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  • "I Am A Saint In Christ" Series

    Contributed by Sean Harder on Mar 12, 2014

    Some say that you could do all your biblical counselling from Ephesians alone. This is said because Paul, in Ephesians, places so much emphasis on our identity being in Christ alone. As Christians, we live from our identity, not for it.

    “I Am a Saint in Christ” (Eph 1:1-2, Phil 1:19-29) Some say that you could do all your biblical counselling from Ephesians alone. This is said because Paul, in Ephesians, places so much emphasis on our identity being in Christ alone. As Christians, we live from our identity, not for more

  • What The Bible Says About Homosexuality

    Contributed by John Gaston on Oct 1, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    God's timeless revelation -- His Word -- does not change. We live in a day of situational ethics and relative truth. The world is hearing a false message about what God thinks about homosexuality. We must tell them "the whole counsel of God."

    WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT HOMOSEXUALITY I. THE CLEAR BIBLICAL PATTERN FOR SEXUALITY Homosexuality is being here addressed because it is the subject of a lot of false teaching and mistruth about what the Bible has to say. You and I can't be pleasing to God if we're practicing sexual sin, that is, more

  • Visionary View: When Your Vision Is Out Of Focus Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Sep 10, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Our vision can become blurred by various distractions and challenges, but through God's Word, we can regain our focus. Let's delve into Scripture for guidance.

    "Visionary View: When Your Vision is Out of Focus" Today, we explore a topic that affects us all at some point in our lives: "Visionary View: When Your Vision is Out of Focus." Our vision can become blurred by various distractions and challenges, but through God's Word, we more

  • Attempting The Impossible For God

    Contributed by Joel Santos on Jan 13, 2008
    based on 85 ratings

    Four Rules for attempting the impossible: RULE ONE: Don’t get counsel from your detractors; RULE TWO: Don’t attempt the impossible in your strength; RULE THREE: Don’t stay in the boat; RULE FOUR: Don’t focus on the circumstances

    ATTEMPTING THE IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD Matt 14:25-32 INTRODUCTION My message is about Attempting the Impossible. defines the word Impossible as “an extremely difficult to deal or perform.” There is a slogan during World War II, "If it’s difficult, it will take a day or two. If it’s more

  • It's All About Faith #1 Series

    Contributed by Mac Hammond on Apr 9, 2013

    After you’re saved, you have to make the decision to receive the Word of God as the divine, final authority for your life, and invest your believing in the whole counsel of the Word of God. When you come to this point, you position yourself to grow in fai

    A. When we live by the Word of God, adversity will come our way because the enemy of our souls will do everything he can to resist the unfolding will of God in each one of our lives. B. Some of the trials we face are going to seem pretty fiery while we’re in the middle of them. Many more

  • The Book Of Revelation (Revelation 4b)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 21, 2022

    The Lord’s personal message to the individual churches is now over. 1) He has told them who He is, 2) Pointed out their failures, and counseled them to correct their failures. 3) He has also given them the great promised of heaven.

    Now it is time for the churches to see the future events that are coming upon the earth, it is time for the churches to know that Jesus Christ is coming back to earth and rapture the saints of God. He is going to end the world the way we know it and establish the kingdom of God. What did John see more

  • Why I Don’t Drink Any Alcohol (Part 1) Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Feb 6, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Should a Christian drink alcohol in moderation? What is "the whole counsel of God" concerning wine and alcoholic drinks? How does a believer make a scriptural "Risk Assessment" and wise choices about drinking alcohol? This message explores those issues.

    We will step into a controversial subject this morning. For some, this could mean the difference between a fruitful Christian life versus a life that ends in disappointment—a life of unfulfilled potential. It could even mean the difference between life and death for some. That’s why we must address more

  • A Divine Father's Place Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Sep 25, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    I. A FATHER’S LOVE … 1. A father’s love chooses to create, know and value each individual. 2. A father’s love creates a special environment and sustains it. 3. A father’s love communicates, counsels, and listens. 4. A father’s love protects.

