Sermon Series
  • 1. The Home That Gave Moses To Us

    Contributed on Mar 1, 2016

    Moses 1 The first of expository messages that take us scene by scene through the Life of Moses found in in Exodus through Deuteronomy

    Moses 1 THE HOME THAT GAVE US MOSES Exodus 1:1- 2:10 “By faith Moses’ parents hid him for three months after he was born, because they saw he was no ordinary child, and they were not afraid of the king’s edict.” (Heb. 11:23. See also Acts 7:20) Part 1: From Egypt more

  • 2. The Choice Of Moses

    Contributed on Mar 1, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Moses Message 2 This shows how much Moses gave up to "suffer affliction" with God's people (Hebrews 11) and how God prepared him for the task of leading the chosen people from Egypt to Canaan in forty

    Moses 2 THE CHOICE OF MOSES Exodus 2:5-25 B. The Savior (2:5-25) 2. His Development Spiritually (2:7-9) 3. His Development Socially (2:10) 4. His Decision (2:11-14) 5. His Development Specially (2:15-25) In three different places God tells us that Moses, forty years old, at more

  • 3. Here Am I But Don't Send Me

    Contributed on Mar 2, 2016

    Sermon three of twenty that takes us through the life of Moses, scene by scene. Here Moses tries to argue God out of calling him to face Egypt and free His people/

    Moses 3 HERE AM I BUT DON’T SEND ME Ex. 3:1-4:17 C. The Salvation (3:1-15:21) 1. The Call (3:1-4:17) Up until now God had dealt primarily with individuals, the descendants of Abraham. Now with a delivered Israel he was going to build, deal with and work through His nation, His more

  • 4. Moses In God's School

    Contributed on Mar 2, 2016

    In this fourth message of twenty on the life of Moses we see the difficulties Moses faced, not just with Pharaoh but with the Jewish people. This was the first of many clashes between Moses and the people he was trying to help.

    . Moses 4 MOSES IN GOD’S SCHOOL Exodus 4:18-7:7 C. The Salvation 2. The Conflicts in God’s Will Ex. 4:18-31 Moses has reluctantly agreed to God’s will. I do not believe his heart was in it. His “Thy will be done!” could be more

  • 5. Growth Through Resistance

    Contributed on Mar 3, 2016

    Message 5The story of Moses and the troubles with God's people he went through after he answered God's call, The troubles we have in God's will make us stronger.

    Moses 5 GROWTH THROUGH RESISTANCE Exodus 5:1-7:5\ C. The Salvation 6. Problems That Abound 5:1-7:5 1) The Arrogance of Defiance 5:1-14 2) The Anguish of Doubt a. Anger Against Moses 5:15-21 b. Anguish From Moses 5:22-23 3) The Announcement of Deliverance 6:1-7:5 more

  • 6. The Nine Plague Judgments Of God

    Contributed on Mar 4, 2016

    Message 6 in a study of the life of Moses shows how God uses his power to set us free and to punish the wicked.

    Moses 6 THE NINE PLAGUE JUDMENTS OF GOD Exodus 7:6-10:29 C. The Salvation 3. The Conquering of Pharaoh Ex. 7:6-12:30 1) The Preliminary Sign 7:6-13 2) The Plagues 7:14-10:29 It is a known and recorded fact more

  • 7. Jesus Our Passover Lamb

    Contributed on Mar 8, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Message 8 - This message shows how the details of the Passover Meal by the Hebrews in Egypt pictures our salvation through Jesus our Passover Lamb

    Moses 8 JESUS - OUR PASSOVER LAMB Exodus 12:1-13:16 12:43-13:16 1 Corinthians 13:16 C. The Promised Protection b. Described The first sacrifice God gave Israel was the Passover Lamb, by whose blood they were spared and by whose meat they were strengthened for more

  • 8. The Dark, Bright Night

    Contributed on Mar 8, 2016

    Message 7 is the story of the Passover comparing it to the final judgments of God where lost and saved will have separate fates. This is not because of the goodness of the saved but because of the blood being applied.

