Sermon Collections
  • Grief | Coming Alongside

    Shared on: Feb 13, 2017

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    Grief is difficult. Each person grieves in his or her own way and own timing. Yet, grief is necessary for all of us. When grieving allows the real and honest expression of pain, sadness, and loss before God and before trusted others, it is good for our souls and relationships. While those who enter such grief sow with tears, Jesus promises they will one day reap with songs of joy (Psalm 126:5). Still, for those seeds to germinate, it means allowing ourselves space and time for waiting in barrenness and sitting in the rain. To his grieving disciples, Jesus promised He would not leave them (or us) as orphans, but would come alongside us by sending the Comforter. In the modeling of the Holy Spirit’s coming alongside we can know the tender strength of Jesus’ healing presence. We also have example for how we, empowered by His Spirit, are to likewise come alongside those who are grieving with the safe care our presence.

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