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Sermons on way in the wilderness:

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  • Finding God's Way In Life's Wilderness

    Contributed by Richard Burkey on Jun 23, 2005
    based on 115 ratings

    David discovers that even amidst life’s pressure, confusion, failure and daily living, God provides a way through life’s wilderness.

    Finding God’s Way in Life’s Wilderness Psalm 25:1-9 (New International Version) 1To you, O LORD, I lift up my soul; 2in you I trust, O my God. Do not let me be put to shame, nor let my enemies triumph over me. 3No one whose hope is in you will ever be put to shame, but they will be put to shame more

  • Rejoice In Your Wilderness Weakness

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Apr 13, 2020

    The only way out of the wilderness in to be lifted up and out in the power of God.

    We Americans have a common problem. Most of us want to be self-sufficient, have a plan and a backup plan with a backup plan and always be right. We have to be in control. We are told all our life to be this way. Either we make it happen or suck it up and either way we have exercised some more

  • The Wilderness Way

    Contributed by Larry Grant on Apr 29, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    A philosopher once said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” What if we not only remember our history but also learn from it, and begin to change our minds and actions today, so that our tomorrow will not mirror our yesterday?

    Exodus 13:17-18 (NKJV) the Way - the War - the Wilderness April 30, 2023 I have observed a parallel, a congruency between the Jewish Hebrew Slave and the American Black Slave and I have come this morning with a few questions that deserve an answer. What if history does not have to repeat itself more

  • Soteriology: 3 Views Of The Atonement

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Mar 27, 2021

    There is a savior for forgiveness. There is a way out of the wilderness.

    There is a savior for forgiveness. There is a way out of the wilderness. This is a journey that can be made, pain after pain, event after event, joy and sorrow, peace and unsettled, despair and ecstasy, knowledge after knowledge, humbled into pieces, reception of Christ Jesus, and reconnection born more

  • God's Way In The Wilderness

    Contributed by Jaco Bester on Feb 13, 2013

    A reflection on the fact that God often meets us in the most difficult places...

    MEETING GOD IN THE WILDERNESS... ISAIAH 40:1-11 Introduction: Someone once said that it is “only when we are brought to the end of ourselves (in other words our own strength and ability) that we are in a position to see more of God than we have seen.” How true is it that it is often more

  • The Wanderers In The Wilderness.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Apr 30, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    Having no hope, and without God in the world. Ephesians 2.12.

    THE WANDERERS IN THE WILDERNESS. Psalm 107:1-9, Psalm 107:43. This Psalm is a call to thanksgiving to the LORD, “for He is good: for His mercy endures forever” (Psalm 107:1). The writer longs that those whom the LORD has redeemed, whom He has redeemed from the hand of enemy - out of the more

  • In The Wilderness

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Dec 3, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Even as we hear John the Baptist’s message to prepare ourselves for the coming of the Lord, we are to follow his example in ministry.

    As many of you are aware, I love to hike. This is also a pastime enjoyed by my Dad and the rest of my family as well. So, a couple of weeks ago while we were on vacation in Destin, Florida, we decided to go on a little hike. Now, it doesn’t take much to figure out that hiking in Florida is very more

  • God Will Make A Way

    Contributed by Dr. Jonathan Vorce on Oct 29, 2023

    Jesus never promised that we wouldn't fight a battle, He just promised that we would not be alone. God will make a way through the wilderness, through the storm, and for you!

    Deuteronomy 26:1-11 Introduction • God knows His sheep by name. • Share a personal life story of God's provision. • God will not abandon you. • God has no orphans… I. God Will Make a Way in the Desert A. God used Moses to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt into the promised more

  • Godly Ways In The Wilderness Of Life

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on May 22, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    When we try to live life in our own power, it only leads to a wilderness of complaining, moaning and groaning. However, as we allow God to have control supernatural results happen. People see us from a distance and say man they are really getting it don

    Intro: Many years ago A.J. Gordon went to the World’s Fair. From a distance he saw a man pumping water with one of those old hand pumps. The water was pouring out and he said as he looked, "That man is really pumping water." But when he got closer, he discovered that it was a wooden man connected more

  • What's In The Wilderness PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 19, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores Jesus' wilderness experience, emphasizing trials as opportunities for spiritual growth and deepening faith, guided by God's wisdom and strength.

    Welcome, beloved brothers and sisters, to this sacred gathering where we seek to understand and embrace the profound wisdom of God's Word. Today, we're going to be looking at a passage that has a deep resonance with each of our lives, a passage that tells a tale of struggle, solitude, and spiritual more

  • A Wilderness Shout

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Dec 30, 2013

    John the Baptist and all of God’s people have a mission to prepare the way.

    John 1:19-34 “A Wilderness Shout” INTRODUCTION There is a story of two Scandinavian pastors, Ole and Sven, who served congregations across the road from each other. They decided to put up a sign one day warning people that the end was near. The sign read, “Stop, The End is more

  • Driven To The Wilderness Series

    Contributed by Jeff Simms on Oct 31, 2004
    based on 25 ratings

    To example what God teaches Moses through his wilderness experience

    Driventowilderness SBC Philippi 10/24/04 Driven To The Wilderness Exodus 2:15-25 Primary Purpose: To look at what God was trying to teach Moses through his years in the wilderness These passages represent the second 40 years of Moses life, from age 40 to age 80. In the beginning of the story more

  • A Voice In The Wilderness Series

    Contributed by Guy Caley on Jan 20, 2002
    based on 87 ratings

    As predicted by the prophets, John the Baptist came to tell the world to prepare the way for Jesus. Emphasis on faith & repentance, Salvation message.

    A Voice in the Wilderness Text: Matthew 3 Introduction At an intersection, the green light changes to yellow. At the theater the house lights flash In the Battalion Tactical Operations Center a WARNO comes down from Brigade At the airport terminal the boarding call comes over the intercom At more

  • Triumph Over Trials Sermon Ii: For Making Things Better, God's Way Is Sure Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on May 13, 2020

    In times like these, when folks are searching for answers to their frustrations and for a way out of the wilderness of despair, God's way is sure for making things better both now and forever.

    IN TIMES LIKE THESE: FOR MAKING THINGS BETTER, NOW AND FOREVER, GOD’S WAY IS SURE After their fall from a state of perfection, with all the good things that go with living in paradise, God pronounced judgment on mankind --- Adam and Eve: “In sorrow thou shalt”. God did not, more

  • The Church In The Wilderness Series

    Contributed by Bob Marcaurelle on Feb 3, 2019

    The wilderness journey of Israel is compared to the journey of God's church as we fight with sorrows and sins on our way to the heavenly promised land.

    The Life of Moses Sermon 17 Bible Studies in Numbers-Chapter 1 Num. 1:1; Ex. 13:17-18; I Cor. 10:5-6 THE CHURCH IN THE WILDERNESS The land of Canaan was a two weeks’ journey from Egypt, 150 miles up the coastal King’s Highway, where armies and merchant traders had traveled for hundreds of years. more