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  • Ruth And The Restorer Of Life

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Oct 13, 2013
    based on 7 ratings

    Boaz is the restorer of life, granting Naomi restoration and fullness. Thus does Jesus give life and hope to His own.

    RUTH AND THE RESTORER OF LIFE. Ruth 4. It is beautiful to see the way that the LORD restored the broken line of the clan of Ephrathah. Naomi, whose name means Lovely, renames herself Mara, Bitterness. However, her new name never caught on: she is always called Naomi, and in the end must lift more

  • Hardships Can Be Opportunity.

    Contributed by Roy Fowler on Jul 5, 2020

    The prophecy of the 70 Weeks can be seen from that time to our present day. The Anointed one is here.

    Sermon Title: Hardships can be opportunity. Scripture Text: Ezra 2: 64-69 Daniel 9 In the Bible, the Prophecy of Seventy Weeks is a prophecy given to Daniel by the angel Gabriel in response to Daniel's prayer for God to act on behalf of his people and Jerusalem. The angel informs him that more

  • Keep Moving Forward: God's Encouragement SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 11, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    In a time when people needed encouragement, the Lord lifted up the prophet Zechariah. The people were working on rebuilding the Temple of Jerusalem, but due to opposition and concern for other things, the work had stopped. God encourages us to keep moving forward despite the challenges we face.

    The Lord raises the prophet Zechariah at a time when people need encouragement. The people were working on the reconstruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, but due to opposition and other concerns, the work had come to a halt. The temple needed to be completed, but the people lacked a sense of more

  • God: Why Did Jesus Have To Die? Series

    Contributed by Philip Martin on Apr 13, 2016

    Palm Sunday sermon

    God: Why did Jesus have to die? 1 Pet. 3:18 1 Pet 3:18, “For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:” 1. Jesus Christ died when he was about thirty-three years old. more

  • "Jesus Is The Good Shepherd” Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Dec 11, 2007
    based on 16 ratings

    # 29 in series. As the good shepherd, He Willing to Die for the Sheep, He Knows (Loves) His Sheep and They Know Him and He Keeps His Sheep Eternally.

    A Study of the Book of John “That You May Believe” Sermon # 29 “Jesus Is The Good Shepherd” John 10:11-18 Last week we discovered that in John chapter ten Jesus made two “I AM” state-ments in which He more

  • I Am The Good Shepherd Series

    Contributed by Alan Mccann on Apr 25, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    The Good Shepherd lays down his life only to take it up that the sheep might live - in light of Psalm 23.

    I AM THE GOOD SHEPHERD JOHN 10 VERSES 11-21 What is your image of Shepherds? Do they have a beard? Wear woolly jumpers and have a shepherd’s crook in their hands? Maybe one man and his dog is the only time you have ever seen a shepherd. We all have this stereotypical idea of what a shepherd is more

  • Biblical Submission Series

    Contributed by Gary Wagoner on Aug 29, 2003
    based on 11 ratings

    Describes Biblical Submission and what it is.

    Ephesians 5:21 Biblical Submission Aug 03 Thesis: Biblical submission. Introduction: When we hear verses like 5:21 and 22, which deal with subjection to one another in the church and in the home, it often brings up negatives thoughts and feelings. It is a part of more

  • The Servant Leader

    Contributed by Ian Johnson on Dec 9, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    In the Discipline of service there is also great liberty. Service allows us to say ’no!’ to the world’s games of promotion and authority. It abolishes our need and desire for a ’pecking order’

    In 2006 success is measured by the size of our great wealth, the popularity of our ministry, the size of our Church, In this we seem to miss the mark of being a true servant leader in the kingdom of God.. Our example in all things is the Lord Jesus himself The servant is not greater than his more

  • Living With Your Spouse Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Jul 14, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    The vast majority of problems in marriage stem from a lack of submission.

    Fireproof: Living With Your Spouse From a message preached by Scott Kallem, Pastor of 3rd Baptist in Marion, IL 1 Peter 3:1-7 June 14, 2009 FBC, Chester Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction A Clip #3 B Marriage starts out as a more

  • It's All About Religion (Part 15 ) Series

    Contributed by Denis O'callaghan Ph.d. ,th.d., D.d., D. Phil. on Sep 22, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    We are looking at what Jesus "really meant" and in doing so I hope that at this point you have come to at least consider that what you were taught about Christ Jesus, His claims, attitudes, actions warrant a reasoned second look.

    Part 15 It’s All about "religion" I was walking across a bridge one day, and I saw a man standing on the edge, about to jump off. So I ran over and said 'Stop! don't do it!' 'Why shouldn't I?' he said. I said, 'Well, there's so much to live for!' He said, 'Like what?' I said, 'Well...are more

  • Christains Are Not Bound By Legalism Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Mar 30, 2014

    While Paul was in prison in Rome, Epaphras came too Paul as he needed Paul's help, he explained to Paul that some new doctrines were being taught in Colossi and were invading the church and creating problems.

    #7~ Col.2:16-23~ CHRISTAINS ARE NOT BOUND BY LEGALIZISM~ 1-5-14 * Let's review just a little to do with of study. In 61a.d. - a devastating earthquake hit the area, destroying Colossae, Laodicea, and Heiropolis, probably just after Paul wrote his letters to the Christians of that area. more

  • Paul's View On Slavery

    Contributed by Unknown Bennett T Cortez on Nov 3, 2013

    Out of creation God perfectly designed us to be one with Him and all were equally with others

    Introduction God reveals to us that he created man in his image, a spirit endowed with attributes resembling His own: to reason, to form rule of right, to manifest various emotions, to will, to act, and He gave man a body suited to such a spirit, that He created man “male and female,” more

  • How To Survive A Shipwreck Series

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Jul 20, 2013

    The Apostle Paul Shipwrecked. (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: The Passengers (vs 1-2) The Route (vs 2) The Choice (vs 9-12) The Storm (vs 13-26) The Speech (vs 21b-26) SERMON BODY: Ill: • Many Christians use car stickers to witness i.e. Bible verse or fish sign. • Many non-Christians also use car stickers displaying more

  • The Blueprint For Christ's Church (Part 2) Series

    Contributed by Kevin L. Jones on Mar 9, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    A sermon examining Christ's design for His Church.

    THE BLUEPRINT FOR CHRIST’S CHURCH Part 2 Acts 2:41-47 Recently I began to look through all of the many resources in my personal library. A great number of those books are focused on church growth, organization and church health. One of the books that I found is focused on churches that are dead; more

  • The Passion Of Our Lord PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 26, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    Encourages perseverance in faith, recognizing Jesus as the Son of God, and understanding salvation through His self-sacrifice, especially during Holy Week.

    Welcome, brothers and sisters, to this gathering of hearts and minds under the banner of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am thrilled to be with you all today, as we stand on the precipice of Holy Week, that sacred time when we commemorate the Passion of our Lord, His crucifixion, and His glorious more

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