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Sermons on Yochanan 14:23:

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  • Ghostbusters

    Contributed by Steve Steve on Mar 8, 2002
    based on 39 ratings

    I used this at new year to remind us of our ever present comforter, as we began this new year. Some very good material dealing with the Holy Spirit.

    Ghostbusters How many of you have seen the movie Ghostbusters? The premise of the movie is that there are these four guys. They are a mixture of a smart person, a witty person, the muscle-person, and the comic-person. If you’ve seen the movie then you cannot forget Bill Murray and Dan Akroyd more

  • Never Unloved Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Jun 2, 2002
    based on 25 ratings

    Some receive love, but reject it; others never know that they are loved. In either case, the Cross is evidence that we have never been unloved.

    We need to think not only about the way we relate to other people, but also about how we receive them. It is not enough simply to be friendly and cordial. We also need to look at how we receive people when they extend themselves to us. I went to a meeting this week, where all the more

  • Introducing The Holy Spirit

    Contributed by Ted Sutherland on Dec 3, 2001
    based on 431 ratings

    The Holy Spirit comes to take up permanent residence in a believer’s heart and life. Thus the body of the believer becomes the temple of the Holy Spirit, a truth of immense importance.

    The background for today’s sermon is the Lord’s devastating announcement that he is going away. The disciples are not to be alarmed. Another comforter is coming. The comforter is promised. The Greek word for comforter is (Parakleton) and is rendered “advocate” in 1 John 2:1. The word means “one more

  • "I Shall Return"

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Dec 5, 2001
    based on 30 ratings

    Easter Message relating Christ’s promise to return again!

    “I Shall Return” Various Scriptures Introduction March 11, 1942. Corregidor, in the Philippines. I’m sure most of the WWII veterans in the congregation today can tell you what happened that day. The Japanese forces were invading the Philippines, and on a day that marked the beginning of a more

  • How Good Is Good Enough?

    Contributed by Matthew Oliver on Jan 7, 2002
    based on 9 ratings

    If we define goodness in human terms we will always fall short of Christ’s example. God calls us to give our concerns over to him in faith and trust.

    Sermon for the Feast of Pentecost 3 June 2001 Preached at St John the Evangelist, Cold Lake Acts 2:1-21 Romans 8:14-17 John 14:8-27 Psalm 104:24-35 How Good is Good Enough? What a wonderful day to raise our voices in praise of the Most High God on the Day of Pentecost. It is this day that we more

  • Pentecost Sunday

    Contributed by Tim Zingale on Jun 26, 2001
    based on 294 ratings

    A sermon for Pentecost Sunday

    Pentecost Sunday Genesis 11: 1-8 The whole earth was of one language and of one speech. 2 It happened, as they journeyed east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they lived there. 3 They said one to another, "Come, let’s make brick, and burn them thoroughly." They had brick for more

  • Love Motivates Change

    Contributed by Bob Aubuchon on Jun 27, 2001
    based on 58 ratings

    What motivates change in your life?

    The news reporting business knows that a good headline written or spoken will capture the attention of people and lead them to read or hear what is being reported. News Headlines: · What Is Missing In Heaven? (Pulpit Helps, June 2001) · Medical Marijuana Ruled Illegal. (Springfield more

  • The Work Of The Holy Spirit

    Contributed by William Young on Sep 10, 2001
    based on 50 ratings

    Thesis: To clarify the nature of the Holy Spirits’ Work.

    THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT John 16:7-14 Thesis: to clarify the nature of the Holy Spirits work. Introduction: 1. There is more info in John about the Holy Spirit than in Matt MK LK 2. In order to understand the mission/work of the HS we must keep in mind that Jesus is talking to His APOSTLES in more

  • John Chapter 14 Series

    Contributed by Jimmy Davis on Sep 20, 2001
    based on 44 ratings

    The Private Ministry of Jesus follows His Public Ministry. Jesus’ Private Ministry prepares His followers for what lies ahead.

    John Chapter 14 Read John 14:1-14 People all over the world are seeking comfort as they long for peace and joy in their hearts. Jesus alone can bring that comfort, peace and joy. When you leave this Bible study today, you will go to our parking lot, get in your car and go home. Do you believe more

  • In The Name Of Jesus !

    Contributed by James Jackson on Nov 3, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    This is a message to the church - to show the importance of Praying - In The Name Of Jesus !

    Good morning! Say opening prayer! Help Holy Spirit! The title of my message today is: In the name of Jesus Have you ever thought about what it would be like to live under the rule of an earthly king? The people of the Old Testament times chose to be ruled by a king. Can you imagine more

  • Living With Christ

    Contributed by Scott Jensen on Nov 28, 2004
    based on 3 ratings

    By following the commands of God, we are truly living with Christ.

    Grace and mercy be unto you from God our Father and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In Old Testament times, Moses, the Patriarchs and the rest of the Jews looked toward a specific part of a tent as the living place for God. Blood was shed in this Tent of Meeting in the form sacrifices more

  • Meeting The Empowering Presence Of God Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Aug 9, 2004
    based on 59 ratings

    A fresh look at the Holy Spirit’s power dwelling in our lives today.

    POOR MAN ACTUALLY LIVING ON OIL FIELD Dr. Bill Bright of Campus Crusade for Christ tells this story of a famous oil field called Yates Pool: During the depression this field was a sheep ranch owned by a man named Yates. Mr. Yates wasn’t able to make enough on his ranching operation to pay the more

  • At Home With Jesus

    Contributed by J. Yeargin on Sep 2, 2004
    based on 40 ratings

    I believe that many times Christians will know what it means to be a follower of Jesus, and they may rightfully call themselves Christians. And yet some people may not sense a connection with God.

    Let’s begin tonight by giving thanks to what the Lord has been doing in each of our lives. I know that it is God that is doing these things. We are dependent on the Lord and His stirring our hearts. We can study, and train, and discuss what needs to be done and what should be done, but it will more

  • Obeying Out Of Love

    Contributed by Jim Miller on Nov 4, 2003
    based on 16 ratings

    Out of gratefulness for our rescue, we desire to obey God

    John 14:15-24 (May wonder why we’re taking so long to get through this. Ann picks chicken bones clean. Let’s make sure we get every morsel of truth from these chapters.) · Jesus spending this night before crucifixion with followers, had to pick one theme of what he says I think it would be more

  • How Can I Live The Life I've Always Longed For? Series

    Contributed by Dan Stires on Jan 18, 2007

    This is the first sermon in the series of The Quest. Every believer must face the need for the Spirit-filled life. The Holy Spirit will be there to be our Guide in our spiritual walk with God.

    “How can I live the Life I’ve always longed for?” Scripture Reading: John 14:15-24 Barna Recaps 2006 Church Trends, Future Directions Christian researcher George Barna has outlined what he considers his most significant findings for the year of 2006. According to Barna, the latest survey more

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