- Those Who Hunger

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Mar 17, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Verse upon verse teaching from the book of Proverbs. Wise sayings that will bring victory unto you.

    Thirty Wise Sayings- Those Who Hunger Text: Proverbs 23:1-34 When you sit down to eat with a ruler, Consider carefully what is before you; 2 And put a knife to your throat If you are a man given to appetite. 3 Do not desire his delicacies, For they are deceptive food. 4 Do not overwork to be more

  • Don't Work Hard To Be Rich

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Feb 3, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    To show that gathering riches here on earth is not our purpose but JESUS is.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you working hard to be rich? Don't do that according to this verse. II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that gathering riches here on earth is not our purpose but JESUS is. IV. TEXT: Proverbs 23:4-5 (Amplified Bible) 23:4 Weary not yourself to be rich; more

  • busyness Is Bad For Business

    Contributed by John Dixon on Jul 20, 2019

    Everyone is concerned about time and making sure that our time is not wasted. More activity doesn't mean that you are more productive only a lot more sweaty.

    Proverbs 23:4 (NASB) 4 Do not weary yourself to gain wealth, Cease from your consideration of it. 5 When you set your eyes on it, it is gone. For wealth certainly makes itself wings Like an eagle that flies toward the heavens. Do not let your heart envy more

  • The Real Beggar

    Contributed by Esther Collins on Aug 15, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    This message will help us have a Godly perspective of riches and wealth. It will encourage us to use our resources the way God intended for us to.

    The Real ‘Beggar’ We live in a world where a majority of people gain their identity from their economic status. Their status in society is strangely directly proportional to the riches they possess. We do not undermine the value of money, as we are aware that this is essential for our day to day more

  • The Sermon On The Mount (Part 16) Series

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Jan 13, 2020

    For many people, their priority in life is material prosperity. When you hear the phrase, 'well off' or, 'well to do', it refers to someone who is wealthy. As we'll see today, those who have stored up treasures in heaven will truly be, 'well off' and 'well-to-do'.

    THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT (part 16) Matt. 6:19-24 Suze Orman in her book, “9 Steps to Financial Freedom” writes, "When I was 13, my dad owned his own business—a tiny shack where he sold chicken, ribs, hamburgers, hot dogs, and fries. One day the oil that the chicken was fried in caught fire. In more

  • The Personal Price Tag Of Being A Social Climber Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Aug 24, 2015

    If you desire to be among the prestigious members of society, you have to pay a steeper price than meets the eye; to climb socially, you may have to drop spiritually. Yet there are a few other reasons to question social climbing.

    The Personal Price Tag of Being A Social Climber (Proverbs 23:1-8) 1. In her book, The Overspent American, Harvard professor Juliet Schor informs us most people are concerned about social status, but they live in denial. 2. She claims they rationalize to themselves they need a new car because more

  • Riches Fly Away Series

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Sep 26, 2013

    More than how much money you make or have, how you make that money and how you spend it is paramount!

    Riches fly away! Proverbs 23:5”Will you set your eyes on that which is not? For riches certainly make themselves wings; They fly away like an eagle toward heaven.” Rev Billy Graham said: “If a person gets his attitude toward money straight, it will help straighten out almost more

  • Seek Not Prosperity Or Poverty, But The Glory Of God Series

    Contributed by Henry Trocino Jr. on May 5, 2017

    Part 20 (Final) of the Sermon Series, "Rich Man Poor Man in Proverbs"

    "Two things I ask of you; deny them not to me before I die: Remove far from me falsehood and lying; give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the food that is needful for me, lest I be full and deny you and say, “Who is the LORD?” or lest I be poor and steal and profane the name of my God" more