
Summary: The need to focus on God when life seems out of focus.


Scripture: Isaiah 59:19

Earlier this week the eyes of the world were turned to America. The full colour pictures in newspapers and on television and the Internet were unbelievable. Large Boeing aircraft operated by American Airlines and United Airlines flew directly into the World Trade Centre in New York City and The Pentagon in Washington D.C. killing thousands of innocent, unsuspecting people. It was the work of a handful of dedicated hijackers. These twisted and deluded men thought they were doing God a favor by killing these Americans. They also thought God would give them special recognition in heaven for this diabolical act. They were wrong and today they are suffering the wrath of God.

But those Americans were not targeted because they were worse than anyone else. There were many who were Godly and wonderful people. Although 19 dedicated radical men perpetrated the act, the power behind it was Satan. It was one more ruthless demonstration of his desperate attempt to destroy mankind. His tactics may change but his mission is unchanged. He has you in his sights and he’ll attack you when and where you least expect it. He wants to hijack and destroy you. What should you do when these floods come rolling over you?


(A) He is never sleepy or feeble. (V.1)

(B) He is always just and holy. (V.2)

(C) His creative genius is without equal.

(D) His love knows no measure. (John 3:16)


(A) Cancer may stalk your footsteps.

(B) Accidents happen uninvited. (Luke 13:2-5)

(C) Our days are numbered. (Psalm 90:9-10)

(D) Only God never grows old. Old age will visit your home if you live long enough. Find that walking stick because you’ll need it.

(E) Your body belongs to God. (Romans 12:1)


(A) The standard identifies the group you march with.

(B) In the USA there are flags waving everywhere. It is their standard.

(C) Our standard is holiness and our headquarters is heaven.

(D) This earth is temporal. (Matthew 24:1-8)

(E) We are on a temporary battlefield. (James 1:2-3, 12)

(F) The basic rules of our standard are in Micah 6:8.


(A) Salvation is through Jesus alone. (Acts 16:25-31)

(B) There are no acceptable substitutes for Jesus. (Acts 4:10-12)

(C) We follow His example. (1 Peter 4:12-14)

(D) We release our fears to Him: (Luke 12:32)

(1) Fear of dying. (He is in control)

(2) Fear of the unknown. (He is in control)

(3) Fear of financial need. (He is in control)

(4) Illus: Religion Today 13 Sep 01


(A) We share a responsibility for others. Illus: Man escaping from World Trade Centre stopped to pray with a distraught woman. While he prayed some heavy debris fell where he would have been walking.

(B) We have a responsibility for our children. Your example will help or hurt them. (Matthew 18:3-6)

(C) We are responsible for prayer and soul-searching repentance. (Joel 2:15-17,21)

(D) We are responsible to make adjustments and changes in our life so God can “heal our land”. (2 Chronicles 7:14)

(E) The senseless hijacking and bloodbath last week was clearly wrong and uncalled for. The clock cannot be turned back, however, so maybe this was an “alarm” to wake us up to the continual flood being generated by Satan. As someone has said, “this should make us better not bitter”.

16 September 2001

London Pillar of Fire Chapel

Bernard Dawson, pastor

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