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Sermons on way of living:

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  • No Middle Way

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Mar 2, 2019

    The choice is eternal life or eternal death, there is no middle way: that is the testimony of the martyrs.

    Thursday after Ash Wednesday 2019 Ss. Felicity and Perpetua Today, in the glow of our Ash Wednesday devotion, we are presented with the awesome song known as Psalm Number 1: Happy is the human who takes his delight in God’s law, who shuns even the company of the wicked and the cynic. Such a person more

  • Preparing The Way Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Jul 17, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Beginning today we are going to engage Christ’s intent for bringing change… fundamental change to life… as it unfolds in the Gospel of Mark.

    This morning beginning a series that the pastoral team has been wanting to take up for well over a year… and together we felt that this was the right time. Series in which we focus on the dynamic sense of breakthrough that Christ has ushered into our world… and wants for our lives. more

  • The Narrow Way Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Oct 29, 2002
    based on 251 ratings

    This message is for those of you who have read and sung and listened to people talk about Jesus for years without meeting him personally.

    A Study of the Book of Luke Sermon # 36 “The Narrow Way” Luke 13:22-30 You see them every Sunday when dressed in their Sunday best they respectfully make their way into the worship service. They sing the words projected on the more

  • The Way To Go Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jul 5, 2012

    As Yeshua (Jesus) expresses his deity, one statement (John 14.6) ties to Jeremiah 6.16 in which he is the ancient way; and Isaiah 35.8 and 40.3 in which he is the High and Holy way to his Father.

    1. Unique Here’s the history of Vernors: In 1862, James Vernor was called off to the American Civil War. According to legend, he left a mixture of ginger, vanilla and spices sitting in an oak cask in a pharmacy he had been working in. After returning from battle three years later, he opened more

  • One Way Series

    Contributed by Leighton (Lee) Vary on Nov 17, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it."

    Introduction A. A high school history teacher was discussing the funeral of the Pope with his class. One student asked how they chose the new Pope. The teacher explained the process, finishing with, "So the Cardinals pick him." A student in the back of class, asked, very seriously, "Why would more

  • The Narrow Way

    Contributed by Shawn Miller on Jul 4, 2019

    Three Characteristics that define the Narrow Way that leads to life

    The Narrow Way Introduction: As I was preparing this message I remembered a particular summer when I took a pastor with me to go four wheeling through the San Bois mountains. Before I left the last time I had rode through there I found a little out of the way trail that had a great view of the more

  • My Way Series

    Contributed by Stephen Todd on Apr 10, 2003
    based on 18 ratings

    The song My Way reflects the arrogance of man in rebellion to God and our only hope rests in doing it God’s way.

    Genesis 4:17-26 November 24, 2002 If I asked you to pick one song which best describes the human condition - what song would you pick? Pastor you’re asking a lot. One song to describe the human condition? Surely there is not one song that sums up man. I think I have that song this morning. It more

  • The Way Of Beauty Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Sep 19, 2015

    There can be no tension between devoting ourselves to love of God and love of neighbor.

    Thursday of 25th week in course 2015 Joy of the Gospel There is a very old argument in the Church that contrasts what we owe to God with what we owe to our neighbor. These days, it goes like this: we don’t need ornate churches with lots of stone and pipeorgans and marble altars and Italian more

  • The Way To The Lord

    Contributed by David Richardson on Mar 13, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    God does not desire to hide Himself from you. He desires the way to Him to be simple and easy to follow. God does not desire to hide His purpose for your life.

    The Way of the Lord Acts 18:1-27 Introduction: One of the fun things that kids like to do is to hide from their friends and their parents. They like to hide behind the curtains, or the couch, or the door. Sometimes they like to build those little tents, with a sheet and a couple of chairs so more

  • "Payday" Is On The Way!

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Jan 12, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    He wants you to know it,He wants you to expect it, He wants you to experience it, He wants you to walk in it consistently.. Day in day out

    Payday Is On The Way! So much to remember, So easy to forget, So much to enjoy!! We talk about the favor of God quite often, because we want you to remind you of how available it is... We talk about the favor of God quite often, because it's easy to forget all that it can do and accomplish in more

  • Jesus Is The Way

    Contributed by Chris Hodges on Jul 30, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    To prove that the only way to Heaven is through Jesus Christ.

    Jesus is “The Way” Text: John 14.1-6 Thesis: To prove that the only way to Heaven is through Jesus Christ. Introduction: 1. The disciples were worried about where Jesus was going (John 13.36). 2. “They were troubled by the uncertainties which faced them, by the confusion they experienced regarding more

  • The Way To Pray Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Oct 10, 2011

    Do we really see the need to pray and are we praying effectively?

    What would happen if there wasn’t a thing called prayer?? Prayer acknowledges the reality of God! Prayer connects us with God! Prayer is a way to ask God directly for something! Prayer provides peace of heart! Prayer is a weapon against the devil! Prayer is power! How is our prayer life? In our more

  • Mark And Way

    Contributed by Timothy Liang on Jan 21, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    A very serious subject all Christians have to deal with is - what are our mark and the way to the mark? Because only when we truly see the mark, can we have the strength to run toward it; only when we know the way, can we reach our mark.

    MELVIN NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK (REVISED: 2017) (PowerPoint slides used in this sermon are available at no charge. Just e-mail me at with your request - #254.) (This sermon is largely my adaptation of an excellent sermon by Dennis Slaughter, now Minister more

  • Courage For The Way Series

    Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on Mar 16, 2010

    When there is no way out but through, go through; it's the only way to the higher ground of home.

    “Go in Peace: Courage for the Way” Ps. 23:4 In the Peanuts comic strips, Snoopy often tries to be an author. In one particular strip He’s shown on his doghouse typing a novel. He begins his story with, “It was a dark and stormy night.” That’s the way he always more

  • A Better Way

    Contributed by Dan Borchert on Aug 30, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    We are constantly looking for a better way to do things. Let us think back to a time before Christ and how much better off we are now

    Hebrews 1:1-4 A BETTER WAY Introduction 1. In life we are always trying to find a better way to do something. This unending search has created many inventions. The Car, Computer, the cotton gin, most everything that was invented was to find a better way to do something 2. What did Jesus invent? more

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