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Sermons on value of seed:

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  • The Value Of A Seed

    Contributed by Jimmy Stewart on Nov 6, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    God requires us to plant a seed of finances, spiritual life, and our entire beings.

    The Value of a Seed 2 Cor. 9:6 When we 1st moved here last year, I looked as I drove in the yard and saw in my back yard more corn than I had ever seen before. Then I looked to the other side and saw beans/something. I didn’t realize at that time that I had moved to one of the biggest areas of more

  • Make The Most Of Your Opportunities!

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jul 29, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    What is the value of a seed? We worry about the harvest of today... God is more concerned about the seeds we plant today. If we plant there will be a harvest.

    MAKE THE MOST OF THE OPPORTUNITIES… By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. (Two part lesson.) LET US ASK AN EASY QUESTION… WHAT IS THE VALUE OF A SEED? Profit potential --- bushel potential? Truck potential? Let us calculate 15,000 seeds per acre… the return is huge… A SEED more

  • Mustard Seed And Leaven

    Contributed by Mike Honzell on Feb 12, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    Satan and God’s design for the kingdom

    MUSTARD SEED AND LEAVEN Matthew 13: 31-33 CONCLUSION: A. Jesus shared in the parable of the wheat and tares how that lost people often become a part of the church 1. Satan then uses these "tares" to: a. Destroy the witness of the church b. Disrupt the fellowship more

  • The Godly Seed

    Contributed by Rev Oke Omezi on Aug 27, 2012

    The focus of this message is the core purpose of marriage.

    THE GODLY SEED Mal 2:11-16 Ruth 4:10-12 The focus of this message is the concept of the godly seed which is the core purpose why God instituted marriage. Everything that God intends to do, He starts with a seed. It is that seed that receives the engrafted word of God and produces the fruits that more

  • Understanding Bury Vs Planting?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Dec 2, 2015

    GOD HAS A PLAN... His plan is much more than burying the dead. God's plan is to break the fallow ground and sow seeds. What looks like dead seeds will bring THE HARVEST. Do not eat the SEED CORN!

    UNDERSTANDING THE DIFFERENCE IN A BURIAL AND PLANTING SEED By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr TEXT: Hosea 10:12 Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you. MAYBE more

  • Trusting The Seed By Faith

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jun 12, 2020

    We have not been called to analyze soil. We are called to sow the seed.The seed speaks of the call of God, the growth. faith and praise, the death and resurrection. Success is not measure by today's harvest but rather by the seeds you planted.

    TRUSTING THE SEED BY FAITH By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I have medicine baggies with about 10 seeds in each bag. (Corn, bean, sunflower, mustard, flowers.) I also put two donut seeds in each bag, could really be cheerios.) There is power in a seed. I give a baggie to each more

  • Flapping? Relax... Trust The Seed

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jan 14, 2022

    There are some simple lessons we can over look. God's plan is trust the seed. Don't eat the seed corn. Quit flapping and start soaring with the wind.

    FLAPPING? GOD SAYS RELAX, … HAVE FAITH IN THE SEED? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. This is a two part lesson. TEXT: EVERYTHING IN LIFE STARTS IN THE SEED FORM… I WILL TRUST GOD’S PLAN. IF YOU HAVE FAITH AS A MUSTARD SEED… Luke 18:8 I tell you that he will avenge them more

  • God Gives In The Seed Form!

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jun 10, 2006
    based on 19 ratings

    God rarely gives a finished product. God gives us a handful of seeds and says: GROW IT.

    GOD GIVES IN THE SEED FORM! HE IS STILL WORKING ON ME! By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. INTRODUCTION: The largest seed known in the world is the COCO-DE-MER. It can weigh up to 60 pounds. The smallest seed in the world is that of an orchid. Several orchid seeds can rest on a speck more

  • Sower + Seed + Soil

    Contributed by Charles Holt on Oct 8, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Emphasixes the value of God’s Word -- The Bible -- and the need for serious Bible reading and understanding. The Bible is the most purchased but least read of all books.

    Charles W. Holt Community of Grace "An Assemblies of God Fellowship" September 28, 2008 SOWER + SEED + SOIL Text: Matthew 13:3-23 (NKJV) (See also Mark 4:1-20 and Luke 8:4-14) INTRODUCTION It is a well-known fact that the Bible is probably the best-selling book in America. Just more

  • The Seed Series

    Contributed by Joseph Marshall on Mar 8, 2020

    What is the seed that the sower is sowing? Why is it so important?

    1. The seed is the focus of the parable. a. The seed gives the sower his purpose. b. The seed is what brings new life. c. The seed is what has the potential to make life productive. d. The seed is man’s connection to the Kingdom of God. 2. The seed is God’s Word. Matt. 13:18-23, Luke 8:11. 3. Only more

  • Seeds Series

    Contributed by Tim White on Mar 11, 2014

    Jesus teaches of the ways people receive the truth.

    A pastor once preached on this passage: A mother of 12 came forward, concerned that her life has not produced any eternal fruit. She told the pastor, “I am not sure that with my responsibilities, I have time to do anything of value to God.” The pastor tried to comfort the lady, prayed more

  • A Seed Of Matchless Worth

    Contributed by Chris Surber on Jul 23, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    The Kingdom of God is a seed of matchless worth which has been watered by the blood of Christ and the martyrs.

    A Seed of Matchless Worth, Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52 Introduction The hymn writer Fanny Crosby gave us more than 6,000 gospel songs. Although blinded by an illness at the age of six weeks, she never became bitter. One time a preacher sympathetically remarked, “I think it is great pity that the more

  • The Seed Series

    Contributed by Dwight Jones on May 12, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    This message and those that follow it are born out of study that I have been doing in preparation for a book that I will be writing in the coming months. Abram is one of the most colorful personalities in the Bible. I have often been intrigued with God’

    The Seed Genesis 3:14-15 (KJV) And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: [15] And I will put enmity between thee and the more

  • Seeds

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Aug 22, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    The facts about the seeds we sow

    The Seeds Introduction Last week we talked about sowing – how we are sowing seeds every day. Whether we want to or not, those seeds are going out. We looked at the Scripture in Galatians and Matthew – remember Galatians said, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, whatever a man sows, this he more

  • The Seeds Series

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Mar 19, 2003
    based on 21 ratings

    Understanding Sowing and Reaping

    The Seeds Introduction Last week we talked about sowing ¡V how we are sowing seeds every day. Whether we want to or not, those seeds are going out. We looked at the Scripture in Galatians and Matthew ¡V remember Galatians said, ¡§Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, whatever a man sows, this he more

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