
Keep Moving Forward: God's Encouragement

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 11, 2023
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In a time when people needed encouragement, the Lord lifted up the prophet Zechariah. The people were working on rebuilding the Temple of Jerusalem, but due to opposition and concern for other things, the work had stopped. God encourages us to keep moving forward despite the challenges we face.


The Lord raises the prophet Zechariah at a time when people need encouragement. The people were working on the reconstruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, but due to opposition and other concerns, the work had come to a halt. The temple needed to be completed, but the people lacked a sense of purpose.

This situation is similar to when people feel discouraged with life. They go through the motions but lack the same enthusiasm as before. They work, strive, and study, but they lack the motivation to move forward. The vigor for life has faded, and as a result, life loses its meaning.


To renew the sense of purpose in life, a change in attitude is necessary. This change comes from understanding the following:

1. Understanding our significance to God (verse 8b):

The Lord makes it clear that we are so important to Him that He protects us as the apple of His eye. He will not forget us, even if others do. Our lives take on a different meaning when we realize that God has not forgotten us and that we are important to Him.

2. Understanding our value to God (verses 5, 9):

We are so valuable to God that He protects us like a wall of fire and raises His hand against those who seek to harm us. We are His special treasure, and He did not hesitate to give His Son for us. Recognizing our value to God gives our lives purpose.

3. Understanding God's desire for our lives (verse 10):

True happiness comes from within and is connected to our spiritual well-being. God desires our happiness, and those who mourn will be comforted and favored by Him. Our lives gain purpose when we understand that God wants us to be happy.

4. Understanding the magnitude of God's blessings (verse 4):

God's blessings are so vast that no walls can contain them. He desires to bless us in all areas of our lives: spiritually, physically, materially, and financially. To receive these blessings, we must maintain a constant connection with His Word.

5. Understanding what God wants to do through us (verses 4, 11):

God not only wants to bless us but also desires to use us as instruments of blessing. Through our lives, many people can be impacted positively. When we grasp that God wants to bless our families and everyone we come into contact with through us, our lives gain a new purpose.

6. Understanding that we were created to praise God (verse 10):

As the pinnacle of God's creation, we were made to bring Him glory and praise. Singing and rejoicing are voluntary choices that require personal disposition. Therefore, let us sing to God joyfully because we were specifically created to praise Him.


Nothing that God does is by chance; everything has a purpose. You are not a result of coincidence, and your life is not meaningless. You are a special creation of God, and your existence is meant to bring Him glory.

You may not feel special at this moment, but God sees you differently. You are valuable to Him, and He desires your happiness and prosperity. He wants you to be a happy person.

So, do not lose hope in life because God is not finished yet. He says, "I am coming to live among you" (verse 10).

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