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Sermons on understanding god and sin:

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  • Understanding God's Will

    Contributed by Jeremy Lane on May 15, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    A message addressing the challenge of determining, accepting, and enjoying the impact of being within God's Will for our lives.

    UNDERSTANDING GOD’S WILL BACKGROUND Though John’s writings are typically referred to as letters, or epistles, they lack many characteristics of other letters found in the Bible. (Paul, for example) John does not designate certain recipients, nor does he express any personal more

  • Understanding The Root Problem

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Sep 13, 2001
    based on 64 ratings

    This past week we learned what people are capable of…and we know why. The ultimate enemy is sin. As we try to recover from the shock of the most horrific terrorist attack in history, there’s a crying, desperate need to make some sense of what’s happened

    This past week we learned what people are capable of…and we know why. The ultimate enemy is sin. As we try to recover from the shock of the most horrific terrorist attack in history, there’s a crying, desperate need to make some sense of what’s happened. I want to emphasize that, while more

  • Go! And Understand God’s Heart Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Feb 7, 2025
    based on 1 rating

    Throughout Scripture, we see a God who is both loving and just, a Creator who delights in His creation yet grieves over sin. The contrast between Genesis 1:31 and Genesis 6:6 presents a powerful opportunity to explore the heart of God.

    Go! And Understand God’s Heart Introduction: A Tale of Two Verses Throughout Scripture, we see a God who is both loving and just, a Creator who delights in His creation yet grieves over sin. The contrast between Genesis 1:31 and Genesis 6:6 presents a powerful opportunity to explore the heart of more

  • Why Dont You Understand?

    Contributed by Anthony Smith on May 31, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    Why people dont understand Gods will in their Life.Calling man to repent and be saved.

    Why Don’t You Understand? What keeps the world from understanding the will of God in their lives? Mar 8:21 And he said unto them, How is it that ye do not understand? Mar 8:33 But when he had turned about more

  • The Unforgivable Sin: Understanding Sin, Forgiveness, And The Holy Spirit

    Contributed by Pastor Matthew Faure on May 3, 2023

    The Unforgivable Sin: Understanding Sin, Forgiveness, and the Holy Spirit

    The Unforgivable Sin: Understanding Sin, Forgiveness, and the Holy Spirit Introduction The concept of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and the unforgivable sin is a topic that has been debated by theologians for centuries. The concept is rooted in the Bible and has been interpreted in various ways by more

  • Understanding Temptation Series

    Contributed by Dan Proctor on Oct 31, 2016

    Why do we sin against God? Why do we mess up, make terrible choices, and then have to live with the consequences? Why do we get ourselves into bondage to sin and certain destructive patterns of behavior?

    Understanding Temptation Matthew 4 Introduction: 1. Why do we sin against God? Why do we mess up, make terrible choices, and then have to live with the consequences? Why do we get ourselves into bondage to sin and certain destructive patterns of behavior? • Have you ever done something more

  • God’s People’s Response To His Judgment Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Mar 16, 2025

    God’s judgment will fall upon the whole Earth, but His city is kept within His protection; a place reserved & provided for by Him! It is a place that is guarded (walls and gates), with access only through one way: Jesus!

    Isaiah, Part 10 God’s People’s Response to His Judgment Isaiah 24:1-23, Isaiah 25:1-12, and Isaiah 26:1-6 Introduction - Welcome to Seasons! We are so glad that you’ve chosen to worship with us - Last week, we saw the future punishment of Satan, and the hope it does bring -- REALIZE: If God more

  • Understanding God’s Will

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Dec 6, 2005
    based on 177 ratings

    SEEK it, SURRENDER to it, and STAND in it. It’s REAL, can be REFUSED, but it’s always RIGHT! Link included to formatted text, audio/video, and PowerPoint.

    Understanding God’s Will Romans 12:1-2’sWill.html We usually look at this passage and talk about surrender...but surrender to what? The will of God in the end of v. 2! Or we talk about separation...but separation unto what? The will of God! And that should be more

  • Understanding The Law Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on May 9, 2011

    A sermon on Hebrews 7:19 about the Law

    HoHum: J. Oswald Sanders Once Pointed Out: “The round of pleasure or the amassing of wealth are [often] but vain attempts to escape from the persistent ache. The millionaire is usually a lonely man and the comedian is often more unhappy than his audience.” In His Book, “Facing more

  • Understanding His Holiness & Our Sinfulness Series

    Contributed by Matthew Grise on Apr 27, 2010

    1 John 1:5-10. Having fellowship with the Father means we walk in the light as he is in the light.

    1 JOHN | FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD AND MEN FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD: UNDERSTANDING HIS HOLINESS & OUR SINFULNESS 1 JOHN 1:5-10 [INTRODUCTION] - There is something about famous people that causes us to act differently when we are around them than we normally act. Have you ever met someone who is famous, or more

  • Understanding Trials And Temptations Series

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Jan 15, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    There is a difference between a trial and a temptation. there is a difference in the way that we approach our trials. God has to be in charge.

    Faith that Works; Understanding trials of Life James 1:1-18 Introduction: We are starting a new series this week called Faith that works. We will be studying the book of James. Possible other lessons; Listening and living the Word of God. Taming you tongue. more

  • The Promise Of Understanding Series

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Mar 5, 2013

    Jesus promises that when we pay attention, understand, and obey what we have been taught He will give us the keys to unlock the secrets of the Kingdom.

    Two kingdoms are at war with each other, the kingdom of sin that leads to death and the Kingdom of Jesus that leads to life. Two kingdoms in an epic battle for each of us. Last week I declared that the battle has begun against the illegal actions that sin has taken toward the will of God. Last week more

  • Understanding The Holy Supper SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 12, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    A comprehensive guide to the Lord's Supper, its origins, and its significance in today's world. The sermon also discusses why it is not suitable for young children and those with sin in their hearts to partake in it.

    Today is the first Sunday of the month, and we will be observing the Lord's Supper. It is important for us to understand what the Lord's Supper is, where it comes from, and how we are supposed to partake in it. The Lord's Supper has its roots in the Passover meal that the ancient Israelites more

  • A Time To Understand

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 40 ratings

    Jeremiah addresses some major themes; this themes are key, they help us relate to God, the evening news, and our personal lives. Life is RICHER if you understand God, His faithfulness, and His direction for us as individuals

    Intro 1. What is your favorite book of the Bible? Psalms? Prov.? Romans? Revelation? 2. I have enjoyed myself this year, preaching from our LEAP 2000 readings. 3. I love the Word of God; some books fascinate me more than others. Jeremiah is not one of my favorites, but there are a few more

  • A Time To Understand

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 55 ratings

    Life is RICHER if you understand God, His faithfulness, and His direction for us as individuals.

    Intro 1. What is your favorite book of the Bible? Psalms? Prov.? Romans? Revelation? 2. I have enjoyed myself this year, preaching from our LEAP 2000 readings. 3. I love the Word of God; some books fascinate me more than others. Jeremiah is not one of my favorites, but there are a few more

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