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  • Marriage Matters Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Feb 6, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Because God designed marriage, we must do marriage His way.

    A pastor visited a fourth-grade Sunday School class and asked the young disciples this question, “What does God say about marriage?” Immediately one boy raised his hand and replied, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do!” I enjoy hearing what kids say about love and more

  • Bona Fide- A Study Of James- Genuine Christian Living-Part 2-The Heat Is On Series

    Contributed by Randy Edwards on Jan 16, 2017

    Part 2 of our James series

    “Bona Fide” A study of James Genuine Christian Living Part 2 “The Heat is on” James 1:1-4, 1:12-15 Years ago I decided that I needed to change my profession This was years before I was a firefighter or a pastor I was still making living working cattle ranches I can more

  • “counsel Concerning Wisdom That Is True” Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Jul 27, 2015

    James draws a contrast between true and false wisdom.

    Wisdom was an important thing to the Jewish people. They realized it was not enough to have knowledge; you had to also have wisdom to be able to use the knowledge correctly. All of us know people who are very intelligent, perhaps almost geniuses, and yet, seemingly are unable to carry out the more

  • I Shall Recover It All

    Contributed by Neil Welds on Oct 18, 2006
    based on 29 ratings

    We are to be protected and armed for a conflict that depends not on human strength but on the power of God. Today is the day of recovery.

    I Shall Recover It All Scripture reading: 1 Samuel 30:1-19. Key Verses, 30:8 & 30:19 Introduction. Speak about robbery; times we’ve felt robbed. Talk about the various emotions associated with being robbed or having something stolen. Elaborate on the story of David and Ziklag (refer to Bible) more

  • Adullam's Cave

    Contributed by Phil Morgan on Apr 2, 2002
    based on 164 ratings

    The cave of Adullam, where David gathered men to himself to form an army, is a picture of the church.

    READ: 1 Samuel 22:1-2 [Describe scene: David on the run – the cave – the ragtag band of men day by day joining him.] 1. Adullam’s Cave is a Picture of the Church The name Adullam likely comes from a Hebrew word that means “refuge”. And this place for David and the men who came to him more

  • Saved By Grace Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Sep 11, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    In our passage we find the actions that one takes when he is striving to give himself to Christ as God requires in His Word. By the grace that is the believer¡¦s through his salvation, every man can purify & adorn himself as God requires.

    TITUS 2: 11-15 SAVED BY GRACE [1 Timothy 2:4-8] Last week we learned that we adorn the Gospel by our behavior and actions (2:10). But why should the Christian pursue this respectable and dignified life? The grace of God is the reason why every member of the God's forever family can and should more

  • God's Weapon In The Hands Of God's Man

    Contributed by Phil Morgan on Apr 7, 2002
    based on 355 ratings

    A sermon on the story of Eleazar, the son of Dodo.

    READ: 2 Samuel 23:91-0. What an inspiring story we find tucked away here in these couple of verses in 2 Samuel 23. The story of ELEAZAR; one of King David’s “mighty men”. A number of names of those soldiers who distinguished themselves in combat for David are recorded for us her in 2 Samuel. more

  • The Eighteen Similarities Between David & Goliath And Jesus & Satan

    Contributed by Kim Oliver on Jun 5, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    The Eighteen Similarities between David & Goliath and Jesus & Satan

    Introduction The story of David and Goliath is the story of the battle between good and evil. Goliath is the abomination, who profanes the name of God, while David, the saint of God, defends God's honour. Both David and Goliath are zealous to the extreme, that is, unto death. Goliath's zeal to more

  • Seasoning Your Giving Series

    Contributed by Charles Wilkerson on Nov 10, 2009
    based on 2 ratings

    Advent week 2 in which changing the way we give has the power to impact ourselves and others for the sake of Jesus

    The last time I preached this series I told you about a pair of guys who had exchanged the same pair of moleskin pants for over a decade. Each year they tried to outdo one another with the only rules being they couldn’t damage the pants and they had to use scrap material. I’d left the story with more

  • The Man Whose Hand Froze

    Contributed by John Gaston on Aug 7, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Do we aspire to be numbered with the warriors of God? To be listed as combatants in the spiritual battles that shaped their times? There is a roll being written of heroes who are willing to attempt things for Christ. Will you be on it?

    THE MAN WHOSE HAND FROZE 2 Samuel 23:9-10 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: THE EVIL DENTIST 1. Reuben has a terrible toothache and went to see Dr. Khan, the corner dentist. After looking at the tooth, Dr. Khan said, "I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but the tooth is badly decayed and can’t more

  • Week 1 The Down Side Of Worship: Preparation! Series

    Contributed by Kyle Sullivan on Nov 10, 2014

    Preparation is essential to real worship!

    Isaiah 6:1 “In the year that King Uzziah died…” (NIV) King Uzziah life was characterized by Four Distinctives: 1. 2 Kings 15:3 2. 2 Chronicles 26:5 3. 2 Chronicles 26:5,8 4. 2 Chronicles 26: 19-20 Preparation is essential to real worship! How do we prepare ourselves to more

  • The Perfect Rest

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Jul 4, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    A message looking forward to going home to heaven, and our rewards.

    THE PERFECT REST Hebrews 4:11-16 INTRO: We all like to rest. We come in from a hard days work at the office, or off the farm, and we want to sit down, kick off our shoes, and spend some time in rest. There has been a place provided for us where we more

  • Pentecostal Power

    Contributed by George Rennau on May 18, 2002
    based on 999 ratings

    A sermon for Pentecost Sunday

    Title: Pentecostal Power Text: Acts 2:1-4 The Church was born at Pentecost And Pentecost has become a Sacred Holiday on the church calendar. Of course, Pentecost has always been a holiday A celebration of the harvest For Israel, it was a harvest of grain For the Church, Pentecost is a more

  • "Holding On To The Sword”

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Nov 10, 2003
    based on 64 ratings

    Stopping our study on the life of David to look at an unknown man and his great accomplishment.

    “Holding On To the Sword” Date: November 9, 2003 A.M. Service Place: Allendale Baptist Text: 2 Samuel 23:9-10 1 Chronicles 11:12-14 Introduction • One of the realities of life is war. History has many stories of nations at war; nation against nation; and even during the Civil War, we are more

  • Daniel Chapter 2d Series

    Contributed by Darren Rogers on May 18, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Daniel Bile Study

    b. Daniel Reveals the Dream to Nebuchadnezzar (2:24-49) ii The Information (2:31-35) First Daniel told the king what he had seen in his dream and then he explained the meaning. (1) The Statue (2:31-33) Nebuchadnezzar was a king who had subdued all his foes. He had built a virtually more

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