
Summary: Four Rules for attempting the impossible: RULE ONE: Don’t get counsel from your detractors; RULE TWO: Don’t attempt the impossible in your strength; RULE THREE: Don’t stay in the boat; RULE FOUR: Don’t focus on the circumstances

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Matt 14:25-32


My message is about Attempting the Impossible. defines the word Impossible as “an extremely difficult to deal or perform.”

There is a slogan during World War II, "If it’s difficult, it will take a day or two. If it’s impossible, it will take a little longer."

I don’t know if you have attempted the impossible for yourselves? …… I know its hard, but we can still attempt the impossible things—especially if it is for God.

Jesus replied, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.” Matthew 18:27

Our text today gave four rules for attempting the impossible. If you want to attempt, try them…

RULE ONE: Don’t get counsel from your detractors (vs. 25-27)

In life, there are many people around you who can make or break you. There are people who can get you up, and those who can get you down.

The principle of Rule One recognizes that if you’re going to try the impossible, there will be many who will tell you why you should not do it. Don’t get counsel from the pessimist.


VIP – Very Inspiring Persons

VDP – Very Draining Persons

VIP’s are Optimistic (Positive thinker) while the VDP’s are Pessimist (Negative thinker)

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” Winston Churchill

Saul is a classic example of Pessimist. He said to David, “You are not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him; for you are but a youth while he has been a warrior from his youth." (1 Sam. 17:33)

Everybody else was saying “He’s too big! We can’t kill him.” David was saying “He’s too big, I can’t miss!”

There are some examples of individuals who achieved recognition and success in their lives despite the negative criticism of others. They refused to say, "I can’t."

Job also received an advice to curse his God because of the difficult trials he experienced, but he never entertained it.

RULE TWO: Don’t attempt the impossible in your strength (v.28-29a)

There is a beautiful song that became a theme song of many Americans in 1950s. The verse says,

“Now, the end is near, So I face the final curtain – My friends, I’ll say it clear State my case of which I’m certain. I’ve lived a life that’s full, And traveled each, and every highway – And more, much more than this I did it my way.”

The singer composer of that song is called “Old Blue Eye’s” who died in May 1998 at the age of 82. Everyone agreed: There will never be another Sinatra. Sinatra had an amazing career; he even topped Elvis! He holds the record of 40 consecutive years with a song on the billboard charts. One of those chart topping songs was “I Did It My Way” a theme song for many Americans.

>>When Sinatra died, he left family and friends, plus a world full of fans who grieved his loss. He also left behind millions of dollars in cash and assets: cars, houses, land and stocks. He left all of his platinum and gold records, his Grammys, and his Oscar. He died during his major concert while singing this song.

…..His friends and loves while in his bed saying: Frank fight, fight, fight to live. The last words he spoke before he died were: I’m losing. Frank won’t have the courage to sing I did it my way!

>> Frank Sinatra left this world to stand face-to-face before Jesus Christ. When God asks him, “Frank, why should I let you into my Heaven?” he won’t have the courage to sing, or even say the words “I did it my way.” (

So if you want to attempt the impossible, don’t attempt is with your strength. We need God.

He said, “…Apart from me, you can do nothing (John15:5b)

Simon Peter asked, "Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water." Simon didn’t start walking on the water until Jesus commanded him to "come." Therefore, the impossible was attempted only after the Lord gave the command and the strength to do so.

“You will not succeed by your own strength or power, but by my Spirit says the Lord.” Zech. 4:6

God’s word encouraged us to attempt great things for Him. We are to call unto Him, not in our own strength, not by our own power, but by the strength of God. It is in the name of God that David came against Goliath—not in his own name. In the name of Jesus of Nazareth, rise up and walk,” said Peter.

David didn’t measure the chance of defeating the 9 foot 9 inch Goliath to himself, for if he had, he would have headed back to his sheep very quickly. If he measured the 9 foot 9 inch Goliath against himself, he will going to be afraid.

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