Charles Holt
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
Sower + Seed + Soil
Contributed on Oct 8, 2008
Emphasixes the value of God’s Word -- The Bible -- and the need for serious Bible reading and understanding. The Bible is the most purchased but least read of all books.
Charles W. Holt Community of Grace "An Assemblies of God Fellowship" September 28, 2008 cholt@gt.rr.com SOWER + SEED + SOIL Text: Matthew 13:3-23 (NKJV) (See also Mark 4:1-20 and Luke 8:4-14) INTRODUCTION It is a well-known fact that the Bible is probably the best-selling book in ...read more
How To Deal With Mean, Ugly, Back-Stabbing People
Contributed on Jul 2, 2008
King David’s experience with his son Absolom and his counselor Ahithophel from Psalm 55 provide the backdrop for this message.
Charles W. Holt Community of Grace Church (An Assemblies of God Fellowship) cholt@gt.rr.com HOW TO DEAL WITH MEAN, UGLY, BACK-STABBING PEOPLE Psalm 55 I want to begin with a trivia question. Question: Who was Spike Jones and the City Slickers? I remember them as a musical ...read more
Contributed on Mar 1, 2008
We all know the Psalm 1 and John 15 passages on fruitfulness but Jesus gives us a deeper insight on this subject from a dynamic parable in Luke.
Charles W. Holt cholt@gt.rr.com Community of Grace Vinton, LA Feb. 17, 2008 FRUITFULNESS (A definition: fruit·ful ( fr›t“f…l) adj. 1. a. Producing fruit. 2. Producing something in abundance;. 3. Producing results; profitable. See note at fertile (American Heritage Dictionary) I want ...read more
Inside The Whale's Belly
Contributed on Mar 1, 2008
The purpose of adversities in life and how faith deals with them.
Charles W. Holt Your comments are appreciated cholt@gt.rr.com Community of Grace Vinton, LA 3-2-08 INSIDE THE WHALE’S BELLY Jonah 1:3,17 Let me define what I mean when I use the phrase Inside the Whale’s Belly. If you immediately think of the prophet Jonah, whose story is found in the Old ...read more
Now We See Through A Glass Darkly
Contributed on Aug 15, 2007
Everyone searches for answers to life’s WHY? qustions. This message is an attempt to shed some light on what are known as The Mysteries of Life.
Charles W. Holt Community of Grace An Assemblies of God Fellowship NOW WE SEE THROUGH A GLASS DARKLY "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." 1 Cor. 13:12 (KJV) Let’s focus on the first eight words ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Contributed on Apr 13, 2001
The Story Of Jacob
Contributed on Apr 13, 2001
Newest Sermon Illustrations
In 1838 And 1839, As Part Of President Andrew ...
Contributed on Jul 7, 2007
In 1838 and 1839, as part of President Andrew Jackson’s Indian removal policy, the Cherokee nation was forced to give up its lands east of the Mississippi River and to migrate to an area in present-day Oklahoma. They were driven from their homes, herded into internment camps, and moved by force to ...read more