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Sermons on Yochanan 6:14:

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  • The Feeding Of The One Hundred

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Jul 5, 2021

    Elisha miraculously fed 100 of his disciples. Jesus fed 5,000.

    The Feeding of the One Hundred 2 Kings 4:42-44 When you looked at the title for this Sunday’s sermon, you may have thought to yourself: “Didn’t Jesus feed five thousand people?” Did we not learn of that from the Gospel of Mark last week? And is not this week’s Gospel text from the 6th chapter of more

  • This Is What You Really Need

    Contributed by Bobby Brewer on Jan 25, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    The day after feeding the 5,000 the people are hungry again and seek out Jesus for a number of reasons. Jesus will use the opportunity to share with them what they really need, not temporal food for biological life but "true bread" for everlasting life. Specially, they need Him.

    Message: Bread of Life part 1 John 6:22-35 Theme: Digesting Truth Date: Jan. 22, 2023 Text: Jn. 6:22-40 On the next day the crowd that remained on the other side of the sea saw that there had been only one boat there, and that Jesus had not entered the boat with his disciples, but that his more

  • Jesus Feeds Five Thousand: The Provision For Human Need Series

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Jan 31, 2023

    This chapter reveals Jesus to be the provision for every human and material need.

    Tonight, we enter chapter 6 of the Gospel of John. This chapter reveals Jesus to be the provision for every human and material need. Note again Jesus’ pattern. He first demonstrated the truth, then He began to preach and teach it. In this chapter, Jesus will feed the 5,000 and calm the stormy more

  • Fourth Sunday Of Lent (Laetare Sunday) Series

    Contributed by Jeremy Di Salvo on Mar 18, 2023

    Christ fed the 5,000 food, and they wanted him to be King. The problem was, Christ's kingship was not to come to pass at that time.

    Dominus vobiscum. Brethren, today is the fourth Sunday of Lent, otherwise known as Latare Sunday. Jerusalem is an important place, as we all know, for all of the Abrahamic religions. What makes Jerusalem important for Christians, at least in my opinion, is that the ultimate sacrifice ever more

  • Stress Points In The Hands Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Scott Turansky on Oct 9, 2022

    Jesus didn't come to just solve our stress points. Jesus came to transform our lives. Jesus came to do something much deeper in our lives. He came to do something for our souls.

    We're going to study over the next several weeks Jesus. Now really, every week we study Jesus because you can find Jesus on the page of every chapter of the Bible. But in particular, we're going to look at Jesus through the eyes of John as he wrote the gospel of John. We're going more

  • A Table Spread.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Oct 20, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    The fourth significant sign in the Gospel of John.

    A TABLE SPREAD. John 6:1-14. “After these things” (John 6:1), Jesus and His disciples crossed the sea of Galilee. “And a great multitude followed Him because they saw His miracles which He did to them which were diseased" (John 6:2). Jesus and His disciples then withdrew from the more

  • Irritating God

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Feb 3, 2024

    We human beings can and do sometimes irritate God. When we fail to respect God properly, the result is not a pretty picture. Our attitude toward God affects our lives significantly.

    Irritating God (Numbers 11:1-35) 1. This older Jewish man was on the operating table awaiting surgery and he insisted that his son, a renown surgeon, perform the operation. As he was about to receive the anesthesia he asked to speak to his son. "Yes Dad, what is it?" "Don't be more

  • Get On The Field! Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jul 22, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Miracles of God, such as the feeding of the five thousand, provide opportunities to be part of what God is doing.

    INTRODUCTION • When you look back on your life, how many opportunities have you missed because you felt like you were not up to the task or did not have the resources to take advantage of the opportunity? • Maybe you missed your chance because you were afraid? • Basketball great Michael Jordan said more

  • The Possibility Of Undervaluing What You Possess Series

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Aug 2, 2022

    When the crowd was massive, the disciples tired and confused, and the multitude was restless and hungry, Jesus uses a lad’s lunch to save the day. To surprise of everyone, Jesus said, “GIVE YE THEM TO EAT! The bewildered, tired disciples undervalued what they had available.

