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  • 12. Evil, A Necessary Path To Glory Series

    Contributed by Gary Regazzoli on Nov 2, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    God will not allow this earthly experience to be wasted

    [IN GOD’S IMAGE – 12 – EVIL, A NECESSARY PATH TO GLORY] This message is part of a series of 90 sermons based on the title, “In God’s Image – God’s Purpose for humanity.” This series of free sermons or the equivalent free book format is designed to take the reader through an amazing process more

  • "Why Does God Waste Time With Sinners" Series

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Jun 21, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Abram was called to travel with God. It was a step of faith. God wanted to reveal to Abram that he was a God of love. God had a plan to bring about our Salvation through Abram. God still calls us to travel with him because he has a plan to help us expe

    In Jesus Holy Name June 22, 2008 Series: O.T. Challenges Redeemer Genesis 12:1-4& Joshua 24:2-4 “Why Does God Waste Time with Sinners” Today we have returned to our series of messages: O.T. Challenges. In our text God is inviting Abram on a journey. more

  • Wasted: What Do You Burn For?

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Apr 4, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    Every man gives his life for what he believes… One life is all we have, we live it and it’s gone. What do you burn for?

    WASTED: WHAT DO YOU BURN FOR? THE BIG IDEA: Every man gives his life for what he believes…sometimes people believe in little or nothing, and yet they give their lives to that little or nothing. One life is all we have, we live it and it’s gone. What do you burn for? (Joan of Arc, Voice of the more

  • One Month To Live - Pt. 2 - Wasted Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on May 9, 2018

    The clock is ticking! Limited time! Limited days! What would you do if you knew that your time was about to be up?

    Pt. 2 - Wasted I. Introduction Time is so important to us that we have even given time power. Time will tell. Time will heal all wounds. I’m not really sure time has those abilities but I know this time is valuable. Time is the most valuable asset any one of us has. As we do our very best to try more

  • Don't Waste Your Pain Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Oct 10, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    In your suffering, GROW up to maturity, GO on in confidence, and GLOW with the character of Christ.

    One day, a cowboy was driving down a dirt road with his dog riding in back of the pickup truck and his faithful horse in the trailer behind. He failed to negotiate a curve and had a terrible accident. Sometime later, a highway patrol officer came on the scene. As an animal lover, he saw the more

  • Fuel Up With Prayer Series

    Contributed by Patrick O'loughlin on Oct 10, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    How to pray so that are prayers are not wasted but rewarded

    Text: Matthew 6:5-15 Title: Fuel up with prayer. There is no doubt that one issue that has dominated our lives so far in 2008 is the issue of rising oil prices. And that’s because rising oil prices have a huge impact on virtually every area of our lives. For one thing it impacts the price of more

  • Sermon On Conservation

    Contributed by William Meakin on Apr 3, 2022

    Conservation is defined as prevention of a wasteful use of a resource.

    Dian Fossey, an American-born primatologist, conservationist and author of “Gorillas In The Mist.” once remarked: “When you realize the value of all life you dwell less on past and concentrate more on the conservation of the future.” Genesis 9:1-3 reminds us: And God blessed Noah and his sons and more

  • Driving Blind Series

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Aug 15, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Waiting with God isn’t wasting time. Waiting with God it isn’t time taken away. Waiting with God is never a waste of time.

    Note to reader: I have hot-links to various subjects in this sermon. The document with the active links can be found in PDF form at this web address: (The sermon is titled the same "Driving Blind"). May our Lord Jesus empower you as you write your more

  • The Golden Years

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Jul 17, 2004
    based on 38 ratings

    Is it right or wrong for one to plan and save for the future? What should our attitude be toward our golden years? What does God expect? The account of the prosperous farmer in Luke provides us some valuable lessons.

    THE GOLDEN YEARS LUKE 12:15-21 Introduction: Is it right or wrong for one to plan and save for the future? What should our attitude be toward our golden years? What does God expect? The account of the prosperous farmer in Luke provides us some valuable lessons. Let us examine the rich man’s more

  • The Six Laws Of The Harvest

    Contributed by Dean Morgan on Sep 7, 2004
    based on 140 ratings

    There are laws governing man and his makeup, concerning spiritual development and maturity to mention just a few. But there are no laws more important or significant to us than the principles that govern the harvest we reap.

    TEXT: Galatians 6:7-10 TITLE: THE SIX LAWS OF THE HARVEST There are laws governing man and his makeup, concerning spiritual development and maturity to mention just a few. But there are no laws more important or significant to us than the principles that govern the harvest we reap. In the book more

  • Ecclesiastes 12:1-7 Old People

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Oct 18, 2013
    based on 2 ratings

    Solomon explains that, youth is too brief and precious to be squandered in foolishness or evil, and that a person should live well in the fullness of each day before God, and acknowledge Him early in life.

    Ecclesiastes 12:1-7 OLD PEOPLE 10-5-13 In this last chapter of Ecclesiastes the wisest man to ever live, Solomon, according to; 1 Kings 4:31 For he was wiser than all men; - -- urges young people to consider God, and to realize more

  • Kingdom Inefficiency

    Contributed by Isaac Butterworth on Jul 8, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus keeps reaching out to us, even though we have rejected him.

    First Presbyterian Church Wichita Falls, Texas July 6, 2008 KINGDOM INEFFICIENCY Isaac Butterworth Matthew 13:1-9 (NIV) 1 That same day Jesus went out of the house and sat by the lake. 2 Such large crowds gathered around him that he got into a boat and sat in it, while all the people stood on more

  • Redeeming The Time (Part 1) Series

    Contributed by Benjamin Utomo on Jan 12, 2022

    This sermon explains the meaning of "redeeming the time" or "making the most of every opportunity" in Ephesians 5:16.

    Opening: Suppose you had a bank that credited your account each morning with $86,000 that carried over no balance from day to day. It allowed you to keep no cash in your account, and every evening canceled whatever part of the amount you failed to use during the day. What would you do with it? Of more

  • "Peter, Feed My Sheep” (10 Of 21)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 11, 2022

    God told Peter "feed" my "sheep".

    Every Pastor has to always remember the sheep belong to the Lord. The Lord said to Peter, “Feed MY sheep.” The Pastor has been entrusted to feed God’s sheep. One day he will have to give account to God for what he fed them. In chapters 4 & 5, Peter FED them some spiritual food they may not more

  • Is Everything Alright?

    Contributed by Jeremiah Menyongai on Mar 15, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Many People Have Had Divine Opportunities That They Have Blown. Either they did not realize the significance of what they had or they knew but took it for granted. Gehazi the servant of Elisha is one of such examples. He trampled on a divine opportunity.

    IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT? 2 KINGS 5:14-27: 14 So he (Naaman) went down and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times, as the man of God had told him, and his flesh was restored and became clean like that of a young boy. 15 Then Naaman and all his attendants went back to the man of God. He stood before more

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