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  • The Tradition Of The Elders

    Contributed by John Kapteyn on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 124 ratings

    Introduction 1.

    Introduction 1. As most of you know, the consistory has been going through a time of self-examination for both themselves and the church. As part of that examination we came up with a list of seven corporate sins that we as a congregation share. These are sins that are prevalent in our church. more

  • An Elder Is A Man

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Dec 5, 2000
    based on 95 ratings

    Elders are not models of perfection, yet the church does have a responsibility towards them.

    Morning Message Central Church of Christ December 3, 2000 John Dobbs AN ELDER IS A MAN Introduction: There is no doubt that to be an elder is to be in a position of great influence, great responsibility, with great demands. It isn’t just any man who is willing to serve in this way. It isn’t more

  • Fight For The Elders

    Contributed by Timothy Brewington Ii on Sep 10, 2003

    In this scripture we see a wonderful testimony of how God will use any body who is not afraid. God is calling youth who are not afraid to take a stand.

  • Fight For The Elders

    Contributed by Timothy Brewington Ii on Sep 10, 2003

    In this scripture we see a wonderful testimony of how God will use any body who is not afraid. God is calling youth who are not afraid to take a stand.

  • Fight For The Elders

    Contributed by Timothy Brewington Ii on Sep 10, 2003

    In this scripture we see a wonderful testimony of how God will use any body who is not afraid. God is calling youth who are not afraid to take a stand.

  • Fight For The Elders

    Contributed by Timothy Brewington Ii on Sep 10, 2003
    based on 31 ratings

    In this scripture we see a wonderful testimony of how God will use any body who is not afraid. God is calling youth who are not afraid to take a stand.

    In this scripture we see a wonderful testimony of how God will use any body who is not afraid. Fear is one of the greatest enemy of our success The fear of failure, will keep you from trying. The fear of being alone, we keep you from lifting up a standard. The fear of rejection, will more

  • Honoring Elders

    Contributed by Raymond Perkins on Jan 24, 2003
    based on 91 ratings

    A lesson concerning what the Word teaches about Church Leadership.

    HONORING ELDERS I Timothy 5:17 INTRODUCTION: Dan Huxley owns a world record in an unusual category: he pulls airplanes. The most remarkable happened on October 15, 1997 when he broke his own record. On that day at the Mascot Airport in Sydney, Australia he strapped a harness around his upper more

  • 'call For The Elders!'

    Contributed by Roger Spackman on Nov 16, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    Over a 20 year period, you have listened to over 1000 sermons! This one will encourage & strengthen you! Identify with James, brother of Jesus who journeyed from unbelief to full faith in God! Learn that it’s okay to doubt! Jesus transforms it into faith!

    I’d like to do a short ‘quiz’ with you this morning, in fact it’s really easy, has only one question – and is quite entertaining and enlightening! I want to find the person here this morning - who has been going to church for the longest time. (Longer than five year? Ten? Fifteen? Twenty? more

  • Appointing Elders Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Aug 15, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    What is entailed in appointing elders? What rights and authority is conferred in the appointment process?

    “When they had appointed elders for them in every church, with prayer and fasting they committed them to the Lord in whom they had believed.” [1] The New Testament model for a church of the Lord Jesus differs significantly from what has been commonly accepted among the churches of our more

  • Elder Care Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Sep 8, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    If churches want to help their leaders be all they can be, they must pay them well, treat them fairly, and pick them wisely.

    When I get a chain letter in my Email, I usually ignore it; but sometime ago, I came across this chain letter, which gave me a chuckle. It was written to church members looking for the perfect pastor. It said… “The perfect pastor preaches exactly 10 minutes, but thoroughly expounds more

  • Honouring The Elders Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Apr 12, 2014

    What is congregational responsibility to elders? How does a congregation honour the elders?

    “Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching. For the Scripture says, ‘You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain,’ and, ‘The laborer deserves his wages.’ Do not admit a charge more

  • Elders And Youngers Series

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Jun 1, 2015

    First Peter 5 speaks to elders and youngers revealing the calling, the attitude and the reward promised to both groups.

    Elders and Youngers (1 Peter 5) CHCC – November 2, 2014 INTRODUCTION: At the end of Peter’s first letter to the churches, he gives specific instructions to the elders and the "youngers." For that day and age, we could generally assume elders might be folks over 30 and youngers more

  • Elders In The Church Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Aug 7, 2019

    Along with the instruction Paul gave in his letter to Timothy, he also shared with Titus concerning the qualifications for elders, bishops, or pastors within the church. This passage was given for the benefit of the church in selecting and ordaining elders to serve in the local church.

    Elders in the Church Titus 1: 5-9 After a warm greeting, Paul immediately got to the heart of the matter. He was writing to Titus with purpose, seeking to equip him for ministry, while serving to establish local churches. The task at hand was ordaining elders within every city in Crete, so they more

  • Qualifications For Elders Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Oct 1, 2021

    Church leaders are to have an 1) Unblemished public reputation (Titus 1:6a) and must qualify in the specific areas of: 2) Sexual morality (Titus 1:6b), 3) Family leadership (Titus1:6c), and finally 4) General character (Titus 1:7–9).

    For the greater part of this century, evangelical Christianity has been deeply committed to the battle for doctrinal purity. But in many circles in recent years it has not been as committed to moral purity, even among its leaders. Inevitably the church has experienced erosion of its integrity and more

  • Elders In The Church PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 25, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    The main point of this sermon is to emphasize the importance of appointing godly, qualified elders in the church to ensure strong leadership, sound doctrine, and spiritual growth within the faith community.

    Good morning, church family! Today, we're going to take a deep dive into Titus 1:5-16, exploring the qualifications of elders, their role in the church, and the importance of appointing these leaders in our community. "A true and safe leader is likely to be one who has no desire to lead but is more