  • John Mcphail

    Contributing sermons since Oct 12, 2010
John's church

INTEGRIS Baptist Regional Health Center
Miami, Oklahoma 74355

About John
  • Education: I completed my BA in Biblical Literaturer and Psychology at Ozark christian College. I later completed my MA in Minstry Leadership in pastoral Counseling from crown College. One of the greatest educational experiences I have had was finsihing my CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education) units.
  • Experience: I have been in hospice chaplaincy for about 15 years. Some of these years have been as a volunteer or part-time. I have also been blessed to serve as a youth minister and as an associate minister. Recently I have assumed the duties of the hospital ministry that is associated with the hospice I work with.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: Haddon Robinson is a minister I enjoy. In college I think I wore out his sermon tape titled, "wisdom of small creatures".
  • Family: I have been married to Angela for 14 years. We have five children: Logan (13) Emma (10) Page (10) Karlee Jo (6) and Titus (3). My home life is very exciting! My wife and I are foster parents - Our current joy is in the adoption of Titus.
  • Books that have had an impact: The Raggamuffin Gospel, Brennen Manning What the Monks Can Teach Us, J.K. Jones
  • Hobbies: I love to read, excercise and go places! I also tinker with my personal website as a hobby
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