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  • Secure In The Lord

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Aug 5, 2007

    Salvation Sheep & Security - Salvation is a gift, a life, and eternal

    PowerPoint Available + New Slide > Transition In ______________________________________________________ + Lots of talk about security > Social Security Number - Protection for poverty, old age, disability, unemployment - Now used as a ID number for individuals within the US > Financial Security more

  • What Is Salvation? Series

    Contributed by Rev. Bruce A. Shields on May 8, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    Teen Youth Group Study - What is Salvation?

    What is SALVATION? Rev. Bruce A. Shields First Baptist Church Tawas City Michigan USA Eternal Life Anyone can have Everlasting Life simply by believing in Christ (Acts 16:31). Faith in Jesus Christ alone brings the gift of Everlasting Life (Ephesians 2:8-9). The Lord Jesus more

  • Birthing A Promise

    Contributed by Daniel Haas on Dec 20, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    All the people involved in our story have speaking names and meaningful stories behind them: "David" means "the beloved one", "Gabriel" means "my master is God", "Joseph" means "The Lord shall increase", "Mirjam" means "out of the water", "Israel" means "

    Birthing a Promise Luke 1:26-38 Two stories: The Kingdom of David and the Virgin Birth of Jesus The Kingdom of David - "David" means "the beloved one" - said to be the author to many of the psalms - story of a shepherd becoming the greatest king - Birthing a promise: that little kid can achieve more

  • Amor De Amigas, Amor De Dios Series

    Contributed by Major Gerardo Balmori on Feb 24, 2008
    based on 29 ratings

    Lo que la Biblia enseña acerca de una de las relaciones mas hermosas, la de Ruth con Noemí.

    Amor de amigas, Amor de Dios Estudio Bíblico del Libro de Ruth El Ejército de Salvación The Salvation Army Iglesia Cristiana Evangélica, División de Nueva Jersey Enseñanza por: la Mayora Mónica Balmori Campamento de las Damas 2004 Marco Histórico A.Capítulo 1:1-5 Decisiones erradas de more

  • La Receta Para La Unción

    Contributed by Craig Benner on Aug 19, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Por analizar lo que contiene el aceite de la unción, entendemos de su valor y de su importancia.

    La Receta de la Unción Salmo 133 (Leer) -empieza por la cabeza y cubre todo el cuerpo -comparado con la unidad -es precioso ----"buen aceite" La Compostura del Aceite de la Unción Exo. 30:22-25 22 ¶ Jehovah también habló a Moisés diciendo: 23 "Toma especias aromáticas: de mirra granulada more

  • Dear Babby

    Contributed by Bruce Smalley on Aug 23, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    An article written in response to a "Dear Abby" letter and response in the local newspaper.

    Time for another “Dear Babby” column -- this time with an alternative response to the “letter” and “answer”: DEAR BABBY: My son let me know this past year that he is a kleptomaniac. My first reaction was to tell him it was OK. (I had already suspected that he more

  • Adviento: El Consuelo

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Nov 25, 2017

    Este es el misterio de la Iglesia. Dios que consuela a su pueblo.

    Adviento 2b "Consuelen, consuelen a mi pueblo, dice nuestro Dios.” – Hola, ¿está Con-suelo? – queriendo decir, ‘piso’ – No, aquí no tenemos ni techo. --Consuelo, unas cálidas palabras de Consuelo. -sin suelo, me caigo!! El profeta Isaías anima al pueblo de Israel, desterrado en Babilonia, more

  • Government Leadership Selection Series

    Contributed by Dr. Lewis W. Gregory on Oct 26, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    Selecting government leaders has very serious ramifications. When selecting government leaders to oversee the largest business in the US and the most powerful nation in the world, please keep in mind the following:

    I. Selecting government leaders has very serious ramifications. When selecting government leaders to oversee the largest business in the US and the most powerful nation in the world, please keep in mind the following: It is not a popularity contest! It is not a beauty contest! It is not like more

  • Serving God In A Corrupt World Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on May 28, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    This is the 151st sermon in the series "Action".

    Series: Action [#151] SERVING GOD IN A CORRUPT WORLD Acts 24:1-27 Introduction: This weekend, we celebrate Memorial Day. In April 1863, in Columbus, Mississippi after decorating graves of her two sons who served during the Civil War as Confederate soldiers, an elderly woman also decorated 2 more

  • La Vida Aprobada

    Contributed by Yosef Daniel on Jul 19, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    La vida aprobada es una vida declarada aprobada en los ojos de Dios. Es una vida sin vergüenza en su presencia porque sabemos que la sangre de Jesucristo nos ha limpiado de toda maldad.

    La Vida Aprobada El Apóstol Pablo dijo a Timoteo: Procura con diligencia presentarte a Dios aprobado, como obrero que no tiene de qué avergonzarse, que usa bien la palabra de verdad. 2 Timoteo 2:15i ¿Qué es la vida aprobada y por qué es importante procurarla? La vida more

  • Mi Debilidad, Mi Mayor Recurso

    Contributed by Joshua Pinto on Dec 12, 2002
    based on 106 ratings

    Todos tenemos debilidades en nuestras vidas. Mas sin embargo, muchos especialmente en la iglesia, tratan de esconder sus debilidades como si Dios se avergonzara de ellas. Se ponen la mascara de la religión para hacer que los demás piensen que son fuertes

    Mi Debilidad, Mi Mayor Recurso 1 Corintios 1:23-28 “23 mientras que nosotros predicamos a Cristo crucificado. Este mensaje es motivo de tropiezo para los judíos, y es locura para los gentiles, 24 pero para los que Dios ha llamado, lo mismo judíos que gentiles, Cristo es el poder de Dios y la more

  • La Misericordia De Dios Series

    Contributed by Esteban Ulloa on Dec 19, 2003
    based on 96 ratings

    Presenta la faceta de Dios que consiste en ser misericordioso para con el ser humano.

    TEMA: LA MISERICORDIA DE DIOS Texto: Isaías 42:1-4 Introduccion: Los evangelios: Mateo, Marcos, Lucas y Juan proclaman la vida y la obra de Jesucristo. Allí encontramos su historia en cada página. Pero, la Biblia entera, desde Génesis hasta Apocalipsis presenta a Jesús como su tema principal. more

  • Debt, Deliverance And Dignity

    Contributed by Dan Jackson on Sep 1, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    A message dealing with the disease of affluence and it’s consequences.

    Debt, Deliverance and Dignity 1 Timothy 6:5-11; 17-19 An elderly man on a Moped, looking about 100 years old, pulled up next to a doctor at a streetlight. The old fella looked at the sleek shiny car and asks, "What kind of car ya got there, sonny?" The doctor replies, "A Ferrari. It cost half a more

  • Christians, Countries, And Kingdom

    Contributed by David Owens on Nov 4, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    With the election coming up, we need a spiritual perspective about these things.

    A. The story is told of a boy, who wanted $100 very badly, so he prayed for two weeks but nothing happened. 1. Then he decided to write GOD a letter requesting $100. 2. When the postal authorities received the letter addressed to GOD, U.S.A., they decided to send it to the President. 3. The more

  • Resolution Number 1: Live Free In Christ

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Feb 18, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    The first of a four part series entitled, ‘Four Resolutions for 2008’

    For this sermon series there is a temporary change in the public reading of scripture. I am appreciative of our worship leaders who read the main sermon text each week. (Even when they have those hard to pronounce Old Testament words in them!) (Slide 1) The reason for this change is that we are more

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