Sermon Series
  • 1. One Month To Live - Pt. 1 - Numbered

    Contributed on Apr 26, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    The clock is ticking! Limited time! Limited days! What would you do if you knew that your time was about to be up?

    Pt. 1 - Numbered I. Introduction We have done our best to break life into manageable chunks. We talk about our life in terms of minutes, hours, days, weeks and years. Time drives everything. It drives our schedule. We want to start on time and end on time. Be on time. Manage time. Our efforts more

  • 2. One Month To Live - Pt. 2 - Wasted

    Contributed on May 9, 2018

    The clock is ticking! Limited time! Limited days! What would you do if you knew that your time was about to be up?

    Pt. 2 - Wasted I. Introduction Time is so important to us that we have even given time power. Time will tell. Time will heal all wounds. I’m not really sure time has those abilities but I know this time is valuable. Time is the most valuable asset any one of us has. As we do our very best to more

  • 3. One Month To Live - Pt. 3 - Bucket Lists

    Contributed on May 9, 2018

    The clock is ticking! Limited time! Limited days! What would you do if you knew that your time was about to be up?

    Pt. 3 - Bucket Lists I. Introduction It hit national consciousness in 2007 through the tale of two men, played by Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freemen, who both discovered they had a limited time left to live. The idea of a bucket list may not have been birthed by the movie but it was certainly more

  • 4. One Month To Live - Pt. 4 - After Me?

    Contributed on May 9, 2018

    The clock is ticking! Limited time! Limited days! What would you do if you knew that your time was about to be up?

    Pt. 4 - After Me? I. Introduction Every father wants their child’s first word to be dad. Mom’s want it to be mom. And we never forget the first time we hear them say it. There is another word that children seem to learn at almost the same speed of “dada” or “mama” and that word is “MINE”! Every more