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  • The Unruly Freedom Of The Word Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Oct 11, 2014

    God's plan is truly a surprise, but it is always directed toward our salvation and the spread of the Gospel.

    Thursday of the 28th Week in Course 2014 Joy of the Gospel The Holy Father’s letter on the Joy of the Gospel tells us: “God’s word is unpredictable in its power. The Gospel speaks of a seed which, once sown, grows by itself, even as the farmer sleeps (Mk 4:26-29). The Church has more

  • Pulpit Freedom Sunday

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Oct 18, 2014

    A sermon for Pulpit Freedom Sunday and encouraging Christians to vote and get involved in the political field (Material adapted from Wayne Grudem in an article entitled, "Why Christians Should Seek to Influence Government for Good")

    HoHum: During an election campaign the air is full of speeches and vice versa- Henry Adams WBTU: Today, many preachers across this country are being encouraged to speak out about current policy issues that the Bible talks about for Pulpit Freedom Sunday. Preachers are being told that certain more

  • Freedom From The Law. Series

    Contributed by Kyle Sullivan on Nov 10, 2014

    What is the Law and how to be Free from it!

    1.) The Reason we are Free from the Law. Vs. 1-3 Vs. 1—The Law has no power over a Dead Man. Vs. 2-3—Illustration of Marriage. Galatians 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” (NIV) Key: The contract is binding only more

  • Freedom From Condemnation. Series

    Contributed by Kyle Sullivan on Nov 10, 2014

    Understanding Condemnation and Sin.

    Romans 8:1-2 “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.” (NIV) Questions: 1) What is Condemnation? You feel guilty. You feel fear. You feel more

  • Freedom Through Bondage

    Contributed by David Hersey on Mar 25, 2015

    We have freedom in Christ. We are also bondservants of Christ. This sermon expounds on the principle of freedom through bondage.

    Freedom Through Bondage There is a growing belief among many in the Lord's church that our freedom in Christ equates to freedom to live as we see fit. The belief that strict obedience to God's will is unnecessary is gaining an ever increasing following. I have had discussions with more

  • Freedom Of The Christ Child

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Jan 12, 2016

    The coming of the Christ child and the freedom we have in Christ

    Freedom of the Christ child Introduction- Last week we looked at preparing for Christmas. That this Christmas would not be like all the others. (busy and empty) After all the gifts are opened that we would not still have that void down deep in our hearts because there are some things that more

  • Freedom From Resolutions Series

    Contributed by Kevin Hall on Jan 13, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Alternative Message for making New Years Resolutions that fail, rather making yearly to do list in increments of 3 month, 6 month, 9 month, and 12 month goals. Goals are easier to achieve than resolutions.

    “Freedom from Resolutions” Galatians 5:13 Gal 5:13 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. • Every year New Years Resolutions are made. Only 17% of people according to Time more

  • Everlasting Freedom And Liberty

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Jun 16, 2023

    This is a sermon that can be used near July 4th in the US and any day to speak about the liberty/freedom that we can experience in Christ Jesus.

    Scripture: Luke 4:14-19; Romans 8:1-4 Theme: Everlasting Liberty and Freedom This is a sermon that can be used near July 4th in the US and any day to speak about the liberty/freedom that we can experience in Christ Jesus. INTRO: Grace and peace from God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! more

  • Freedom From Resentment

    Contributed by Joshua Blackmon on Jul 22, 2023

    Jesus disarms the cynic in us with His gentle answers to our resentful and skeptical questions. This sermon relies heavily on chapter three of Scott Sauls's book "A Gentle Answer: Our 'Secret Weapon' In An Age of Us Versus Them".

    Freedom From Resentment INTRODUCTION: John 1:43-51 (NKJV) 43 The following day Jesus wanted to go to Galilee, and He found Philip and said to him, “Follow Me.” 44 Now Philip was from Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. 45 Philip found Nathanael and said to him, “We have found Him of whom more

  • Freedom From Religion

    Contributed by Dan Brown on Dec 4, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    Following Christ is a relationship not a religion.

    Sunday Morning 8/12/01-Col. 2-Freedom From Religion Key idea: Following X is a relationship not a religion. Video Clip: Matrix 1:37:20-1:38:19 Neo confused about his identity, doesn’t understand who he really is, we as xians suffer from the same problem. Don’t know or understand who we are. more

  • God's Way To Freedom

    Contributed by Martin Wiles on Sep 2, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon contrasts life under the Old Covenant with the freedom found in Christ under the New Covenant.

    GOD'S WAY TO FREEDOM GALATIANS 3:23-29 INTRODUCTION We can imagine how terrible it is to be in prison. Here many freedoms are taken away. Having to support the prison system is an economic drain on the taxpayer even though they provide jobs. Though some prisons have modern conveniences, many of more

  • Freedom From Insecurity

    Contributed by Brady Boyd on Apr 29, 2011
    based on 8 ratings

    A message about the security found in God and what a secure Christian looks like.

    All right, open up your Bibles this morning to First Peter, chapter 2. We’re in the sermon series called First Peter; we’re just looking through this book. We’re going to topically walk through this book of First Peter. And again I want to remind you that every week, I want you more

  • Is Freedom Really Free?

    Contributed by Jason Jones on May 2, 2011

    Exposition of 1 Corinthians 8 regarding three truths about Christian Liberty

    Text: 1 Cor 8:1-13, Title: Is Freedom Really Free? Date/Place: NRBC, 5/1/11, AM A. Opening illustration: Read an excerpt from the Georgia Driver’s Manual. Talk about whether or not we are really free. But for the sake of argument, let’s say we are. But there’s a cost if we want more

  • Freedom From Fear Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jun 22, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    We can enjoy freedom from fear in a fearful fallen world.

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • One summer night during a severe thunderstorm a mother was tucking her small son into bed. • She was about to turn the light off when he asked in a trembling voice, "Mommy, will you stay with me all night?" Smiling, the mother gave him a warm, reassuring hug and said more

  • Freedom Is Already Ours Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Oct 5, 2015

    We cannot go back into a life of slavery (mainly because we would enjoy our sin). Do we wish to become slaves again? If not; we need to listen to the Word; to not be a slave; we need to live completely for Christ ... in total submission.

    Freedom is Already Ours Galatians, Part 9 Galatians 4:21 – 5:1 Introduction - Purpose of the letter 1. To teach 2. To correct 3. To point us to Jesus - Recap from last week: - IMP: We ought to be able to show the world who we serve by our actions/words - This is the more

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