Sermon Series
  • 1. Seasoning Your Giving

    Contributed on Nov 10, 2009
    based on 2 ratings

    Advent week 2 in which changing the way we give has the power to impact ourselves and others for the sake of Jesus

    The last time I preached this series I told you about a pair of guys who had exchanged the same pair of moleskin pants for over a decade. Each year they tried to outdo one another with the only rules being they couldn’t damage the pants and they had to use scrap material. I’d left the story with more

  • 2. Seasonings Your Gatherings

    Contributed on Nov 10, 2009

    3rd Sunday of Advent with our focus on the way we gather during these Holy Days.

    I like Jeopardy. I sometimes can recall an amazing amount of useless information so it’s a pretty fun game to play along with at home. I don’t know everything to be sure. When I took the Graduate Record Exam for Political Science they asked some pretty strange questions like, "Who was Secretary of more

  • 3. Seasoning Your Glorying

    Contributed on Nov 10, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    Fourth in the series but preached Christmas Eve. How do we glorify our Lord in all he does

    Peter Loughman is one of the pastors at First Pres. Anchorage, he writes that his wife committed a horrendous mistake their first Christmas as husband and wife. What she did was rip open her gift. Doesn’t sound too bad does it? Until you realize, as Peter explains, "Mom’s way of gift wrapping was more