Dr. James Dobson Relates A Story Of An Elderly ... PRO
Contributed by Jeffery Russell on Dec 24, 2007 (message contributor)
Dr. James Dobson relates a story of an elderly woman named Stella Thornhope who was struggling with her first Christmas alone. Her husband had died just a few months prior through a slow developing cancer. Now, several days before Christmas, she was almost snowed in by a brutal weather system. She felt terribly alone——so much so she decided she was not going to decorate for Christmas. Late that afternoon the doorbell rang, and there was a delivery boy with a box. He said, "Mrs. Thornhope?" She nodded. He said, "Would you sign here?" She invited him to step inside and closed the door to get away from the cold. She signed the paper and said, "What’s in the box?" The young man laughed and opened up the flap, and inside was a little puppy, a golden Labrador Retriever. The delivery boy picked up the squirming pup and explained, "This is for you, Ma’am. He’s six weeks old, completely housebroken." The young puppy began to wiggle in happiness at being released from captivity.
"Who sent this?" Mrs. Thornhope asked. The young man set the animal down and handed her an envelope and said, "It’s all explained here in this envelope, Ma’am. The dog was bought last July while its mother was still pregnant. It was meant to be a Christmas gift to you." The young man then handed her a book, How to Care for Your Labrador Retriever.
In desperation she again asked, "Who sent me this puppy?" As the young man turned to leave, he said, "Your husband, Ma’am. Merry Christmas." She opened up the letter from her husband. He had written it three weeks before he died and left it with the kennel owners to be delivered with the puppy as his last Christmas gift to her. The letter was full of love and encouragement and admonishments to be strong. He vowed that he was waiting for the day when she would join him. He had sent her this young animal to keep her company until then. She wiped away the tears, put the letter down, and then remembering the puppy at her feet, she picked up that golden furry ball and held it to her neck. Then she looked out the window at the lights that outlined the neighbor’s house, and she heard from the radio in the kitchen the strains of "Joy to the...
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In His Book In The Eye Of The Storm, Max Lucado ... PRO
Contributed by Jeremy Houck on Jun 4, 2005
In his book In the Eye of the Storm, Max Lucado tells about something that happened to him while he was in high school. Every year, he and his family used to go fishing during spring break. But one year, his brother and his mom couldn’t go, so his dad let him invite a friend. They looked forward ...read more
Woody Allen In Addressing A Harvard Graduation ... PRO
Contributed by Timothy Smith on Aug 28, 2004
Woody Allen in addressing a Harvard graduation said, "You have entered a crossroads of life. Down one road is despondency and ...read more
I Recall The Story Of The Sea Captain Who Was A ... PRO
Contributed by Tony Abram on Jul 16, 2005
I recall the story of the sea captain who was a Christian and given to much prayer. A great storm was blowing and someone came the wheelhouse where the Captain was. It was a great storm. A man shouted to the Captain, "Why are you not praying?" The Captain said, "I pray during the calm and when the ...read more
A Couple Named Curt And Jerrie Went On An ... PRO
Contributed by Charles R. Swindoll on Nov 1, 2004
A couple named Curt and Jerrie went on an African safari. They learned a lesson about following the instructions of the guide. One day the guide took them out to find an elephant herd. But he made them promise in advance to obey his rules before they even went out. He gave them some very ...read more
I Want To Share In Closing A Poem, Based In Job ...
Contributed by Pat Cook on Jul 6, 2005
I want to share in closing a poem, based in Job 13:15, written by a lady named Mary Kimbrough: “Though He slay me, I will trust Him,” Said the sainted Job of old; “Though He try me in the furnace, I shall then come forth as gold. “Though the ‘worms of deep affliction’ Cause this body to ...read more
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