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Sermons on unshaken faith:

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  • Unshaken Faith Amidst Fiery Trials SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    A faith that is tested by fire is a faith that can be trusted.

    Today, we embark on a journey through the Old Testament, exploring stories of individuals who faced great fears and challenges. These men and women, just like us, experienced moments of fear in their lives. However, when confronted with the choice of following God or succumbing to their fears, they more

  • Standing On The Promises Of Christ, My King PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 22, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon encourages active faith in Christ's promises, finding strength in His word, and facing the future with unshaken belief, guided by love and hope.

    Good morning, beloved. I sense the presence of joy and peace in our midst today, a testament to the faithful love of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We are not just recipients of His grace, but also bearers of His light in a world that so desperately needs it. As we gather in fellowship today, let’s turn more

  • Unshaken To The End

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Dec 7, 2013

    To show that CHRIST is our Faith, Confidence and Firm Foundation.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you unshaken to the end? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that CHRIST is our Faith, Confidence and Firm Foundation. IV. TEXT: Hebrews 3:14 (Amplified Bible) 3:14 For we have become fellows with Christ (the Messiah) and share in all He has for us, if more

  • Standing Firm In The Faith: The Story Of Polycarp

    Contributed by Rev. Samuel Arimoro on Mar 17, 2025

    The story of Polycarp reminds us that true faith is tested in the fire of adversity. He could have saved his life by renouncing Christ, but he chose to stand firm because he understood that faithfulness to God is greater than any earthly comfort.

    STANDING FIRM IN THE FAITH: THE STORY OF POLYCARP By Rev. Samuel Arimoro Main Text: 1 Corinthians 15:58 Supporting Texts: 2 Timothy 4:7-8, Matthew 10:32-33, Revelation 2:10, Hebrews 10:23, Romans 8:35-39 INTRODUCTION: The Christian journey is one of faith, perseverance, and unwavering commitment more

  • Transformed By Trust: The Blessings Of Trusting In God Jeremiah 17:7-8 Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on May 2, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Jeremiah 17:7-8 presents a vivid picture of the transformative impact of wholehearted trust in the Lord.

    Transformed by Trust: The Blessings of Trusting in God Jeremiah 17:7-8 Introduction: Today, we embark on a journey of understanding the profound blessings that come from placing our trust in God. Our passage, Jeremiah 17:7-8, presents a vivid picture of the transformative impact of wholehearted more

  • Fan The Flame Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Jun 6, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Fan the flame of faith so you remain faithful when tough times come.

    Fan the Flame 2 Timothy 1:1-12 Rev. Brian Bill June 3-4, 2023 As we kick off the summer, I want to share how God led me to our new series called, “Standing Firm” from the book of 2 Timothy. Initially, I planned to preach through Colossians but as I followed the readings from the Edgewood Bible more

  • Compassion & Understanding Of The Lord Heals The Canaanite Woman’s Daughter

    Contributed by Revd Dr Ruwan Palapathwala on Dec 14, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Because we harbour differences, misunderstandings, resentments, and issues that we must sort out with the Lord, he may growl at us when we ask for a favour. But if our faith in God remains unshaken, the Lord will ensure that God will answer our cries for help.

    Today, I want to hear God speaking to us through the story of Jesus healing the Canaanite woman’s daughter, who was tormented by a demon. For many reasons, this is a unique and fascinating story. For starters, this story, which is placed in the region of Tyre and Sidon, is among the two stories more

  • Iiib2― Reasons For This Concern (Colossians 2:4-5) Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Nov 4, 2018

    Knowing that there were already enemies attacking the church in Colossae, Paul offered encouragement.

    9/3/18 Tom Lowe IIIB2? Reasons for This Concern (Colossians 2:4-5) • “Special Notes” and “Scripture” follow associated verses. • NIV Bible is used throughout unless noted otherwise. Colossians 2:4-5 (NIV) (4) I tell you this so that no one may deceive you by fine-sounding arguments. (5) For more

  • The Canaanite Woman PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 26, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon's main point is to highlight the boundless mercy of Jesus, the faith of a Canaanite woman, and God's plan of salvation for all people, regardless of their status, race, or failures.

    Good morning, church family. As we gather today, we are going to explore a passage from the Gospel of Matthew. In this passage, we'll see the boundless mercy of Jesus, the unshaken faith of a Canaanite woman, and most importantly, a glimpse into God's plan of salvation for all people, not just the more

  • Faith, Faith, And Faith

    Contributed by Jimmy Giffin on Apr 3, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    This message shows three distinct phases of Faith.

    FAITH, FAITH AND FAITH Text: John 11 Tell the story of the death of Lazarus. I. Struggling Faith (Martha) vv 20-27 A. A person in deep water. 1. Trying to find something to cling to. 2. But it is just out of reach. B. If you only had been here Jesus (Martha) 1. more

  • When You Have Done Your Best

    Contributed by Bright Adeyeye on Apr 25, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    Have you arrived at the end of the road in your search for solution and you don't know what else to do?

    WHEN YOU HAVE DONE YOUR BEST "10 And when Pharaoh drew near, the children of Israel lifted their eyes, and behold, the Egyptians marched after them. So they were very afraid, and the children of Israel cried out to the Lord. 11 Then they said to Moses, “Because there were no graves in Egypt, more

  • Faith Or Faithfulness? Series

    Contributed by Matthew Baker on Nov 3, 2000
    based on 607 ratings

    The disciples asked for faith but what they really needed was faithfulness.

    In our daily lives, we come across many different people. Often, when we are with strangers, in order to break the ice, we engage in what is called, "small talk." Small talk is a way to show friendliness by discussing things that are somewhat superficial. For decades, if not centuries, there has more

  • Faithfulness To The Faith Series

    Contributed by Russell Brownworth on Mar 3, 2003
    based on 20 ratings

    We are only one generation from extinction. It is vitally important to pass along our faith to the next leaders of the church.

    March 2, 2003 23In those days I also saw that the Jews had married women from Ashdod, Ammon and Moab. 24As for their children, half spoke in the language of Ashdod, and none of them was able to speak the language of Judah, but the language of his own people. 25So I contended with them and cursed more

  • Faith To Faith

    Contributed by J. Yeargin on Aug 21, 2003
    based on 46 ratings

    The Bible teaches that faith is the key to everything for the Christian. By faith we come to Christ. By faith we live our Christian lives with joy and gladness.

    Faith to Faith Text: Romans 1:17 Gullible. It never ceases to amaze me just how gullible people are. When P. T. Barnum said, "There’s a sucker born every minute," he was right. It seems that there is no limit to what we will believe. Listen to some of the titles that have appeared in the more

  • Faith For The Faithful

    Contributed by Matthew Morine on May 13, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Most people believe that the leadership of a congregation are the people with the strong faith. This is not always the case. Here is a lesson for the faithful to stay faithful.

    FAITH FOR THE FAITHFUL THEME: THOSE WHO ARE FAITHFUL MUST ADMIT A FAITH WEAKNESS. TEXT: MARK 9:14-29 It seems that in the church those in a leadership position are strong in the faith. The elders, deacons, preachers, and teachers are those who are solid with the faith. This seems to be the more