  • Johnny Small

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Johnny's church

Love Street Baptist Church
Lovington, New Mexico 88260
505 631-8966

About Johnny
  • Education: I graduated from Monroe Senior High school in Monroe, NC. I have an Associate in Applied Science degree (Electrical Engineering) and another Associate in Applied Science degree (Electronic Engineering). I have continueously read and studied the Bible for over 40 years and attend many bible conferences.
  • Experience: After graduating from college, I was drafted into the US Army where I spent 12 years, most of it overseas except for 3 years as a drill instructor. For the past 21 years I have worked as a support analyst for the local phone company. God called me into the ministry when I was 14, but I only accepted His call this past year (40 years late) but the best decision I have ever made. I was just licensed into the Ministry March 3, 2002. I am now retire from the phone company and am a full time hospital chaplain. I resigned from pastoring a church in Lovington NM. I stay busy standing in for pastors when they must be away from their churches. I really enjoy this.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: You are welcomed to use any part of my sermon that might fit your needs. It isn’t mine, it belongs to God. I appreaicate any e-mails and comments.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: The sermon that Pastor Shawn Drake preached on what is God’s will for you? The Holy Spirit through this sermon convinced me that it was time to accept God’s call in His ministry. I thank God for leading us to Bel Aire Baptist Church and Pastor Shawn Drake. Shawn has made a positive influence on my life. He is very supported in my call to the ministry. God is always in Control.
  • One of my favorite illustrations: Bill and his wife argued all the time. A fellow employee at Bill’s work finally led him to Christ. Bill wanted to read his Bible, but knew his wife would object and an argument would occur. Every night for a year Bill would go to bed and wait for his wife to fall asleep and then would sneak downstairs to read his Bible. One night while reading his Bible, Bill heard the stairs squeak and he knew his wife had caught him and an argument was about to occur. His wife said I want what you have, I want Jesus too. (The believing spouse will sanctify the unbelieving spouse).
  • Family: I have been married to Maria for 32 years and God has blessed us with 5 children, Susie, Richard, Nancy, Betty and Mikie. We are also blessed with 8 Grandchildren, 6 boys and 2 girls. My wife Maria has her own Ceramic shop where she specializes in Christian pieces and spends most of her time witnessing to the customers. I retired from my job with the phone company in April 2003 and am now a full time minister.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: My parents have passed away and I pray that they are with the Lord.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: My wife has always been very critical of sermons that she listens to and I thought that she would be the hardest to pleased. I was very wrong. She says my sermons are great. I am blessed to be able to look into the congration and see her smiling and nodding her head yes. Her Amems are very encouraging. I truly love my wife.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Pastor Shawn Drake told me to always let the Holy Spirit lead your sermon, even if He takes you in a direction that you had not planned. He will give you the words that you need to say. Always give an invitation, even if you think everyone there are Christians. You may be surprised.
  • Books that have had an impact: I have read many books, but the Bible is the only book that I read and don’t want to put down. I never get tired of re-reading it over and over. Each time God points out something that I had not noticed the time before. That is why it is called the living word of God. You always find something new that pertains to the situation that you are experiencing in your life at that moment.
  • Hobbies: Trying to keep my van and truck running and our house in repair. I enjoy carpentry. Most of all I enjoy playing with all the grand children.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: The first sermon that I preached, I looked at the time and realized that it was past time to close and I hadn’t even gotten though half of my notes. I either had to risk the congregation getting up and walking out or say "To Be Continued" Being my first sermon I didn’t want to take a chance so I chose "To Be Continued".
  • What I want on my tombstone: Here lies the body of a man not ashame to carry his cross for Christ
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