  • Steve Steve

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Steve's church

Hickory Grove Church of God
Richton, Mississippi 39476
(601) 964-3203

About Steve
  • Education: I graduated from Mid-America Bible College located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. My Bachelor of Science degree is in Specialized Ministries. My specialization areas are in Christian Education as well as Youth Ministry. I also took a personal focus on classes related to Pastoral ministries, as well as Family-life ministries. I am looking forward to getting into our new facility so that I can begin working on my Masters and Doctorate degrees.
  • Experience: I grew up in the Church of God. Being the grandson of a "Preacher-man" I learned the ropes of ministry early on. I took an active role in our Church before I moved to OKC, to begin my work on my degree. I should explain that the Church of God (Anderson, IN) is a Wesleyn-Holiness movement, that began with great men of faith such as D.L. Moody, John Wesley and many others.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: Never take anything for face value. Dig in the word to find something. In Jeremiah 31, God tells him that he will show him, "GREAT AND UNSEARCHABLE THINGS". Don’t ever be afraid to go outside the box. I love to use props or drama or anything I can to get my point across. Also KISS. Keep it simple Stupid. If you can get across one point to them in the fifteen to twenty five minutes you have them, celebrate.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: I will place this sermon on here someday so look for it. It is one of the most moving experiences that one can have. I love telling the story of the prodigal son (simply done) then coupling it with a personal testimony of how we too have been prodigals. Haven’t we all! Then we conclude by presenting the group, congregation...etc, with a physical cross, nails, and hammers. They are then invited to come and nail their concerns, or own prodigal story to the cross. Powerfully moving.
  • One of my favorite illustrations: Too many to list.
  • Family: I have been married to my wife Michelle for almost six years. Our daughter Morgan is three and is already planning a singing career.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: They haven’t heard that many, so I really don’t know.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: She let’s me know honestly. I am my own worst critic, so she usually does damage control on Sunday afternoons.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: The first time I ever preached in front of our Home church, my father introduced me, and at the same time provided advice. He said, "I’ve always told my son, whatever you have to say, say it loud and say it proud, and with that I’m going to shutup and let him say it" WOW! So, I say to you, "Say it loud, and say it proud"
  • Books that have had an impact: C. Peter Wagners stuff is great. I am also drawn to Hank Hannegraaf’s books. Hank provides wonderful stuff (Resurrection, The Prayer of Jesus, Christianity in Crisis), and still stays true to the word of God. I also remember a book titled "Joshua", I can’t remember the author. Of course, Lucado, and Maxwell have had an impact. I also enjoy Wiersbe’s stuff. Especially "Making sense of the Ministry"
  • Hobbies: My hobbies or desired hobbies are way too numerous to mention. My first love is basketball. I played at our college, as well as leagues, tournaments...etc. I love Kentucky Basketball! I also enjoy: Bowhunting,golf, tennis, swimming, playing with my daughter, and every other sport you can think of. I have recently taken an interest in playing paintball with some of our youth. It is a fun game and makes me feel still somewhat young to run with the young ones.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Repent and be saved, Let’s eat!
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: Haven’t had anything too horribly embarrasing (perfectionist), but I almost fell of the stage one day. I also commented to myself, on the sermon I had just massacred, only to find out that my mic was still on when I said, "That was stupid".
  • What I want on my tombstone: Loved God with all his heart, and did unto others as he would have...him.
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  • God's Great Banquet

    Contributed on Oct 27, 2002
    based on 40 ratings

    The text of Zephaniah chapter three under the pretext of God’s goodness to us now and at the day of judgement

    Brother Mike shared with us this week several key things that first of all we absolutely needed to hear. Second they were some very real truths about our own mindsets. He shared with us and we all agreed how we felt so wonderful when we were in God’s presence, but that it didn’t have to be more

  • Listening And Doing

    Contributed on Oct 9, 2002
    based on 39 ratings

    Simple sermon outline based on James chapter 1.

    Listening and Doing- Part two of a two part series. I. Greetings and reminder of where we were last week A. Last week we cover three different ideas of the “Art of Communication” 1. quick to listen 2. slow to speak 3. slow to anger B. Last week we even looked a little at the more

  • Searching For True Freedom

    Contributed on Jul 6, 2002
    based on 47 ratings

    Paul’s message to the church to not be stuck in the slavery of human tradition’s. Really impacted me as to how I personally worship God.

    Colossians 2: 6-8 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him...” How? How are we as Christians supposed to continue to live in him? Let’s read on and see. In verse seven we read this... 1. rooted and built up in him.--See tree root systems-- We in our more

  • "I'll Never Be Like My Parents!"-Yeah Right!

    Contributed on Jul 6, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    A pretty simple sermon that can be used for baby dedications or pretty much anytime to take a laughing look at Parents, as well as some Parental duties straight from the word of God.

    I understand that last week we had a different speaker while I was gone. Well, if you were with us last week and you really enjoyed the service, you should really enjoy it this week since the coach has put the first string back in the game. It is good to be back and I appreciate your prayers in more

  • My Name Is Simon Peter

    Contributed on Mar 23, 2002
    based on 124 ratings

    If you have a flare for the dramatical and want to see the crucifixion of Christ through the eyes of Peter then check this out!

    Make sure you check the end to see how this sermon should be delivered. It is a dramatical presentation. Hello, fellow brothers and sisters in our Lord Christ Jesus, My name is Simon. You probably know me better as Peter. No doubt you know the stories of our Lord and Savior. I’m here more

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