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  • I Was Sick Series

    Contributed by Sherm Nichols on Sep 21, 2015

    6th in this series. Concept borrowed from Tim Cook, a fellow preacher. A Study of Matthew 25 and how the church can put it into practice.

    Intro: Matthew 25:34-40 Being sick is one set of circumstances every one of us can relate to. I don’t care who you are, you’ve been sick, or are sick, or are about to be sick. It’s just a fact of life. One of the first questions we start asking when someone gets sick is: more

  • God Finally Speaks

    Contributed by Wayne Lawson on Jun 24, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    For 37 Chapters we hear what Job was going through, the counsel he would receive, and God does not answer at all

    TITLE: GOD FINALLY SPEAKS SCRIPTURE: JOB 38 (This is not an original sermon, it was gleaned from various ministers and redeveloped on some portions, it is designed that you can use all of the manuscript or move around to fit your particular style) If you could be transported back in time by the more

  • James 6 Right Attitudes Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Oct 28, 2018

    We put faith in action when we approach life with a right attitude about God’s will, life and work. The other truth I see in our texts today is where we live matters to God too and all this seems rooted in our attitude with God.

    Series: James – Let’s do it! Thesis of Book: The message of the book is “Let’s do it – live the faith – put it into action! The half-brother of Jesus is speaking to the scattered Jewish Christians across the nations – they were scattered right after Stephen was killed. James tells these more

  • I Know History; I Do Not Know Myself Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Mar 4, 2002
    based on 31 ratings

    It is one thing to know history and theology; it is another entirely to understand our own hearts. Job’s pilgrimage into self-understanding led to self-hatred, but in Christ that can be redeemed.

    I’ll ask you to repeat with me this wonderful, ringing affirmation from the New Testament: But I am not ashamed, for I know the one in whom I have put my trust, and I am sure that he is able to guard until that day what I have entrusted to him. I know. I know the one in whom I have put my trust. more

  • How Do I Worship While Suffering? Series

    Contributed by Raymond Maurer on Jul 6, 2004
    based on 40 ratings

    How Do I worship while suffering? 1. Worship while you mourn. 2. Thank God for what He’s given. 3. Maintain your integrity. 4. Surround yourself with supportive friends.

    Title: Can I Prevent Suffering? Text: Job 1.20-2.13 Series: Job: The Mystery of Suffering Raymond Maurer, New Life Christian Church, Wixom, MI E-mail me if you would like the Power Point Slides ( A little girl was walking through her neighbor’s more

  • That Old-Time Religion: Job's Friend Bildad Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Nov 4, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    When we are in distress, we do not want doctrine. We want a fresh encounter with God, we want listening friends, and most of all, we want, and have, a Redeemer.

    Years ago the church of which I was then a member had an evening ice-cream social and service out on the church grounds one summer Sunday. It was a gently warm night, and as the sun went down and a little chill crept into the air, as the stars began to come out and faces began to disappear into the more

  • Attitude-Gateway To Open Heavens

    Contributed by Pastor Amos Dele Dada on Jun 5, 2013

    It takes more than prayer and tithing to experience open heavens,it is a function of positive attitude as a life style.

    Attitude - Gateway To Open Heavens Pastor Amos Dele Dada PhD. P.Eng The life-style of praying for open heavens has been popularized in our time. Books have been written and many more are yet to come to the book stores. Long night meetings are held in our churches with people bombarding heaven with more

  • Men Of The Bible - Job Series

    Contributed by John Murphy on Oct 25, 2012

    Often we only see our situations but not the reasons. There is a vast battle taking place in the spiritual realm and we are right in the middle of it.

    Perhaps one of the most amazing men in the Bible and the one we can learn the most from, especially in today’s world, is the man named Job. There are two ways to look at this man’s life. One from an earthly perspective and the other is from God’s perspective. How many of us can more

  • Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People (Book Of Job)

    Contributed by Michael Grant on Nov 25, 2019

    Why does God allow pain & suffering?

    The Book of Job – Why does God allow pain & suffering? There is a well-known book written by an American Rabbi named Harold Kushner. The title of his book is that age old question “Why do bad things happen to good people?” If you’ve never asked that question certainly you’ve thought about it, more

  • Why All The Hubbub, Bub? Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Sep 2, 2016

    A study of the book of Job 28: 1 – 28

    Job 28: 1 – 28 Why All The Hubbub, Bub? 1 “Surely there is a mine for silver, and a place where gold is refined. 2 Iron is taken from the earth, and copper is smelted from ore. 3 Man puts an end to darkness, and searches every recess for ore in the darkness and the shadow of death. 4 more

  • Holding On, Letting Go And Taking Hold

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Feb 16, 2015

    We find our way through the changes in our lives by recognizing God is present and at work. Changes are more than just changes. Changes are transition.,

    Title: Holding On, Letting Go and Taking Hold Text: II Kings 2:1-12 Thesis: We find our way through the changes in our lives by recognizing God is present and at work. Changes are more than just changes. They are transitions. Introduction The following clip is very brief so a little background more

  • Perseverance

    Contributed by Dennis King on Oct 25, 2022

    Perhaps you've been lucky and haven’t had to endure a lot of life’s common trials and tribulations. If so, “persevering or perseverance” might not resonate much with you?

    Perseverance Perseverance means various things to different people at different stages of their lives. Let's rethink some of the situations we encountered where we demonstrated tenacious determination before we discuss biblical characters that displayed exceptional perseverance. What does the more

  • My Testimony Part 2

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Feb 20, 2002
    based on 11 ratings

    The renewing of my mind started to take place after my salvation and the Lord gently lead me through the process.

    My Testimony, Part 2 Thesis: The renewing of my mind started to take place after my salvation and the Lord gently lead me through the process. Text: II Corinthians 5:17, Romans 12:2 Introduction: My testimony does not stop at salvation but it continues on. For many they get saved but never get more

  • Frequently Asked Question

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 64 ratings

    The answer to Job’s anguished question of "Why?" does not come in words but in presence.

    I met Janet at a party, several years ago, the kind of combination business/social gathering where people talk shop, and network, and make superficial small talk. It’s the sort of event I usually avoid if at all possible, but of course it wasn’t always possible. Anyway, for some reason Janet more

  • Divine Impartiality Considered. Series

    Contributed by Fredric Lozo on Oct 5, 2004
    based on 4 ratings

    This Sermon (#6) is from the Rev. Andrew Lee’s SERMONS published in 1803 by Isaiah Thomas,Jr. at Lisbon, Connecticut.

    INTRODUCTION: The entire book Andrew’s Lee’s Sermons is available free at Project Gutenberg as e-Text #15031. SERMON VI. Divine Impartiality Considered. Romans ii,11. "For there is no respect of persons with God." THE divine impartiality is often asserted in the holy scriptures; and the more

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