    … While I can’t share in the honors of full fatherhood today …  I want us to consider the honor we give to our DIVINE FATHER,  In 2 Cor 6:18, the apostle Paul applies God’s heart, first spoken to David the prophet Nathan, to all of us: “I will be a father to you, and you will be more

  • Why Am I Here?

    Contributed by Herbert Armstrong Bosantog on Nov 7, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    So God CREATED Human in His own IMAGE. In other words, we HUMAN, have the ABILITY to KNOW THINGS, to make DESCISIONS, and to DISCERN the PURPOSE and PLAN of God. So we can learn to UNDERSTAND His COUNSEL, His PLAN. As we GROW in the KNOWLEDGE of God, He

    Understanding the WISDOM of God 1. What Caused God to CREATE HUMAN? "What is man that You should think of him, and the Son of man that You should care for him? For a little while you made him lower than the angels, and YOU CROWNED HIM with GLORY and HONOR. YOU GAVE HIM AUTHORITY OVER ALL THINGS more

  • How Great Is Our God Series

    Contributed by Patrick Nix on Jan 5, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    As in many other places in the Bible, Isaiah 40 gives us a glimpse into God's greatness. He is strong as iron and tender as a shepherd (10-11). Adjectives like enormous and wise fall so short when we consider His creation and counsel (12-13). Not only tha

    It's not a question, it's a statement. I probably should add an exclamation point: How Great is Our God! As in many other places in the Bible, Isaiah 40 gives us a glimpse into God's greatness. He is strong as iron and tender as a shepherd (10-11). Adjectives like enormous and wise fall so short more

  • Presenting Eyes And Ears: Vantage Point From The Hiding Place Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Jul 7, 2001
    based on 44 ratings

    When we are overwhelmed, in our panic we do not see what is before us, nor can we hear any word of counsel; someone -- innocent, devoted to us -- needs to create a stable point, a hiding place for us. Ultimately that is what Jesus Christ in His cross does.

    We have abilities that we barely even use. Our senses are capable of doing much more than we allow them to do. I want to try a short experiment with you. I want to test your eyes and your ears. First, I am going to give you thirty seconds to look around this room and take it all in. Many of more

  • Love And Marriage Series

    Contributed by Sean Harder on Jun 16, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Much of what I’m going to talk about today comes more from experience as a counsellor than directly from Scripture, though I’ve discovered that the Bible talked about these things long before I observed them in the counselling office, and therefore is rea

    Much of what I’m going to talk about today comes more from experience as a counsellor than directly from Scripture, though I’ve discovered that the Bible talked about these things long before I observed them in the counselling office, and therefore is really an excellent guide for more

  • It’s Something I Really Don’t Want To Talk About!

    Contributed by Terry Blankenship on Jan 26, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    There are things we don't like talking about. Like, sex with our kids and money with our congregation. We might also add to that list death, hell and money. But even when we don't like talking about it we must preach the whole counsel of God.

    Introduction – Fire Alarms and the Conscience Many electronic fire alarms have an internal switch triggered by a beam of light. As long as light is received unbroken by the photo-sensitive receiver, the detector is quiet. But if smoke or moisture or an insect obstructs the beam for even a more

  • Jesus The Almighty God Series

    Contributed by Claude Alexander on Jul 15, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Lady wisdom is always speaking and I, like you, must take the time to hear what she has to say. In this chapter we will learn many of the benefits of listening to the counsel of Lady Wisdom, and if you do not listen you can't put things right in your life.

    Jesus the Almighty God Proverbs 8:1-36 In chapter seven Solomon gave us a clear warning against succumbing to the attractive and beguiling Lady Seducer. Her aim was to get us off of God’s path and we learned that her end is death. In contrast, in chapter 8 Solomon mentions a woman that more

  • Building On The Blessing Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Aug 10, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    If I'm persecuted because of my faith, I should rejoice and be glad? How does that work?

    In August… of 325 A.D. the Roman Emperor Constantine brought together leaders from churches all across the Empire to a city called “Nicaea” to discuss a new heresy that had risen called Arianism. Arianism was a cult led by a man named Arius who taught that Jesus was NOT God… but was merely a more

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