    Moses 7 THE DARK BRIGHT NIGHT Exodus 11:1-13:16 3. Conquering of Pharaoh 3) The Passover Plague (11:1-13:16) A. The Promised Plague 11:4-10 B. The Promised Possessions 11:1-3; 12:35-36 C. The Promised Protection 11:7; 12:1-42 more

  • 9. The Wilderness Journey Of Life

    Contributed on Apr 5, 2016

    Sermon 16 is an introduction to the wilderness years comparing them to our life for God as we face the enticements of sin and the infliction of sorrows on our way to the heavenly Canaan

    The Life of Moses Sermon 15 Num. 1:1; Ex. 13:17-18; I Cor. 10:5-6 Bob Marcaurelle THE CHURCH IN THE WILDERNESS Numbers 1:1, 1 Corinthians 10:5-6 The land of Canaan was a two weeks’ journey from Egypt, 150 miles up the coastal King’s Highway, where armies and merchant traders more

  • 10. Saying Good-Bye To Egypt

    Contributed on Mar 9, 2016

    Message 9 uses the day the Exodus began as an example of how God keeps his promises and how He leads us through the wilderness of temptation, trial and tears to make us strong. It also shows that Jesus is our cloud and fire to guide and guard us,.

    Moses 9 SAYING GOOD-BY TO EGYPT Exodus 12:31-42; 13:17-22 D. Salvation from Egypt 4. The Coming Out In one night the nation of Israel was born. In one night the church of the living God was formed. In Genesis we have individuals - Abel, Enoch, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob - worshipping more

  • 11. The Parting Of The Sea

    Contributed on Mar 9, 2016

    The 10th message. This parting of the red sea shows how God often brings us into hard situation to strengthen us for life's battles and to teach us to look to Him. It also shows how the lost and the saved will by separated when Jesus comes in Judgment.

    Moses 10 THE PARTING OF THE SEA (Ex. 14:1-15:21) From Sinai to Canaan C. The Salvation 1 5. The Crisis At The Sea 1) The Preparation 14:1-4 2) The more

  • 12. Life With God In The Wilderness

    Contributed on Mar 11, 2016

    Message 11 Following 1 Corinthians 10 and Revelation 12 this message shows how Israel's forty years in the wilderness is comparable to our lives with God today. There are struggles but in them God is with us and uses them to make us trust and obey Him

    Moses 11 LIFE WITH GOD IN THE WILDERNESS Exodus 15:22 - 19:1 1 Cor. 10:5-6 / 11 “God was not pleased with most of them because they were overthrown in the wilderness. These things are warnings to us, not to crave evil things like they did / These things happened to them as warnings to more

  • 13. Thou Shalt Not Belly Ache

    Contributed on Mar 11, 2016

    Message 12 drawn from Israel's murmuring in the desert for forty years shows how complaining is an insult to God's gifts to us,andd is destructive in the home and in the church.

    Moses 12 THOU SHALT NOT BELLY-ACHE Exodus 15:22-19:1 16:7 “He (God) has heard your murmurings against the Lord. For who are we (Moses and Aaron) that you can murmur against us. Psalm 106:25 “They grumbled in their tents and did not obey the Lord.” Numbers more

  • 14. Manna In The Morning

    Contributed on Mar 12, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Life of Moses 13The message shows how the manna that fell in the wilderness is a picture of Jesus, the bread of life and our daily walk with him, pictured in the Lord's instructions about it to Israel.

    MESSAGE 13 MANNA IN THE MORNING Exodus 16 D. Steps to Sinai 1. The Murmuring 2) Over Food (Ch. 16 We have seen how unbelieving and ungrateful the Hebrew people were. In hard times they replaced praying with griping. But in spite of this, God stretched out His hands more

  • 15. The Christian's Battles

    Contributed on Mar 16, 2016

    Message 14 in the life of Moses shows how the complaints on the way to Sinai and the attack by the Amalakites give us a picture of our warfare with Satan, our evil nature and the world

    THE CHRISTIAN’S BATTLES Exodus 17:8-15 D. The Steps to Sinai 2. The Marauders The Church, and we ask individual Christian,s fight a war on two fronts, Satan attacks from the inside. That is what we have seen in the journey to Sinai thus far. But as he did with more

  • 16. Moses' Mighty Men

    Contributed on Mar 16, 2016

    Message 15 shows Jethro's advice to Mose about his administration as a warning to pastors who try to do too much, without delegating some of the work to others,, especially lay church leaders

    15 MOSES’ MIGHTY MEN Exodus 18 D. The Steps to Sinai 3. The Management Problem There was a certain pastor who disappeared every Friday afternoon around four o’clock. He would get in his car, drive off, and come back in about an more

  • 17. The Church In The Wilderness

    Contributed on Feb 3, 2019

    The wilderness journey of Israel is compared to the journey of God's church as we fight with sorrows and sins on our way to the heavenly promised land.

    The Life of Moses Sermon 17 Bible Studies in Numbers-Chapter 1 Num. 1:1; Ex. 13:17-18; I Cor. 10:5-6 THE CHURCH IN THE WILDERNESS The land of Canaan was a two weeks’ journey from Egypt, 150 miles up the coastal King’s Highway, where armies and merchant traders had traveled for hundreds of years. more