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  • Witnessing To Church Goer, Crisis Person, Cult Member

    Contributed by Larry Wolfe on Jul 25, 2009

    Instructions for witnessing to various unsaved people

    Winning the Church Goer, Crisis Person and the Cult Member I. Witnessing to and Winning the Church Goer/Religious, Rich Ruler of the Jews (John 3) 1. Responding to Religious People Seeking Answers (Catholics & Protestant Denominations) 2. Respond by boldly confronting with the Truth (Preach more

  • Preparation For A New Step Of Faith Lesson 4 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Apr 3, 2024

    God uses unsaved people in the ministry of Christians.

    A. YOUR ATTITUDE BEFORE ACTIONS 1. Act on what God has told you. “Arise, go over this Jordan . . . to the land which I am giving them” (1:2). a. God sends us. “Go into all the world and preach the gospel” (Mark 16:15). b. God wants to use us. “Yield ye your members” (Romans 6:13, KJV). c. God more

  • Lesson 2: God Doesn't Want Anyone To Go To Hell

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Aug 31, 2012

    God Sends Unsaved People to Hell, but He doesn't Want them to Go

    Series: Surprising Things About Hell Dr. Elmer Towns Lesson 2 May 27, 2012 A. WHY PEOPLE ARE LOST (EVEN THOSE WHO NEVER HEARD THE NAME JESUS CHRIST) God has shown His anger by sending all unsaved people to hell, who have pushed away more

  • The Unsaved Christian Series

    Contributed by Jacob Burdette on Dec 4, 2023

    A look at Cultural Christianity

    The Unsaved Christian If you would, open your Bible to Matthew 7. During a Sunday school lesson, a child learned about how God created human beings. The child became especially focused when the teacher explained how Eve was created from Adam’s ribs. Later in the week, the boy’s mother saw him more

  • The Portion Of The Unsaved

    Contributed by Melvin Shelton on Jul 31, 2003
    based on 11 ratings

    But the unsaved will consciously live eternally in a place prepared for the devil and his angels.

    THE PORTION OF THE UNSAVED Revelation 21:8 Even while God describes the future home of the saved, and all the blessings we are to enjoy. He, with a painful heart, describes those who will not be there. Think about it. The saved will eternally in a place prepared for them by Jesus. But the unsaved more

  • With An Unsaved Spouse Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Jun 25, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    In 1 Peter 3:1-7 we can see The Wife’s Responsibility of being A) Submissive, B) Faithful and C) Modest

    Lina Joy, 43, lost the court battle to change her religion from Islam to Christianity on Wednesday when the Malaysian Federal Court ruled she should seek permission to officially change her religion from Islam to Christianity at Islamic Shariah courts. Joy had been engaged in a legal battle for six more

  • Marks Of Hypocrites Who Think They Are Saved, Holy And Godly. Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Oct 10, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    A Good tree produces Good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit. A Good Tree can’t produce bad fruit, and a bad tree can’t produce good fruit. So every Tree that does NOT produce Good Fruit is chopped down and thrown into the Fire.Matt 7:15-20

    1. We have to be careful and take heed that no one deceives us. 2. Many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. 3. We need to Beware of False Prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves. 4. The Hypocrites will act religiously, but they will reject the power more

  • Eight People Who Will Not Go To Heaven

    Contributed by Rodelio Mallari on Nov 20, 2010
    based on 8 ratings

    There are some who believe a preacher should not preach on hell. But as long as it is in the Bible it must be preached. In fact, Jesus preached more about hell than anyone. He preached about hell because he came to seek and to save the lost. He gave his l

    Intro: There are some who believe a preacher should not preach on hell. But as long as it is in the Bible it must be preached. In fact, Jesus preached more about hell than anyone. He preached about hell because he came to seek and to save the lost. He gave his life for us so we could escape hell if more

  • Can God Hear The Prayers Of The Unsaved?

    Contributed by Pastor Jeff Hughes on Feb 16, 2014

    I've had many people that are no more saved than the man in the moon tell me "I pray all the time!" Is this right? Can God hear the prayers of the unsaved? I'd say the answer is no...for the most part.

    Can God Hear The Prayers Of The Unsaved? Back in April, I had the opportunity to witness to a young woman who was not saved. She had been influenced by different religions, including the Jehovah's Witnesses. I conveyed to her that to get to heaven, a person had to have a saving relationship more

  • The Unsaved In The Last Days

    Contributed by Shawn Miller on Jun 4, 2021

    A picture of the depravity of those unbelievers in the last days

    The Unsaved in the last days Introduction: As I said last week in Sunday School you don’t have to look far to find the moral rot that is infesting our culture today. It’s so bad that felons feel like saints, they look around and see society is making them feel normal every day. But what I want more

  • Unsaved "christians"

    Contributed by David Mende on Jul 13, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    Good works are not the root of salvation, but they sure are the fruit of salvation. There are so many "Christians" in our churches who are not really saved. I would be delighted if you could rate this sermon and give brief feedback.

    Unsaved “Christians” (Preached first on 02/11/08, Sunday) Text: Luke 6:43-46 Explain the Scripture text. Illustration: The great evangelist, Billy Graham, has been quoted many times as saying that the greatest mission field in our country to today is in our local church – the people sitting more

  • A Funeral Message For An Unsaved Friend

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Mar 16, 2023

    This message was presented at the funeral of a longtime friend who never professed Christ. Many at the service were unsaved.

    “Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near of which you will say, ‘I have no pleasure in them;’ before the sun and the light and the moon and the stars are darkened and the clouds return after the rain, in the day when the keepers of the more

  • The Six Basic Needs Of The Unsaved

    Contributed by Ronnie Mutina on Dec 28, 2005
    based on 57 ratings

    Every person needs to know information about how they can be saved.

    THE SIX BASIC NEEDS OF THE UNSAVED Acts 16:25 – 31 INTRODUCTION A. This passage, we are looking at today, has some great meaning in it. 1. We could talk about the faithfulness of Paul and Silas. 2. We could talk about the power of prayer and how God answers them. more

  • John 3:16-17

    Contributed by Lee Houston on Dec 20, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Last week, I had three people tell me that they did not feel Saved. They wanted to know how to be sure. If three people asked me that, I have to imagine that there are others in our mists who have the same question. So how do you know for sure?

    Scripture: John 3:16-17 Central idea: Jesus Saves. Specific purpose: to reach the unsaved. Introduction: Last week, I had three people tell me that they did not feel Saved. They wanted to know how to be sure. If three people asked me that, I have to imagine that there are others more

  • What Happens When An Unsaved Person Dies? Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Nov 22, 2010

    Jesus wants us to know, so in these verses He shows us: 1. The reality of hell (vs. 22-26) 2. The way to be rescued by God (vs. 20-22 & 27-31) 3. The road to hell (vs. 27-31) 4. Our responsibility to help people avoid hell (vs. 27-28)

    What Happens When an Unsaved Person Dies? Series: The Other Side of Death Luke 16:19-31 Sermon by Rick Crandall McClendon Baptist Church - Feb. 28, 2010 *Updated Oct. 16, 2011 for Grayson Baptist Church INTRODUCTION: *Red Adair was the oil field firefighter made famous by a 1968 John Wayne movie more