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  • "Jesus Heads To East Ridge"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Aug 10, 2011
    based on 7 ratings

    A sermon about the radical openness of God.

    Matthew 15:1-3, 7-28 “Jesus Heads to East Ridge” By: Ken Sauer, Pastor of East Ridge United Methodist Church, Chattanooga, TN How many of you like Winnie the Pooh? In one of his famous escapades, this loveable toy bear tries to trap an elephant—or, as he more

  • Burial: Death's Demise Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Mar 22, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus death opened the door for us!

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • Usually when someone dies we bury them and it is more or less the end of the story. • There will be no more walks in the park, no more good times together. • Death claims another victory; the world seems to go on like nothing ever happened. more

  • Temple Keepers

    Contributed by Jeremy Poling on May 15, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Heaven will open when we are obedient

    Isaiah 64:1-2 Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains would tremble before you! 2 As when fire sets twigs ablaze and causes water to boil, come down to make your name known to your enemies and cause the nations to quake before you! 3 For when you did awesome things more

  • The Gospel Message And Motivation Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Mar 6, 2014

    Open Doors The Gospel Message and Motivation

    Open Doors The Gospel Message and Motivation Acts 18:5-11 November 10, 2013 We started this series in Colossians, where Paul tells us to walk in wisdom toward those who do not know Christ by making the best use of our time. So Paul asked the Colossian church to pray that God would open a door to more

  • Safe And Secure (Find The Hidden Message)

    Contributed by Ronnie Miller on Feb 18, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    I slowly opened my eyes and saw two angelic beings next to the ceiling. Their wings covered themselves from head to toe with such beauty and all of a sudden their wings began to unfold and show their perfect form. I began to feel so safe and secure as I h

    Safe and Secure (find the hidden message) Feb/2013 I was going to write a message late the other night and I thought about a great champion for the Lord that day, that was Stephen in Acts chapter 7. I have always pictured Stephen as young and on fire for Jesus, stands ready to serve Him until death more

  • How Will You Be Broken

    Contributed by Ryan Davis on Oct 28, 2010
    based on 9 ratings

    Matthew 21:33-44 - When God sends messages our way, we are faced with a decision: shoot the messenger, or, with an open heart, accept the message.

    Introduction • Throughout His ministry, Jesus had spoken about the time when His hour would come – the hour in which He would be called upon to fulfill His life’s purpose by dying on the cross to save humanity from an eternity in hell. He had always known that His more

  • Matthew 7 (9/10/2017) Series

    Contributed by Pastor C Burns on Aug 17, 2022

    Matthew 7 - Sermon on the Mount

    Matthew 7:1-6 (Jesus Teaches about Judging Others) Verses 1-2 Jesus tells us to examine our own motives and conduct instead of judging others. The traits that bother us in others are often the habits we have ourselves. Our bad habits and behavior patterns are the very ones that we most want to more

  • Commissioned Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Apr 17, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    God's Kingdom has come. The world has changed and Jesus commissions his disciples to go far and wide to tell others the good news.

    Matthew 28:16-20 “Commissioned” INTRODUCTION At the Sunday school that I attended each month we would have a “Missionary Sunday.” Missionaries who were on furlough would come and speak to us about their adventures. I was entranced by their stories. What really amazed more

  • Ready, Set, Grow!

    Contributed by Daniel Haas on Apr 5, 2008

    Are we as a congregation ready to open our hearts and minds to the needs of today and tomorrow?

    Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come. Amen. Listen for the Word of God in the Acts of the Apostles Chapter 2, Verses 14a and 36 through 41: But Peter, standing with the eleven, raised his voice and addressed them: "Men of Judea and all who live in Jerusalem, let more

  • X-Ray Vision

    Contributed by Robert Simmons on Feb 28, 2002
    based on 180 ratings

    As Elisha’s eyes were opened to see God’s protection, so can your eyes be opened to see the supernatural.

    I. ENEMY PLANNED AN AMBUSH 8 Then the king of Syria warred against Israel, and took counsel with his servants, saying, In such and such a place shall be my camp. II. EVERY ATTACK WAS PREEMPTED BY PROPHETIC PREPARATION — EAVESDROPPING ON HELL 9 And the man of God sent unto the king of Israel, more

  • Cast All Your Burdens

    Contributed by Michael Fredette on Jul 20, 2019

    God knows this world can be overwhelming and at times it doesn’t make much sense at all.

    God knows this world can be overwhelming and at times it doesn’t make much sense at all. If you get the chance today, read you Psalm 55 Psalm 55:22 Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken. This word burden in Hebrew is Yahab It more

  • Sermon 3: Encountering Jesus Along Life's Road Series

    Contributed by Charles R. Swindoll on Feb 22, 2008
    based on 314 ratings

    Fantastic! Outstanding! Incredible! Thanks to blockbuster movies, thrill rides, and Madison Avenue ad campaigns, we have come to expect that if life isn’t “sensational,” something must be wrong.

    Encountering Jesus along Life’s Road Luke 24:13–35 Sermon Series: Jesus: The Greatest Life of All From the Bible-Teaching Ministry of Charles R. Swindoll Introduction Fantastic! Outstanding! Incredible! Thanks to blockbuster movies, thrill rides, and Madison Avenue ad campaigns, we have come to more

  • The Baptism Of Jesus

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Dec 10, 2013
    based on 7 ratings

    Meeting Jesus in the waters of baptism.

    THE BAPTISM OF JESUS. Matthew 3:13-17. The baptism administered by John was with a view to the repentance of sins. So, immediately, we are challenged with the thought: why did Jesus make the journey from Galilee to Jordan to be baptised by John (Matthew 3:13)? After all, as John would argue more

  • See The Power Of God!

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Oct 5, 2014

    Eyes that see and marvel at the excellence, pomp and grandeur of this world; alas, has failed to recognize the glory of God and His power!

    See the power of God! Exodus 14:22”And the people of Israel went into the midst of the sea on dry ground, the waters being a wall to them on their right hand and on their left. 23 The Egyptians pursued and went in after them into the midst of the sea….” Eyes that see and marvel more

  • Welcome Newest Members: "Demoniac, Adulterous Woman, Church Persecutor

    Contributed by Bruce Lee on Oct 30, 2011
    based on 25 ratings

    There is no such thing as the perfect church member. A sermon with three monologues: The Insane Demoniac, the Adulterous Woman, the Former Heavy Weight Champion Persecutor of the Church.

    Welcome Our Newest Members: “The Insane Demoniac, The Adulterous Woman, and The Former Heavy Weight Champion Persecutor of the Church.” Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin more

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