The Right Way
Contributed by Victor Nazareth on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Life is a series of choices. We are constantly faced with ways that seem right and the right way. Our choices have consequences: the wrong way leads to death, the right way to life.
Life is a series of choices. We are constantly faced with ways that seem right and the right way. Our choices have consequences: the wrong way leads to death, the right way to life. As in navigation, so in life we need periodic course checks. Are we on the right way? Are we on the race marked out for us?
I A Way Vs The Way
i) Definite Vs Indefinite: We face forks in the road at all times. There are many choices, many ways but the Bible tells us that there is only one right and true way.
ii) Popular Theology today: Many roads lead to one destiny. Jesus says that there is only one road: Joh 14:6. Mat 7:13,14, the true way is not a many laned highway but a narrow one way street.
II Seeming Right Vs The Right Way
i) Fallen man cannot discern the right way: We need objectivity to know the right way. God has revealed himself and his will to us.
ii) Biblical examples: Deceived Eve – seemed right to eat of tree, appealed to her lust of the flesh and her pride; 2) Casual Cain – seemed right to bring some fruit from his crop; 3) Boastful Babel – seemed right to make a name for themselves and not be scattered; 4) Anxious Abraham – seemed right to help God in getting a son through Hagar; 5) Lying Ananaias and Saphira – seemed right to hold back some of the money pretending to give the whole amount.
iii) Faith Vs Presumption: Faith is based on the Word of God – a clear revelation of His will to us. Presumption is the assumption that God wants us to do something without the clear revelation of it. One man’s faith could be another’s presumption.
iv) Almost right is not good enough: Illustration by Ravi Zacharias: 1Jo 4:18 Vs Joh 4:18.
III Ways have Ends
i) But in the end: All ways end somewhere. Steven Covey in 7 Habits of Successful People states that we must begin with the end in mind. The flesh does not think long term, does not have vision for the end consequences is more wrapped up in immediate gratification.
ii) Achariyth: Heb. (pro. akh-ar-eeth) In Semitic languages parts of the body are used to describe positions: head – top, hand – side, feet – submission, worship, back – end. God knows the end from the beginning but we don’t. If we could see the result of our actions we would not take ways that seem right.
IV Death Vs Life
i) Seeming right way leads to death: Law of sowing and reaping: Gal 6:7,8, the broad road is sowing to the flesh, the narrow road is sowing to the spirit.
ii) To choose life is to choose the right way: It is the way of faith (Rom 14:23); it is the way of being led by the Spirit (Rom 8:14); it is the way of the cross (Luk 9:23); it is running the race (Heb 12:1). God has given us many means to discern His will: His Word, Holy Spirit, Inner Witness, Counsel of others, Circumstances.
As in navigation, so in our spiritual lives we need to do a course check. Are we on the right way? There is only one way – the way of life, the way of following Jesus, the way of victory.