    Sermon. The Possibility of Undervaluing What You Possess John 6:1-15 “After this, Jesus crossed over to the far side of the Sea of Galilee, also known as the Sea of Tiberias. 2 A huge crowd kept following him wherever he went, because they saw his miraculous signs as he healed the sick. 3 Then more

  • I Am The Bread Of Life – All You Ever Need In This World And The Next - Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Aug 31, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    "I am the Bread of Life." The Bread of Life, the True Bread from heaven, passed through the oven of God's wrath, so now He both saves and sustains all those who have trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. The Grain of Wheat dying has produced a glorious harvest.

    I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE – ALL YOU EVER NEED IN THIS WORLD AND THE NEXT - PART 1 Our studies in these powerful sayings of the Lord Jesus continue with the next one, and one so necessary – I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE. We will turn to John’s Gospel chapter 6 for our message on I AM THE BREAD OF more

  • I Am The Bread Of Life – All You Ever Need In This World And The Next - Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Aug 31, 2022

    Why have we descended into this spiritual mess? Why? It is because we have lost our appetite for the Bread of Life and prefer rather, the onions, cucumbers, leeks and garlic of Egypt. We have dishonoured the Lord of the churches, and despised the Bread of Life.

    I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE – ALL YOU EVER NEED IN THIS WORLD AND THE NEXT - PART 2 This is PART 2 of the Message “I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE” one of the magnificent truths spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ when on earth. We ended the first PART looking at The Bread for Christian Sustenance, and were more

  • Sharing

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Sep 13, 2022

    The feeding of the 5000 in John 6 has many layers of meaning. One view is that the miracle is that Jesus got everyone to share their food.

    Sharing John 6:1-15 Rev. Dr. Michael H. Koplitz John 6:1 After these things Jesus went away to the other side of the Sea of Galilee (or Tiberias). 2 A large crowd followed Him, because they saw the signs which He was performing on those who were sick. 3 Then Jesus went up on the mountain, and more

  • Hope And Peace, A Call To Repentance, A Call To Return

    Contributed by William Akehurst on Mar 25, 2023

    Hope and Peace by the love of GOD poured into our hearts by HOLY SPIRIT, WHO GOD gave to us. We Glory in tribulations. Tribulations>perseverance>character>hope>LOVE. GOD allows us to go through stuff, so that we will RETURN TO HIM to STAND Stronger IN HIM.

    2023.03.26.Sermon Notes. Hope and Peace – A CALL to REPENTANCE, A CALL to RETURN. William Akehurst, HSWC KEY SCRIPTURE: Romans 5:1-5; Hosea 6:1-3; James 1:2-4; James 1:12 Scriptures Referenced: Matthew 14:13-21; Matthew 6:33; Mark 6:30–44; Luke 9:10–17; John 6:1–14; James 4:3; 1John 5:14-15; more

  • Pan Del Cielo

    Contributed by Louis J Locke on Nov 15, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Entendiendo la verdad dinámica del Pan del Cielo: Tanto el maná como Jesús mismo.

    A. Maná: Pan del Cielo – Éxodo 16 1. A los dos meses de haber emprendido su viaje para salir de la esclavitud en Egipto, rumbo a la “Tierra Prometida” de Canaán, los hijos de Israel se quejaron contra Moisés y Aarón. (Éxodo 16:2-3) 2. El Señor le dijo a more

  • Seventeenth Sunday In Ordinary Time, Year B--Spiritual Multiplication

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Jun 24, 2024

    “Gift” is only gift if we give all the pieces.

    Percent means “parts per hundred,” from the Latin, per centum. Edward Denison, in 1060, thought of a neat phrase, “Three percent is greater than two percent by fifty percent. I have math anxiety but there are listed several ways to prove this, including that the reason that 3 is 50% bigger than 2 more

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