The Book Of 2 Samuel | David's Highs & Lows
Shared on: Jan 22, 2018
Throughout the history of God's people, there have been many highs and many lows. All of which now work to guide and instruct the Church of Jesus Christ in what it means to live wholly devoted to God by faith. This collection of resources is centered around the Old Testament book of 2 Samuel and will serve to bolster your preparation for teaching a stand-alone message or an entire series from this rich and complex book.
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Sex, Lies And Confession
Contributed by Gary Bennett on Feb 25, 2003
Psalm 51 is, in a sense, the redemption of 2 Samuel 11 and 12. So too, confession is one of the significant steps in our redemption.
David's Four Lambs
Contributed by Kenneth Trent on Aug 6, 2003
David compounded the tragic consequences of his sin by his pious act in imposing judgment, not realizing that he was, in fact, passing judgment upon himself and his family.
An Obedient Heart - A Man After God's Own Heart Series
Contributed by Jeff Strite on Feb 28, 2005
Why did God strike Uzzah dead? Because he touched the ark... but why hadn’t they carried the ark the way God told them to? The answer may surprise you.
The Over-Exposed Heart - A Man After God's Own Heart Series
Contributed by Jeff Strite on Mar 21, 2005
The temptation to look where we shouldn’t look is hard for most men. What had Bathsheba done wrong? What had David done wrong? And how do we deal with ourselves and others who do those wrong things?
A Heart To Build - A Man After God's Own Heart Series
Contributed by Jeff Strite on Apr 18, 2005
God told David He didn’t want him building a Temple for Him. It’s possible to build a building God doesn’t want. Do you know what makes the difference between what He wants and what He doesn’t?
Personal Integrity - Life Of David, Part 1 Series
Contributed by Joey Nelson on May 5, 2006
The subjects of ethics and integrity have become unpopular subjects in modern times. Integrity is a dying quality and people don’t like to talk about it.
Personal Integrity - Life Of David, Part 2 Series
Contributed by Joey Nelson on May 5, 2006
David’s Sin with Bathsheba – He was Willing to Face Sin (2 Samuel 11:1-27).
The Rest Of The Story: Mephibosheth Series
Contributed by Tim White on May 17, 2009
After receiving the grace of David, did Mephibosheth betray his benefactor? Some great lessons on grace and the believer.
Dealing With Failure Series
Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on May 21, 2010
We can recover from failure as David did when he sinned with Bathsheba
Surprised By Grace
Contributed by H.b. Charles Jr. on Dec 16, 2010
"Surprised by Grace" is an exposition of 2 Samuel 9 in which David reaches out in kindness to Mephibosheth for the sake of his father, Mephibosheth. David's kindness is read as a parable of the amazing grace of God that saves unworthy sinners.
Famous Last Words
Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Nov 1, 2015
It is the everlasting covenant that gives David the courage to hope. Man may fail, but God will not. The covenant is set in place by God, and guaranteed by God.
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The Bible Tells The Story Of Absalom. He Was ... PRO
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The Bible tells the story of Absalom. He was the son of King David — Israel’s greatest king. Through a series of circumstances, Absalom began to despise his father and made plans to become king in his father’s place. He surreptitiously sowed seeds of division and rebellion in his father’s ...read more
Misplaced Faith PRO
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Misplaced Faith Philip Yancey, in his book Disappointment With God, writes: Even back then I was searching for hard evidence of God as an alternative to faith. And one day I found it—on television, of all places. While randomly flipping a dial, I came across a mass healing service being conducted ...read more
Getting Knocked Down? Humbly Walk PRO
Contributed by Sermon Central on Oct 22, 2009
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David's Extremes
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